Training and Starting Guide [Mass Effect Andromeda]

This article contains a guide for Training in Mass Effect Andromeda

Training your character

When Mass Effect Andromeda starts, you’ll have the privilege of creating your own character. While you can customize them all the way down to their name and gender, you’ll also select your Training. The Training system is where you get to choose your job classes and what kind of abilities you can focus on. There are six kinds of training to come from: security, biotic, technician, leader, scrapper, and operative.


The training is also known as the Pathfinder’s technical background. When you choose a certain Training, you’ll unlock certain skills immediately. However, there are some skills you have expend some points in order to move to that skill tree.


The security focuses more on weapons. During your service to the Alliance’s military, you focused on learning weapons and tactics. You have several powers:

  • Concussive Shot – This comes out as your starting power when you select the Security training. It fires a heat-seeking, high impact round to knock down enemies.
  • Turbocharge – Grants a short-term boost to weapon rate and thermal clip efficiency.
  • Combat Fitness – Grants increased durability and allows you to carry more weapons into battle.

This training defines the pathfinder as those for the “Soldier” class. As one of the soldiers, you have heightened evasion. You can dash through the sands and make your way past enemies before blasting them. When fighting as a Security, combo your Turbocharge with your Concussive Shot to quickly down an enemy. You can also use Combat Fitness as it is a passive skill. However, you will suffer a power penalty for being overfilled with items.


As a Biotic, you were effectively a “designated biotic” during your Alliance Military tenure. You assisted your fellow allies by manipulating the mass effect fields. You have several powers:

  • Throw – This is the starting power for Biotics. You use your biotic powers to hurl an opponent through the air.
  • Singularity – This is one of the early unlock skills for the Biotics. You create a vortex that will trap and disable enemies caught in its field.
  • Barrier – Bolster your defenses with a powerful biotic barrier.

The Biotics are the mages of Mass Effect Andromeda. Or in the original series, they call them the Adepts. They have high crowd-control ability and often use their biotic powers to take down enemies. Their starting ability, Throw, has a low cool-down which allows you attack almost as fast a gun.


As a Technician, your main stock and trade is your knowledge in drones. Not only that, you’re also able to hack enemy systems. The technician comes out more as a utility class and has high levels of adaptability. If anything, using the Technician class is almost as similar as Overwatch’s Sombra. You have several powers:

  • Overload – This skill allows you to release an electrical discharge. It deals high damage to shields and synthetic enemies. This chains to multiple enemies.
  • Invasion – Hack into your enemy’s armor and weapons. This allows you to weaken their defenses and even spread the damage to nearby foes.
  • Team Support – Develop a specialized technology to bolster the survivability.

In other words, the Technician relies on debuffs. However, their ability Overload can be useful especially in taking out shields. They’re considered the Engineers from the original Mass Effect.


More a team player and a natural leader, you stick closely to your allies. The Leaders are the support-classes of Mass Effect Andromeda. Some of these support abilities include Team Support which bolster the team’s overall survivability. The Leader also has their own skills such as:

  • Energy Drain – Drain your target’s shields to replenish your own. This is especially effective against synthetic enemies.
  • Annihilation – Weave a shifting aura of mass effect fields around you to slowly damage foes.
  • Team Support – Developed a special technology to bolster team survivability.

Energy Drain can allow a Leader to tank during battles. For a combination, run Annihilation before spamming Energy Drain on your enemies.


When there was a battle, the Scrapper always was found in the thick of it. Whether under the orders of the Alliance or not, the Scrapper found itself tanking for its teammates. Unfortunately, the Scrapper only has two skills at the start of the game:

  • Charge – Launch yourself like a comet into your enemies before regaining a portion of your shields on impact.
  • Combat Fitness – Grants increased durability and allows you to carry more weapons into battle.

This character is known as the Vanguard from the original trailer. As such, they are known to blow holes into an array of enemies. They knock them down with sheer brute force, similarly to a Berserker.


The operative is similar to an RPG’s thief class. They have tactical cloaks that allow them to hide from enemies. They can use this to either attack the enemy and deal heavy damage. Or, they can also use it to support. This kind of job class is very valuable, especially in multiplayer. They have several skills:

  • Tactical Cloak – Employ light-bending technology to become invisible for a short duration. Gain a large damage bonus if you attack when you break out of stealth.
  • Combat Fitness – Grants increased durability and allows you to carry more weapons into battle.

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