Destiny 2 - An Insurmountable Skullfort: Exotic Helmet

An Insurmountable Skullfort is a titan-class exotic helmet that can be found in Destiny 2. In this article we will talk about how to acquire it.

An Insurmountable Skullfort

An Insurmountable Skullfort from the original Destiny The Taken King expansion. It was originally available for purchase from Xur, Agent of Nine. However, in both versions, it is only available to Titan class players. This helmet regenerates melee energy and health in the right circumstances. Therefore, this helmet should be sought out if you are looking for armor that’s good for a melee build.

Stats of An Insurmountable Skullfort

insurmountable skullfort
Source: Destiny 2 Wiki
Power Defense
35 10-300

An Insurmountable Skullfort has a few perks. One is the Exotic Intrinsic: Transfusion Matrix. This Transfusion Matrix promotes the use of melee attacks by regenerating health and energy. Use this helmet if you are going to use melee constantly in your missions and combat. You will trigger health regeneration and restore melee energy when you kill with Arc melee.

Other mod / perks include Mobility Enhancement Mod, which increases mobility for combat, and Restorative Mod, which increases health recovery, adding up to the health regen in the intrinsic Transfusion Matrix. 

How to Obtain

An Insurmountable Skullfort can only be obtained through exotic engrams. You can obtain exotic engrams in-game through many means. If you don’t like that, you can purchase engrams from the game’s store. You will need to use money through this method, however. Also, you can also farm engrams by winning  them in weekly missions. Finally, you can take Nightfall Strike Missions with a fireteam to get better loot. In a nightfall strike, you will have to go through a harder version of Strike Mode. These strikes rotate every week.

You can find other methods of farming exotic engrams here.

Other Exotic Helmets

Eye of Another World Nazarec’s Sin Skull of Dire Ahamkara
Crown of Tempests Foetracer Mask of the Quiet One
Celestial Nighthawk

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