Destiny 2 - Flash and Thunder: Legendary Weapon

The Flash and Thunder Grenade Launcher is a legendary weapon that appears in Destiny 2. This particular weapon prides itself in its CC-ing abilities.

Flash and Thunder Grenade Launcher

The Flash and Thunder Grenade Launcher is a legendary Grenade Launcher that’s easy to use. With its Lightweight Frame, this particular gun provides quick and easy utilization. This is one of the faster grenade launchers which increases firing rate and also reload rate while crouched. It also has the capable to zone out opponents by inflicting blind or knock-backs to throw them off.

Stats of the Flash and Thunder Grenade Launcher

Flash and Thunder
Source: Bungie Official Website
Attack RPM Magazine
300 90 1
Blast Radius

The Flash and Thunder Grenade Launcher has high splash damage, inherent as a Grenade Launcher. It’s also capable of firing Arc-based damage which can also inflict some stuns. The gun also has the capability of blinding enemies which works well especially against enemies not used to using melee attacks. Players also have a chance of controlling their detonations for the blasts which is quite useful in deceiving enemies in PvP.

However, most people would prefer using this grenade launcher in PvE content. Not only is this good for controlling hordes but, also for clearing pathways.

How to obtain the Flash and Thunder Grenade Launcher

Players can obtain the Flash and Thunder Grenade Launcher via drops from enemies or Legendary Engrams. These Legendary Engrams however drop mostly only during Nightfall Strikes or even the Crucible. However, there’s no confirmation yet if players can obtain this gun from any Faction Engram.

Found an easier way to get the Flash and Thunder Grenade Launcher? Let us know in the comment box below!

Other Legendary Weapons

Primary Weapons

Primary Weapons
Scathelocke Rifle Lincoln Green Nightshade
Does Not Compute The Showrunner Bad News
Better Devils The Needle Black Scorpion-4SR
Nergal PR4  Deathstalker-4AU Red Mamba-3MG
Phosphorus MG4 Suros GJS-42 Urchin 3SI

Power Weapons

Power Weapons
Morrigan-D Berenger’s Memory Flash and Thunder
NADDOD-D Hawthorne’s Field-Forged Shotgun Retrofuturist
Main Ingredient Tarantula-3FR Show of Force

Melee Weapon

Negative Space


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