Weapons, Equipment, and Abilities
Weapons | Armor | Accessories |
Items | Key Items | Abilities |
Materia | Summons | Limit Breaks |
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Accessories
Here is a list of accessories that can be acquired and purchased in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade.
Name | Effects | How to Obtain |
Power Wristguards | Increases strength by 5%. |
Bulletproof Vest | Increases vitality by 5%. |
Earrings | Increases magic power by 5%. |
Talisman | Increases spirit by 5%. |
Revival Earrings | Enter battle with the Auto-life status effect. Breaks upon use. |
Crescent Moon Charm | Reduces damage taken when equipped by non-active characters. |
Star Pendant | Become immune to Poison. |
Whistlewind Scarf | Enter battle with a slightly filled ATB gauge. | Purchase from the Moogle Shop at Sector Slums (Children’s Secret Hideout) |
Salvation Badge | Increases the effectiveness of healing spells cast on you when HP is 25% or lower. | Purchase from the Moogle Shop at Sector Slums (Children’s Secret Hideout) |
Protective Boots | Become immune to Slow & Stop. | Clear Weapons on a Rampage Mercenary Quest at Sector 5 Slums. |
Spectral Cogwheel | Consuming MP fills the limit gauge. |
Headband | Become immune to Sleep. |
Champion Belt |
Fury Ring | Enter battle with the berserk status effect. |
Mythical Amulet | Strengthens summons called forth in battle. |
Healing Carcanet | Increases the effectiveness of healing items, spells and abilities. |
Transference Module | Consuming ATB charges fill the limit gauge. |
Enfeeblement Ring | Enter battle with the toad status effect. | Purchase from Moogle Merchant at Sector 5 Slums (Children’s Secret Hideout) |
Circlet |
Obtained behind one of the dragon gates during Corneo’s Secret Stash quest |
Otherworldly Crystal | Reduces the duration of detrimental status effects. | Underground Passage at Corneo Mansion (third door upstairs). |
Clarity Pendant | Completely fills ATB gauge after using Refocus. | Clear Two-Person Team vs Slum Outlaws Corneo Colosseum Battle Challenge. |
Gotterdammerung | Enter battle with a full limit break gauge. Limit break gauge gradually fills during battle. | Clear Three-Person Team vs Top Secrets in Shinra VR Combat Simulator (Hard Mode only). |
Moogle’s Amulet | Increases the probability that enemies will drop items in battle. | Clear Two-Person Team vs Team Payback Corneo Colosseum Battle Challenge. |
Gozu Drive | Increases damage dealt proportional to character’s current HP. Only effective when a Chthonian Armlet is equipped. | The Pillar, Sector 7 | Defeat the Horned Cripshay. |
Mezu Drive | Increases damage dealt inversely proportional to character’s current MP. Only effective when a Chthonian Armlet is equipped. | Sector 7 | Defeat Levrikon. |
Ribbon | Prevents detrimental status effects. Makes it harder to be interrupted when casting magic. | B14 Advanced Weaponry, Shinra Building | Obtained from a chest. |
Other Accessories
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