Destiny 2 - Exotic Weapon: Skyburners Oath Rifle

This page contains a weapon guide for the Skyburners Oath scout rifle, including weapons stats, strategies, perks and how to obtain it in the game.

Skyburners Oath Rifle

The Skyburners Oath is an exotic scout rifle that shoots solar slugs. Its special abilities allows it to deal more damage when aiming down the sights (Slug Rifle perk), as well as being very effective against Cabal forces (For the Empire). It is a fully-automatic weapon that can also pierce through Phalanx shields. It also boasts very good stability, being 5 points higher than the popular MIDA Multi-Tool.

Destiny 2 Skyburners Oath Stats

Stats of the Skyburners Oath

Source: Youtube


Attack RPM Magazine
300 200 15

Owing to its impressive stability, the Skyburners Oath provides relatively easy aiming to reliably track the enemy’s head when firing. This scout rifle is very good in PvE (though you’ll likely be able to obtain it during late-game), and a fine choice in PvP. Note that you will also be able to extend the weapon’s range with the Extended Barrel perk, as well as more rounds per magazine with Extended Mag. There is a catch for the former however, as using it will add more weight to the Skyburners Oath (therefore reducing the handling speed). This can be mitigated by the Short-Action Stock. Because of its For the Empire perk, it will be very effective against the Leviathan raid which has waves of Cabal forces that you need to defeat.

How to Obtain the Skyburners Oath

The Skyburners Oath can be obtained by farming for exotic engrams. It is also possible to acquire it from enemy drops in the main missions, as well as in the Crucible (PvP) if you are lucky.

Other Exotic Weapons

Primary Weapons

Primary Weapons
MIDA Multi-Tool Hard Light Sweet Business
Rat King Sturm Vigilance Wing
Coldheart Fighting Lion Graviton Lance
Riskrunner Sunshot Skyburners Oath

Power Weapons

Power Weapons
Borealis Legend of Acrius The Prospector
D.A.R.C.I Merciless The Wardcliff Coil
Tractor Cannon

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