Sturm Hand Cannon
The Sturm is an exotic hand cannon and an ancient ceremonial pistol that dates back to the early Golden Age. In spite of its archaic nature, it still packs a massive punch.
Stats for the Sturm Hand Cannon

Attack | RPM | Magazine |
0 | 20 | 50 |
Impact |
Stability |
Range |
Reload |
Handling |
Sturm has the following perks: Accomplice, its intrinsic, fills Energy Weapons equipped by the player when you kill an enemy. Extended Barrel increases range but decreases handling speed. Extended Mag increases the capacity of this weapon, but slows down reloading speed. Storm and Stress gives you incentive for killing enemies with energy weapons, granting bonus precision damage until next reload. Its final perk, Combat grip reduces recoil.
How to Obtain the Sturm Hand Cannon
Along with the legendary sidearm, Drang, you can obtain this after completing the main campaign and level 20. Head over to Nessus and finish the Exodus Black missions. You will receive Drang for this mission. Once this is done, head over to the Tower and converse with Cryptarch, who gives you the Relics of the Golden Age quest. Complete all the objectives of this quest and come back to Cryptarch, who tells you to go to Tyra Karn at the Farm. Finish this second Relics of the Golden Age questline and come back to Tyra Karn to receive a new story quest at Prodromus Down (Nessus). This mission has a power level of 140, so make sure you have enough power level to withstand the onslaught. Afterwards, return to Tyra Karn to earn your Golden Age Engram–Sturm.
Other Exotic Weapons
Primary Weapons
Primary Weapons | ||
MIDA Multi-Tool | Hard Light | Sweet Business |
Rat King | Sturm | Vigilance Wing |
Coldheart | Fighting Lion | Graviton Lance |
Riskrunner | Sunshot | Skyburner’s Oath |
Power Weapons
Power Weapons | ||
Borealis | Legend of Acrius | The Prospector |
D.A.R.C.I | Merciless | The Wardcliff Coil |
Tractor Cannon |
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