How to Get Ultra Necrozma
In-game, you will encounter Necrozma three times. However, you can not use a Pokeball in your first or second encounters.
- The first encounter with Necrozma is at the altar of the moon ring on Poni Island.
- The second time you’ll encounter Necrozma will be at the Ultra Megalopolis.
- The final encounter with Necrozma will be at Mount Lanakila on Ula’ula Island.
You will encounter Necrozma at Mount Lanakila along the victory road after the events at Ultra Megalopolis. Northwest of Mount Lanakila’s cave area is an ice-covered rock. Head to the back of the room and you’ll see a hole to the left of the rock. Enter the hole and talk to Necrozma inside to fight it. You can throw a ball at Ultra Necrozma and catch it this time. Necrozma uses a Z-crystal to evolve.
Necrozma’s New Evolution
Ultra Sun and Moon introduces a new evolution for Necrozma, Ultra Necrozma.
To obtain Ultra Necrozma, it is necessary for Necrozma to absorb Solgaleo or Lunala. He becomes Dawn Wing Necrozma or Dusk Mane Necrozma upon doing so.

How to Evolve into Dusk Mane Necrozma (Ultra Sun)
This Pokemon is available at the end of the story. After obtaining Necrozma, fuse it with Solgaleo to get Dusk Mane Necrozma.
- Obtain Necrozma.
- Afterwards, obtain the N-Solarizer machine from Professor Colress.
Ultra Sun Version
Head to the Mahalo mountain road on Melemele Island. Upon reaching the suspension bridge, you will meet Lillie and Solgaleo. Talk to the pair to start a battle. Catch Solgaleo here.
- If you have Solgaleo in your party, use the N-solarizer machine on Solgaleo. Necrozma and Solgaleo will combine to form Dusk Mane Necrozma.
Ultra Moon Version
You cannot get Solgaleo in-game if you have Ultra Moon. However, you can obtain a Solgaleo by trading. Use the N-Solarizer machine to form Dusk Mane Necrozma.
How to Evolve into Dawn Wing Necrozma (Ultra Moon)
Similar to Dusk Mane Necrozma, you can obtain Dawn Wing Necrozma late in the game. After obtaining Necrozma, fuse it with Lunala using the N-Lunarizer machine to form Dawn Wing Necrozma.
- Obtain Necrozma.
- Afterwards, obtain the N-Lunarizer machine from Professor Colress.
Ultra Sun Version
You cannot obtain Lunala in the Ultra Sun version. However, like Solgaleo, Lunala can be obtained by trading with another player. Use the Colress machine (N-lunarizer) in order to fuse Necrozma and Lunala.
Ultra Moon Version
Head to Mahalo mountain on Melemele Island. After arriving, proceed to the suspension bridge, where Lilie is waiting with Lunala. Fight and catch Lunala.
- If you have Lunala in your party, use the N-lunarizer on Lunala in order to form into Dawn Wing Necrozma.
How to Evolve into Ultra Necrozma
In order to evolve into Ultra Necrozma, use either of the Necrozma forms. In battle, select the “Ultra Burst” button on the technique selection screen.
Upon using “Ultra Burst,” you can change into Ultra Necrozma. In addition to Ultra Necrozma’s perks, you will also gain access to the special technique “Photon Geyser.” This ability will be able to activate an exclusive Z-move called Light that Burns the Sky.
So I got the zcrystal on ultra necrozma but I can’t use the z move for some reason can someone help me
im playing in shield 🙁
go to the crown of tundra, then get calyrex shadow/ice rider, then talk to an old lady in a house with a cosmog. she will give it to you, and you can evolve it into a lunala at level 43 or 53 (I don´t remember). Complete the other 2 peony missions and then unlock the they came from the ultra beyond. catch necrozma at the end of a dynamax adventure and go to stow-on-side. with necrozma and lunala on your team, talk to the left salesman, (the guy with the gray t-shirt and on front of a table) and he will give you an N-lunarizer. use it on necrozma and then on lunala, and you will get dawn-wings necrozma. on sword, it is the same, but with solgaleo, N-solarizer, and dusk-mane necrozma.
Note: you will have to do multiple Dynamax andventures, necrozma will appear randomly
Necrozma appears randomly at the end of dynamax anventures, it will probably take some time to get him… another way is transferring necrozma
This does not tell me how to get ultra Necro
In lanakila where is the hole to the left of the ice covered rock my face is going red looking for it
You have to beat pretty much all the game and storyline, necrozma will crash there. Hope I helped 🙂
Where is the hole to the left of the ice covered rock
I would like a ultra Necrozma pokemon card for free thanks so much
Do you know where the hole to the left of the ice covered rock is in lanakila
yes i know where it is
Thx,This really helped me out!