Destiny 2 - Legendary Warlock Armor Sets: Directory

This page contains all of the legendary warlock armor sets that are available in the game, Destiny 2. It consists of the armor's cover, boots and others.

Legendary Warlock Armor Sets

This page contains all of the legendary warlock armor sets that are available in the game, Destiny 2. It consists of the armor’s cover, boots, gloves, robes and bond. The perks will also be shown and explained of what benefit it gives as well as the power and defense each item provides. There will also be a section on how you can obtain the item whether it be through trading from the vendor, or through random drops and other events.

Legendary Warlock Armor
Lost Pacific Exodus Down Wildwood
Gensym Knight Ankaa Seeker IV Ego Talon IV
Xenos Vale IV Heiro Camo High-Minded Complex
Tesseract Trace Fulminator Sekris
Optimacy  Philomath

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