Crafting List in Monster Hunter Rise
You can craft a variety of items from your inventory or item box by combining two types of ingredients which are obtained from the environment or from crafting as well.
Consumable Items
Item | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 |
Potion | Herb | – |
Mega Potion | Potion | Honey |
Max Potion | Catalyst | Mandragora |
First-aid Med+ | First-aid Med | Honey |
Antidote | Antidote Herb | – |
Herbal Medicine | Antidote | Blue Mushroom |
Catalyst | Bitterbug | Honey |
Immunizer | Bitterbug | Mandragora |
Cleanser | Immunizer / Nourishing Extract | Kelbi Horn |
Lifepowder | Godbug | Blue Mushroom |
Herbal Powder | Godbug | Herbal Medicine |
Energy Drink | Nitroshroom | Honey |
Demondrug | Catalyst | Might Seed |
Demon Powder | Godbug | Might Seed |
Might Pill | Immunizer | Might Seed |
Armorskin | Catalyst | Adamant Seed |
Hardshell Powder | Godbug | Adamant Seed |
Farcaster | Smokenut | Exciteshroom |
Traps and Tools
Item | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 |
Gunpowder | Fire Herb | Nitroshroom |
Barrel Bomb | Fire Herb | Small Barrel |
Large Barrel Bomb | Gunpowder | Large Barrel |
Poison Smoke Bomb | Smokenut | Toadstool |
Flash Bomb | Flashbug | – |
Sonic Bomb | Screamer Sac | – |
Dung Bomb | Dung | – |
Poisoned Meat | Raw Meat | Toadstool |
Tinged Meat | Raw Meat | Parashroom |
Drugged Meat | Raw Meat | Sleep Herb |
Net | Ivy | Spider Web |
Ammo and Coatings
Item | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 |
Power Coating | Empty Phial | Nitroshroom |
Poison Coating | Empty Phial | Toadstool |
Paralysis Coating | Empty Phial | Parashroom |
Sleep Coating | Empty Phial | Sleep Herb |
Blast Coasting | Empty Phial | Fire Herb |
Normal Ammo 2 | Normal Ammo 1 | Gunpowder Level 2 |
Normal Ammo 3 | Normal Ammo 1 | Gundpowder Level 3 |
Pierce Ammo 1 | Latchberry | – |
Pierce Ammo 2 | Pierce Ammo 1 | Gunpowder Level 2 |
Pierce Ammo 3 | Pierce Ammo 1 | Gunpowder Level 3 |
Spread Ammo 1 | Needleberry | – |
Spread Ammo 2 | Spread Ammo 1 | Gunpowder Level 2 |
Spread Ammo 3 | Spread Ammo 1 | Gunpowder Level 3 |
Sticky Ammo 1 | Blastnut | – |
Sticky Ammo 2 | Sticky Ammo 1 | Gunpowder Level 2 |
Sticky Ammo 3 | Sticky Ammo 1 | Gunpowder Level 3 |
Cluster Bomb 1 | Bomberry | – |
Cluster Bomb 2 | Cluster Bomb 1 | Gunpowder Level 2 |
Cluster Bomb 3 | Cluster Bomb 1 | Gunpowder Level 3 |
Slicing Ammo | Slashberry | – |
Flaming Ammo | Normal Ammo 1 | Fire Herb |
Water Ammo | Normal Ammo 1 | Flowfern |
Thunder Ammo | Normal Ammo 1 | Thunderbug |
Freeze Ammo | Normal Ammo 1 | Snow Herb |
Dragon Ammo | Normal Ammo 1 | Dragonfell Berry |
Poison Ammo 1 | Normal Ammo 1 | Toadstool |
Poison Ammo 2 | Normal Ammo 1 | Catalyst |
Sleep Ammo 1 | Normal Ammo 1 | Sleep Herb |
Sleep Ammo 2 | Sleep Ammo 1 | Catalyst |
Exhaust Ammo 1 | Normal Ammo 1 | Exciteshroom |
Exhaust Ammo 2 | Exhaust Ammo 1 | Catalyst |
Recover Ammo 1 | Normal Ammo 1 | Potion |
Recover Ammo 2 | Recovery Ammo 1 | Catalyst |
Demon Ammo | Normal Ammo 1 | Demondrug |
Armor Ammo | Normal Ammo 1 | Armorskin |
Wyvern Ammo | Dragonstrike Nut | – |
Gunpowder Level 2 | Flamenut | – |
Gunpowder Level 2 | Combustuna | Fire Herb |
Gunpowder Level 2 | Big Combustuna | Fire Herb |
Gunpowder Level 3 | Blazenut | – |
Gunpowder Level 3 | Flamefin | Fire Herb |
Gunpowder Level 3 | Great Flamefin | Fire Herb |
Item | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 |
?? | Godbug | Gloamgrass Bud |
?? | Scatterfish | Large Barrel Bomb |
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