Destiny 2 Power Level 300: Strategy Guide
This Destiny 2 Reaching Power Level 300 Guide involves measures on how to progress from Power levels 265, to 300.
The following will be subdivided according to Power Level Ranges namely: Grinding Exotic Quests (265), Farming Heroic Public Events, Starting Infusion (270), and Farming Luminous Planetary Engrams (280~300).
Power Level 300 Guide: Grinding Exotic Quests
By the time you nail Power level 265, blue (rare) gears will become ineffective. At this point be sure to have access to mods such as weapons and armors to boost your level to 270. If you have not started yet, you may begin with World Quests. Partake of exotic quests such as the popular Rat King Exotic Weapon.
Power Level 300 Guide: Farming Heroic Public Events
Before you start a Public Event, be sure to collect some Fireteam Medallions to raise the odds of receiving exotic engrams. To obtain one requires 50 Bright Dusts. In order to gather Bright Dust, you have the option of dismantling Bright Engram materials. On average, each material will produce 110 Bright Dusts.
Fireteam Medallions can be bought from Tess Everis who is found at the Farm. Begin the Public Events as the Medallion will remain active for a maximum of 4 hours. Public Events have an edge over other activities as these take the shortest amount of time to finish, thereby maximizing the chance of earning Exotic Engrams.
The advantage of performing this method is that it raises the XP earned when a Medallion is consumed on a Public Event session. You would want to spend time on Heroic Public Events as these pay huge dividends than regular ones. The difference between the two is that Heroic will yield better prizes (level increase, weapons, armor and glimmer) after clearing. This is however limited to multiplayer, so be sure to have a dedicated party beforehand.
However, this method is not without drawbacks since there is no fine line of determining the boosted rate when using these Medallions.
Power Level 300 Guide: Starting Infusion
Once you reach past Power level 270, you would want to begin infusing. To infuse, return to the Faction Vendors to avail of lower end Gears choose from either the purple (legendary) or yellow (exotic).
Sacrifice one weapon of the same type and distribute its potency to the one you wish to enhance. Ensure that the Armors belong to the same class, in other words you cannot infuse a Warlock’s Armor with a Hunter’s in this way. Weapons follow a similar restriction in that they should also belong to the same type, that means Hand cannons are only compatible with other hand cannons.
Start by fastening legendary mods to the gears you receive then use them. While equipped, infuse them with whichever gear you were using. If you wish to save any gears which have some form of sentimental value, you can easily store them in the Vault for later use.
A guideline for infusing materials with legendary mods is that one modded items will take precedence over unmodded ones. For instance if you wish to infuse an unmodded gear, the base power level of the modded will be applied. On the other hand, in cases where you wish to reinforce a modded item, it will apply the power level of the other gear + 5.
Power Level 300 Guide: Farming Luminous Planetary Engrams
By reaching Power level 280, you will know delve into Crafting Legendary Mods until you attain Power Level 300. Take 3 Blues to craft a Purple. At this point, you would want to begin certain weekly Activities to claim Luminous Planetary Engrams. Focus on Suraya Hawthorne’s Clan Quests, Lord Shaxx’s Call to Arms (Crucible), Cayde-6’s Flashpoint Milestones, and Zavala’s Nightfall Milestones. Bear in mind that Weekly Quests for the above mentioned list will refresh every Tuesday, so keep track of them at all times.
These come at Power levels that are around 10~15 from the ones you currently have at your disposal. You do not have to collect them immediately however. Unlike other engrams, the Luminous Planetary ones provide you the option to let these engrams remain with the vendor and collect them by the time you finalize your level gains.
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