Chapter6 : Once a Thief-Uncharted 4

Outside the building

Keep up with Sam.
Treasure:”Mughal Water Container”

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Proceeds from Sam has stopped place to the left, some in the cliff.

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The rope hang under the bridge.
To jump directly toward the wall on the left side.
Up in the x button, proceed while repeating the fall in the ○ button.
I get over the rope replaced on the way Sam and position.
By, for example, to jump from the branches of the wall run jump and trees, arrive to the outside of the building


Treasure:”Nephrite Brass Cup”

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It is put in the window of the building and progresses along the right wall.

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Conversation to Sam 1.
Enter the building is located along the left cliff.
Descend to the bottom of the building floor. Put a rope to the ceiling.
Extend the rope as it is from the window to get out. Left with the run-up to jump.

Keep up with Sam.
Is multiplied by talking to Sam along the way. “Conversation2”.

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Climb a dead-end one in front of the gate of.
To jump towards the bar of metal.
I mean, the reaction you can jump to the opposite shore.
Let’s go along the wall to the left as it is.
Climb to the top by using a go and Sam rope until the dead end.
Climb a rope followed by Sam.
Movie begins upon entering the room.

Auction venue

Treasure:”Viking Cloak Clasp”

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Some in the room that Saivan there were.
Treasure:”Mother of Pearl Horn”

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Located on the right side out of the balcony.
Talk to Sam on the balcony. “Conversation3”

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Down the stairs to the first floor.
There is an auction table near the entrance.
Keep up with Sullivan who is in Doors Open.
Is at stake is the key to the door.

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Extracting the card key from Boy.
Chase the boy from behind.
Press the L2 button, adjust the location that is bright pocket.
Get When the gauge is accumulated and pulled out press the △ button a “Card Key”
Open the door.


Keep up with Sam.
Treasure:”Persian Bronze Bowl”

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It can be found in the back of the left of the storeroom.

It can be viewed on the way security office
Treasure:”Brass Barber’s Bowl”

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Once down the stairs, treasure is falling on the stairs of the shadow.

Since the small room right back there is a barrel, open the road Press

Wine room

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If you move a total of four large barrels, you can enter the vent.
The last of the cask is to climb on, jailing to vent.


If you get a vent, aim the electric room.
Treasure:”Syrian Vase”

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Jump off the stage under the left-hand side to ignore the Sam once
Jump to the ladder will advance along the left, I found it fly from the balcony to the roof.

To verify the location of the electrical room in the vicinity of Sam
Because there is a ladder to the right, down the ladder in cooperation with Sam.
Persian Candlestick”

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To jump to the veranda in the lower right corner from the top of the roof.
It is in the shade of the veranda of the pillars.

Keep up with Sam

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Down because there is a ladder to the left of that closed door
It comes out waiter from the door. Sam borrow the clothes of the waiter.

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Aim the electrical room and broke up with Sam.
Proceed straight climb the wall. Climb the wall proceed further to the right
Proceed to Tsutai roof to jump
Fall Nate is to jump from the rod of iron, the movie begins.

Back to the movie after the end of Nate.
It moved jump to bar of metal, still get down to the bottom.
Treasure:”Mughal Daggar”

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Hold on to the cliff, find and climb the pillar of the cliff side.

Proceed to jump, climb the walls, across to jump the bar of metal
Enter the electrical room further climb to the top from the right of the wall

power room

Get down to under go along the road
In the auction venue is willing earns Sullivan time.
And it is investigating the surroundings, can be found the bar.
Use the bar to destroy the key to the door.
I chapter cleared in mission success if indelible electricity auction venue and press the switch.

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