Destiny 2 - Urchin 3SI: Legendary Weapon

The Urchin 3SI is a legendary sidearm that appears in Destiny 2. It first appeared in the beta as a Warlock specific weapon but works also for Hunters.

Urchin 3SI

The Urchin 3SI appears as a Legendary Sidearm in Destiny 2. As one of the primary weapons, this particular weapon also has a shorter range. But this weapon is particularly perfect for skirmishing, especially for those who prefer close range combat. Also known as the “King of All Sidearms“, this weapon is extremely ideal for close-range styled combatants.


Stats for Urchin 3SI

Urchin 3SI
Source: Bungie Official Website
Attack RPM Magazine
300 90 15

Urchin 3SI makes it debut in the beta and as a Warlock Specific Weapon. The Urchin 3SI also has the Lightweight Frame Perk, allowing players to move faster in combat. This works well with a “harmacist” build which has players entering in and out of the battle. Another thing to note is that this weapon also has a perk that increases its range but lowers its handling. As a sidearm, the handling won’t suffer too much but having additional range will help especially for those who have to go with a “hit-and-run” strategy.

Other job classes that benefit from this is particularly the Stormcaller who can use Arc Soul to continue laying the damage. Gunslingers can also benefit from this weapon as they need to go for a hit-and-run strategy.

How to obtain the Urchin 3SI

As of now, there’s no specific way on gaining the gun. The gun may drop from the Legendary Engrams or from the Nightfall Strikes. Players can also try doing the Crucible in order to obtain this legendary sidearm.

If there are other ways of getting the Urchin 3SI, please let us know by leaving it in the comments below.

Other Legendary Weapons

Primary Weapons

Primary Weapons
Scathelocke Rifle Lincoln Green Nightshade
Does Not Compute The Showrunner Bad News
Better Devils The Needle Black Scorpion-4SR
Nergal PR4  Deathstalker-4AU Red Mamba-3MG
Phosphorus MG4 SUROS GJS-42 Urchin 3SI

Power Weapons

Power Weapons
Morrigan-D Berenger’s Memory Flash and Thunder
NADDOD-D Hawthorne’s Field-Forged Shotgun Retrofuturist
Main Ingredient Tarantula-3FR Show of Force

Melee Weapon

Negative Space

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