Miniature Models Locations [Mass Effect Andromeda]

This page contains a guide on how to obtain all miniature models in Mass Effect Andromeda.

Among the various collectibles in Mass Effect Andromeda are miniature models that resemble the different ships and vehicles in the game. They are scattered across different galaxies, so you’ll need to progress through the game to collect them all.

All the models that you’ve collected can be viewed in your room on the Tempest.

All Miniature Model Locations

Below is a list of obtainable miniature models in the game, as well as the methods on how to obtain them.

Model How to Obtain
Normandy SR-2 You can find the Normandy SR-2 Model Ship in Alec Ryder’s Room on Ark Hyperion. It will be above his bed.
Alliance Dreadnought Found in the Black Market Dealer’s Hut in Kadara Slums.
Initiative Fighter During the Side Mission Nakmor Drack: Krogan Betrayal. It is found in William Spencer
Kett Fighter When you reach the Outcast Headquarters in Kadara during the Main Mission Hunting the Archon head to the small room just across the door that goes to the prison cells.
Kett Shuttle You can buy it from Thrasia for 100 Credits at Varren’s Scalp on Kadara.
Destiny Ascension Mode When you get to New Tuchanka in Elaaden proceed to the lowest floor. You will find the model on top of some crates to the left of the bar.
Ark Hyperion Found in a building in Prodromos (Eos) after successfully establishing an outpost
Angaran Shuttle Found at Aya Docks, in the Port Captain’s Room
Archon’s Flagship You can buy it at the Nexus General Store for 100 Credits after clearing the Main Mission Hunting the Archon
N01 Nomad You can buy it at the Nexus General Store for 100 Credits.
Nexus You can buy it at the Nexus General Store for 100 Credits.
Citadel You can buy it at the Nexus General Store for 100 Credits after clearing the Main Mission Journey to Meridian.
Tempest After Movie Night
Turian Frigate Found in a building in Taerve Uni on Voeld after yo clear the outpost.
Remant Derelict Model After completing all Main Missions and starting a new game, it will be near Alec’s terminal (on the left side of the desk) during the Main Mission  Prologue

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  1. It would be really helpful if you could post screenshots of the models, especially if the screenshots would show where it is displayed in Ryder’s quarter. Like a lot of people I am missing some of them, but I can find no guide to help me figure out which ones.

  2. so far i have found 15 models looking for 2 more will post a video soon on my YouTube SealingRico WWD thanks ..

  3. Theres only 13 on the list when there is 18 to be found, although i’m only looking for the one in the bottom left, behind SAM, any ideas where it mi