In this article we will talk about the general tips and tricks you need to know while playing Destiny 2.
Destiny 2 Tips and Tricks
These are some general tips and tricks that might help you survive the early game in Destiny 2. This article is based on /u/redka243’s reddit thread on the official Destiny subreddit page. You can find that page here.
Note: This page will be continuously updated as Samurai Gamers uncovers more of Destiny 2’s fantastic gameplay. We are currently playing the game and gathering information as we speak!
- There is a transfer system that you can use between characters. You can find it here.
- Pressing start and select / Options and touchpad takes you to the destination map.
Weapons and Gear
- Don’t sell every weapon you have–keep some that you enjoy using in spite of power level. Power levels don’t matter in standard crucible matches.
- Note that some weapons have level requirements. You might want to pass a few weapons to pass on to secondary characters.
- You’ll have to level up to Lv.20 to get a sparrow, which might entail finishing the game unless you find one in random drops, eververse engram, or from the Target Poptarts promo.
- You can hold down the trigger on grenade launchers, and then release when you want it to detonate. This is called “cooking” a grenade.
- Dismantling old gear to obtain glimmer/materials/shards, depending on the rarity.
- Holding the jump button will allow you to climb up objects you can’t jump on top of. Jump into the ledge and your character will auto grab.
- Levelling up in PVE is faster than in PVP, in that there’s much more experience gained per amount of time spent and loot gained. PVE is much more guaranteed to reap more benefits.
- At some point around 11-14 your character will be offered 3 good weapons that are very powerful: the Sunshot and Graviton Lance, and Riskrunner. (People in the thread think Graviton Lance is pretty fun to play with, and Sunshot is the poorest.)
- You have to get to a certain point in the story to look for bounties / Challenges.
Do you have any other tips and tricks you would like to share? Comment below and let us know!
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