- Starting from the water. You will swim forward.
Treasure “Antique Padlock” in between from the start point of the rock and the rock to the right.
※It is a mark of wood is placed on a rock.
- Cavity, such as the cave appears.
Treasure “Chiriqui Shark Trinket” into the cavity.
※Too proceed When you have found the debris of the container.
It will not return to the back and proceeding from the debris of the container.
- Examine the container
Treasure “Antique Poketwatch” from the location of the container along the right of the rock wall.
※Close to the location of the tree is stuck.
Container there is a place in which the upper, left side, look at three places in the back. The container is open and examine the back.
It enters the container, to ensure that the box is missing two.
- Carry out the recovery of the box.
First has become underlay at a location visible from the inside of the container.
Second has fallen into the right front out of the container.
Carry a second box to container.
- Attach the cable to the two containers
Cable can not be fixed and not that from around the specified location at a time.
- Lift the container with a crane.
Do not forget to pick up a box from under the container.
Carry the box into the container, and mounting.
- Riding a machine that is fitted with a cable to the sea.
- You will be move the board freely.
Talk to the workers, which beat the cargo.Optional Conversations1
Talk to the white-haired man who is on the deck.Optional Conversations2
Treasure “Antique Arcade Token” next to a shelf of white hair man
- Talk to the two guy talking in the back.
- Red man exerts story since moving to the container.
- Then, chapter clear begins movie
The location of the treasure
- “Antique Padlock”
Between from the start point of the rock and the rock to the right
- “Chiriqui Shark Trinket”
Immediately place into the cavity
- “Antique Poketwatch”
Location right of the rock wall along from there is a container
- “Antique Arcade Token”
Board, next to the shelf of white hair man
The location of the conversation
- Board, staff work, which made a cargo
- Graying man who is on board, on deck
<<Chapter2 : Infernal Place
>>Chapter4 : A Normal Life
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