Buddy Scout Guide
What is the Buddy Scout?
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) has the Buddy Scout, a facility found at the Buddy Plaza that allows you to hire Palico and Palamute companions. These loyal allies can accompany you on quests or dispatched as Meowceneries to obtain rare items and materials.
Talk to Iori to Hire Palicoes and Palamutes
Blacksmith Hamon’s nephew Iori is the Buddy Scout’s Buddy Handler. Talk to him at the Buddy Plaza to request up to two (2) companions to join you on hunts.
Buddies During Online and Offline
You can have one Palico and one Palamute with you at a time or two of a kind (two Palicoes or two Palamutes). Note that this limit only applies when playing solo (offline). You will only be able to bring one (1) companion, either a Palico or Palamute, with you during multiplayer.
How to Unlock Buddy Scout
It is assumed that the Buddy Scout facility will be unlocked by progressing the game. More information on this will be added when the game comes out.
Palico and Palamute Customization
You can customize the appearance of both your Felyne and Canyne companion to suit your preferences. These include your new friends’ coat, ears, tail, and voice.
You can send your buddies on adventures to look for rare items and materials by enlisting them as Meowceneries. Talk to Felyne Chief Kogarashi to access the Meowceneries service.
Note that despite the name Meowceneries, your Palamute companions can also be assigned on these quests alongside your Felyne friends.
How to Unlock Meowceneries
As with the Buddy Scout facility, Meowceneries will likely be unlocked by progressing the game. More information on this will be added when the game comes out.
List of Meowceneries Quests
Low Rank
Area | Cost (Points) | Quest Duration | Encounters |
Shrine Ruins | 50 | Scouting Route 1: Bullfango, Herbs, Great Izuchi, Jagras, Arzuros |
50 | Scouting Route 2: Kelbi, Mushroom, Great Izuchi, Jagras, Great Izuchi |
50 | Scouting Route 3: Ore, Bombadgy, Great Izuchi, Bones, Arzuros |
Frost Islands | ? | ? | |
Lava Caverns | ? | ? | |
Sandy Plains | ? | ? |
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