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Sub Mission – The Watcher in the Darkness Walkthrough
The Watcher in the Darkness is a sub mission dictated through picking up the kodama. First, pick up the shrine. Next, head left and past the red shrine arch.

You’ll find yourself at a fork road. Take the left most one and follow the pathway down.

When you get there, there’s another fork road. This time, make a right. Follow the pathway down until you see a ledge with a ladder. Climb down the ladder and you’ll find yourself in an open field. Take out the enemies before making a left at the second corner. When you get there, destroy the boxes and you’ll find the first Kodama.

After that, run across the field until you come across a ladder. A one-eyed yokai will spawn. Kill it before climbing.Or, if you’re fast enough – climb the ladder immediately.
When you get to the top, make a right and follow the hallway down. At the first corner, make a left and follow the pathway down until you enter some wooden hallway. Make a right and go down the hall before making another right to find the second Kodama.

However, watch out for the spear-wielding skeleton warrior. Take him out and head back to the middle field. When you drop down from the ladder, immediately make a right and take the left pathway. This will lead you to the shrine.

Next, run back to the fork where you were. From there, make a right and go down a set of stairs with lanterns lining the way. Follow the stairs down until you reach a brightly lit compound. From the first house you see, make a right and check beneath the stairs for the third Kodama.

Return back to the front of the first house and instead make a left. Run through the stone wall passage and you should find a shrine on your right side.

From there, proceed forward towards the tunnel. Run down the stairs until you reach a dead end. There, the fourth Kodama will be lying in plain sight.

With that, you can head towards the first house you saw. When you finish checking your gear and collecting everything you need, you can open the house and have a rematch with Saika Magoichi.
Main Article: Boss Guide – Saika Magoichi
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