Fighting Lion Grenade Launcher
The Fighting Lion grenade launcher is an exotic weapon that is equipped in the energy slot. Since this weapon is in the energy slot, you will be able to use it a lot more due to there being more ammo to pick up. In spite of all these benefits, the Fighting Lion won’t be anyone’s first choice for PVE or PVP.
This grenade launcher is also called Zhang Fei, which hits as hard as Wei Ning.
Stats of Fighting Lion Grenade Launcher

Attack | RPM | Magazine |
300 | 72 | 1 |
Impact |
Stability |
Range |
Reload |
Handling |
The perks of fighting lion will carve a path through your enemies. First, Delayed Gratification, this exotic’s intrinsic perk, features grenades that will bounce off surfaces. Hold the trigger button to fire, and then release to make it detonate. Countermass greatly controls recoil, increasing stability and handling speed. Meanwhile, Implosion Rounds increases projectile speed, stability, and decreases blast radius. (This perk is probably important when you’re playing with teams.) Thin the Herd deals more damage to shielded enemy combatants, and rapid kills against grenade-damaged enemies will refill the weapon. Finally, the weapon can use a short-action stock that is easy to grip and increases handling speed.
How to Obtain Fighting Lion Grenade Launcher
You can only obtain Fighting Lion Grenade Launcher from random drops and exotic rewards from completing specific campaign mission. However, this weapon might be sold in future builds. Come check out this guide for farming exotic engrams to obtain Fighting Lion!
Other Exotic Weapons
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Power Weapons
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