How to Get the Tatenashi Armor Set [Nioh]

This page contains a guide on how to obtain the Tatenashi Armor Set in Nioh, including missions to be undertaken and farming methods.

In Nioh, there are various armor sets that give specific bonuses that synergize with different styles of play. One interesting armor set to obtain is the Tatenashi Armor Set, an armor said to be reminiscent of a god of war. The entire set consists of Tatenashi Armor: Kabuto (Head), Do (Torso), Kote (Arm), Hizayoroi (Legs) and Suneate (Feet). Wearing the entire set will grant you the set bonus The God of War Looks down.

How to Get the Tatenashi Armor Set

Pieces of the set can be farmed from a revenant found in the Main Mission Spider Nest Castle. His grave can be found in an upper room near the last Shrine before the Boss (click here to view our Joro-gumo Boss Guide). Climb up the ladder to a room with two chests (one is a double Mimic which will first be disguised as a chest, and then will mimic William’s appearance). A Kodama will also be found in this room.

A more straightforward way to acquire all pieces of the armor is by doing the Twilight Mission Evil in the Ether. Enemies there can be farmed for them somewhat more reliably than the Revenant in Spider Nest Castle.

The God of War Looks Down Set Bonus is a very good defensive armor, as it gives useful bonuses against long-range attacks from firearms and weapons imbued with magic. It also provides a damage buff with an A scaling for Equipment Weight  damage, making it a suitable armor set for wielding heavy weapons such as Axes (like the Ebony and Kaido Maru Armor Sets).

The God of War Looks Down Set Bonus

Please note that bonus percentages will vary depending on the level of the equipped item.

Armor Pieces Worn Bonus
2 Damage Reduction + 2%, Firearms Damage from Enemies Reduced by 18.4%
3 Equipment Weight Damage Bonus A Scaling
4 Close Combat Damage +6.1%
5 Elemental Attack Damage from Enemies reduced by 25.6%, Received Damage Reduction 10%


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    • yes, you can farm for it in the sub mission return of the gourd!! oda nobunaga drops it! but be warned, smithing texts are very rare random drops. it took me at least 6+ hrs of farming for it to drop!