How To Infuse Armor and Weapons
Infuse is a means to increase the power level of low-level Legendary and Exotic armor. For example, you find a really cool looking armor. Unfortunately, the stats are quite low. But there’s a way to increase its power in hopes of having it become increasingly useful later on. The concept of Infuse is to feed lower armors or weapons to the armor of choice.
Steps for Infuse

- Pick a legendary gear or exotic gear of your choice.
- Under weapon or armor mods, there’s an option for a player to Infuse.
- Highlight the armor/weapon to find out what armors and weapons you can infuse with the gear. However, this takes quite an amount of Legendary Shards and Glimmer.
- Glimmer comes from dismantling armors and weapons. The higher the rarity, the more Glimmer it drops.
When is the best time to start Infusing?
Personally, the best time to infuse is when the player finishes the game. It also works best if the player intends to enter the PvP area: the Crucible. In doing so, the player can increase his power and battle without losing the armor. However, to gain these Legendary Shards, the player needs to farm Exotic and Legendary armor. Unfortunately, this only comes from Exotic Engrams or Legendary Engrams that players earn.
This particular portion of the game is best for either late game or post game. After all, there are Raids and also Nightfall Strikes which have increased levels of difficulty. Also, the Crucible also tests the amount of power the player has so maybe infusing later on maybe a better idea.
However, if you’re stuck with two armors of the same name and same stats, look at the level. The level and power of the armor will dictate as to which armor one will keep.
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