Does Not Compute
The Does Not Compute Scout Rifle is a legendary Scout Rifle in Destiny 2 which focuses more on dealing one-shot kills to the enemy. This requires the player to have a steady hand. A steady hand, and a steady eye to bring down enemies. However, it does have an interesting set of perks though. One increases the damage but slows down rate of fire. On the other hand, it has a perk that increases a player’s movements while aiming.
Stats for Does Not Compute Scout Rifle

Stats of the Does Not Compute Scout Rifle
Attack | RPM | Magazine |
300 | 150 | 12 |
Impact |
Stability |
Range |
Reload |
Handling |
How to obtain the Does Not Compute Scout Rifle
The Does Not Compute Scout Rifle will probably work best with a Gunslinger or any of the Warlock classes due to them commonly being in the back-line. For those who play Warlock classes, this Scout Rifle may be ideal for Support classes as they more often need to hide. The handling is also pretty good for those who often stay steady, hiding in places. What makes this scouting rifle also very sought out for is the fact it does not compromise a player’s evasion. The gun has a perk that allows players to kite around even while aiming, preventing them from taking too much damage even while sniping.
The Does Not Compute Scout Rifle comes from Lord Shaxx. He is the NPC that gives players access to merchandise after they’ve unlocked The Tower and The Crucible. Players can exchange a Full Reputation for 20 Crucible Tokens which will allow players to buy a Legendary Engram. However, some other players mentioned that this Scout Rifle can drop. But take note, as a Legendary, it still has a low chance of dropping. As it can only come from the Legendary Engram, the chances of getting that are almost 1%.
Personally, it’s better to farm the PvP as players can easily gain Reputation points win or lose. It takes a bit of a grind but the gun’s quite worth it especially if you’re going for a particular play style and build.
Other Legendary Weapons
Primary Weapons
Scathelocke Rifle | Lincoln Green | Nightshade |
Does Not Compute | The Showrunner | Bad News |
Better Devils | The Needle | Black Scorpion-4SR |
Nergal PR4 | Deathstalker-4U | Red Mamba-3MG |
Phosphoros MG4 | Suros GJS-42 | Urchin 3SI |
Power Weapons
Morrigan-D | Berenger’s Memory | Flash and Thunder |
NADDOD-D | Hawthorne’s Field-Forged Shotgun | Retrofuturist |
Main Ingredient | Tarantula-3FR | Show of Force |
Copperhead-4SN |
Melee Weapon
Negative Space |
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