Destiny 2 - Nezarecs Sin: Exotic Helmet

Nezarecs Sin is a very iconic helmet in Destiny 2. Here is a guide on how to obtain it and what perks and statistics it has.

Nezarec’s Sin

Nezarec’s Sin is a very ornate exotic helmet, with two horns stretching up nearly a foot from the base. Impracticalities aside, this helmet is very iconic, and has many perks. They can only be used by warlocks, however. This helmet is associated with Nezarec–the “final god of pain,” a kind of dark messiah.

Stats of Nezarecs Sin

nezarecs sin
Source: Destiny 2 Wiki
Power Defense
35 10-300

Obtaining Nazarec’s SinNezarecs Sin has a couple of perks that make it very beneficial in battle. Specifically, Abyssal Extractors allows your warlock to recharge at a much faster rate when you use void weaponry to kill your enemies. Apart from this perk, Nezarec’s Sin also has the Mobility Enhancement Mod, which also increases mobility. This mod is necessary when you are in a really fast-paced combat situation where your maneuverability is key to winning the match.

Like some exotic weapons, Nezarecs Sin is not easy to find. You can only find it by purchasing or earning an Exotic Engram–and even then, you’d have to hope that the RNG is on your side! Luckily, we have a farming guide for engrams, which you could visit here. Engrams can be farmed via Nightfall Strikes, which change weekly. The drop rates for exotic engrams are higher on Nightfall Strikes, so it’s best for you to win them. Other methods are public events, which also has an incredibly high drop rate of exotic engrams, and Crucible matches, which is high risk-high reward in nature. If you’re planning to try and win crucible matches, come check out our guide here.

Other Exotic Helmets

Eye of Another World Foetracer Skull of Dire Ahamkara


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