Optional Quests
1★ Quests
Quest | Objective | Unlock Conditions | Rewards |
Butting Heads with Nature | Slay 12 Kestodon (Ancient Forest) | Clear A Kestodon Kerfuffle | 720 z |
A Thicket of Jagras | Slay 7 Jagras (Ancient Forest) | Clear Jagras of the Ancient Forest | 720 z |
Fungal Flexin’ in the Ancient Forest | Deliver 20 Gourmet Shroomcaps (Ancient Forest) | Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. | Soiled shroomcap (canteen ingredient), 720 z |
2★ Quests
Quest | Objective | Unlock Conditions | Rewards |
The Great Glutton | Hunt a Great Jagras (Ancient Forest) | None | 1,880 z |
Camp Crasher | Hunt a Kulu-Ya-Ku (Ancient Forest) | Reach HR 2 or higher | 1,880 z |
Snatch the Snatcher | Capture a Kulu-Ya-Ku (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 3 or higher. Talk to the smart biologist to unlock. | 2,520 z |
The Pain from Gains | Slay 7 Gajau (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 3 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. | Gajau liver (canteen ingredient), 1,080 z |
Exterminator of the Waste | Slay 14 Vespoid (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 3 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. | Bullio meat (canteen ingredient), 1,080 z |
3★ Quests
Quest | Objective | Unlock Conditions | Rewards |
Scatternut Shortage | Hunt Pukei-Pukei (Ancient Forest) | Reach HR 2 or higher. | 2,520 z |
The Current Situation | Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi (Ancient Forest) | Reach HR 4 or higher. | 3,240 z |
Mired in the Spire | Hunt a Barroth (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 3 or higher. | 2,520 z |
The Piscine Problem | Hunt a Jyuratodus (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 3 or higher. | 3,240 z |
Prickly Predicament | Deliver 20 Bauble Cactuses (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 3 or higher. Talk to the laid-back botanist to unlock. | Unlocks cultivation of nullberry, might seed, adamant seed, antidote herb, fire herb, flowfern, snow herb, sleep herb, smokenut, dragonfell berry, blastnut, dragonstrike nut, slashberry, bomberry, flamenut, blazenut, and ivy, 1,080 z |
Getting Yolked in the Waste | Deliver 2 Herbivore Eggs (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 3 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unock. | Herbivore egg (canteen ingredient), 1,080 z |
Landing the Landside Wyvern | Capture a Barroth (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 3 or higher and clear Snatch the Snatcher. Talk to the smart biologist to unlock. | 3,600 z |
Special Arena: Pukei-Pukei | Hunt a Pukei-Pukei (Arena) | Reach HR 3 or higher and capture a Pukei-Pukei in any quest or expedition. | 2,520 z |
Special Arena: Barroth | Hunt a Barroth (Arena) | Reach HR 4 or higher and capture a Barroth in any quest or expedition. | 2,520 z |
Special Arena: Tobi-Kadachi | Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi (Arena) | Reach HR 5 or higher and capture a Tobi-Kadachi in any quest or expedition. | 2,520 z |
4★ Quests
Quest | Objective | Unlock Conditions | Rewards |
One Helluva Sinus Infection | Hunt an Anjanath (Ancient Forest) | Reach HR 4 or higher. | 4,320 z |
Gettin’ Yolked in the Forest | Deliver 2 Wyvern Eggs (Ancient Forest) | Reach HR 4 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. | Wyvern egg (canteen), 3,600 z |
Royal Relocation | Hunt a Rathian (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 5 or higher. Talk to the laid back botanist to unlock. | Unlocks cultivation of nitroshroom, devil’s blight, parashroom, toadstool, exciteshroom, chillshroom, flashbug, godbug, thunderbug, baitbug, and spider web, 4,320 z |
It’s a Crying Shamos | Slay 11 Shamos (Coral Highlands) | Reach HR 6 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. | King turkey (canteen), 2520 z |
A Tzitzi for Science | Hunt a Tzitzi-Ya-Ku (Coral Highlands) | Reach HR 6 or higher. | 3,240 z |
Sorry You’re Not Invited | Hunt a Paolumu (Coral Highlands) | Reach HR 6 or higher. | 4,320 z |
What a Bunch of Abalone | Deliver 10 Super Abalone (Coral Highlands) | Reach HR 6 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. | Soulful caviar (canteen), 3,600 z |
White Monster for a White Coat | Capture a Paolumu (Coral Highlands) | Reach HR 6 or higher. Talk to the smart biologist to unlock. | 5,760 z |
Persistent Pests | Slay 14 Hornetaur (Rotten Vale) | Reach HR 8 or higher. Talk to the chief botanist to unlock. | Grants an additional cultivation slot, 2,520 z |
A Rotten Thing to Do | Hunt a Great Girros (Rotten Vale) | Reach HR 8 or higher. | 3,240 z |
A Bone to Pick | Hunt a Radobaan (Rotten Vale) | Reach HR 8 or higher. | 4,320 z |
On Nightmare’s Wings | Slay 5 Raphinos (Rotten Vale) | Reach HR 8 or higher. Talk to the armory attendant to unlock. | 2,520 z |
Troubled Troupers | Hunt 2 Tzitzi-Ya-Ku (Coral Highlands) | Reach HR 6 or higher. Talk to the grimalkyne trouper in Coral Highlands to unlock. | 9,000 z |
Special Arena: Anjanath | Hunt an Anjanath (Arena) | Reach HR 5 or higher and capture Anjanath on any quest or expedition. | 4,320 z |
Special Arena: Radobaan | Hunt a Radobaan (Arena) | Reach HR 8 or higher and capture Radobaan on any quest or expedition. | 4,320 z |
Special Arena: Rathian | Hunt a Rathian (Arena) | Reach HR 5 or higher and capture Rathian on any quest or expedition. | 4,320 z |
Special Arena: Paolumu | Hunt a Paolumu (Arena) | Reach HR 6 or higher and capture Paolumu on any quest or expedition. | 4,320 z |
5★ Quests
Quest | Objective | How to Unlock | Rewards |
When Desire Becomes an Obsession | Hunt a Rathalos (Ancient Forest) | Reach HR 8 or higher. | 5,400 z |
Redefining the Power Couple | Hunt Rathalos and Rathian (Ancient Forest) | Reach HR 9 or higher. Clear Fiery Throne Atop the Forest and Horned Tyrant Below the Sands. Talk to the armory attendant to unlock. | Bandit mantle, 7,920 z |
Twin Spires Upon the Sands | Hunt a Diablos (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 8 or higher. | 5,400 z |
A Humid Headache | Hunt a Legiana (Coral Highlands) | Reach HR 8 or higher. | 5,400 z |
Gone in a Flash | Slay a Kirin (Coral Highlands) | Reach HR 8 or higher. Talk to the impatient biologist to unlock. | 9,000 z |
Scratching the Itch | Hunt an Odogaron (Rotten Vale) | Reach HR 8 or higher. | 5,400 z |
Man’s Best Friend | Capture an Odogaron (Rotten Vale) | Reach HR 8 or higher. Talk to the impatient biologist to unlock. | 7,200 z |
The Meat of the Matter | Deliver 2 Lumps of Meat (Rotten Vale) | Reach HR 8 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. | 3,600 z |
Special Arena: Rathalos | Hunt a Rathalos (Arena) | Reach HR 8 or higher and capture Rathalos in any quest or expedition. | 5,400 z |
Special Arena: Diablos | Hunt a Diablos (Arena) | Reach HR 8 or higher and capture Diablos in any quest or expedition. | 5,400 z |
Special Arena: Odogaron | Hunt an Odogaron (Arena) | Reach HR 8 or higher and capture an Odogaron in any quest or expedition. | 5,400 z |
Special Arena: Legiana | Hunt a Legiana (Arena) | Reach HR 8 or higher and capture a Legiana in any quest or expedition. | 5,400 z |
6★ Quests
Quest | Objective | How to Unlock | Rewards |
Left Quite the Impression | Guide Zorah Magdaros (Everstream) | Reach HR 11 or higher. The quest randomly appears after clearing A Colossal Task. | 8,280 z |
Hard to Swallow | Hunt a Great Jagras (Ancient Forest) | Reach HR 11 or higher and discover Great Jagras during a high-rank expedition. | 5,400 z |
Googly-eyed Green Monster | Hunt a Pukei-Pukei (Ancient Forest) | Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Pukei-Pukei during a high-rank expedition. | 7,200 z |
A Hair-raising Experience | Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi (Ancient Forest) | Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Tobi-Kadachi during a high-rank expedition. | 7,200 z |
It Can’t See You if You Don’t Move | Hunt an Anjanath (Ancient Forest) | Reach HR 11 or higher and discover an Anjanath during a high-rank expedition. | 9,000 z |
The Sleeping Sylvan Queen | Hunt a Rathian (Ancient Forest) | Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Rathian during a high-rank expedition. | 9,000 z |
Stuck in their Ways | Capture a Tobi-Kadachi (Ancient Forest) | Reach HR 11 or higher. Talk to the shy scholar to unlock. | Wyvern amber ale (canteen ingredient), 9,360 z |
Keep Your Hands to Yourself | Hunt a Kulu-Ya-Ku (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Kulu-Ya-Ku during a high-rank expedition. | 5,400 z |
A Crown of Mud and Anger | Hunt a Barroth (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Barroth during a high-rank expedition | 7,200 z |
Pukei-Pukei Ambush | Hunt a Pukei-Pukei (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 11 or higher. | 7,200 z |
Up to Your Waist in the Waste | Hunt a Jyuratodus (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Jyuratodus during a high-rank expedition. | 9,000 z |
Brown Desert, Green Queen | Hunt a Rathian (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Rathian during a high-rank expedition. | 9,000 z |
Trespassing Troublemaker | Hunt an Anjanath (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 11 or higher. | 9,000 z |
Say Cheese | Hunt a Tzitzi-Ya-Ku (Coral Highlands) | Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Tzitzi-Ya-Ku during a high-rank expedition. | 5,400 z |
Loop the Paolumu | Hunt a Paolumu (Coral Highlands) | Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Paolumu during a high-rank expedition. | 7,200 z |
A Tingling Taste | Hunt a Great Girros (Rotten Vale) | Reach HR 11 or higher. | 5,400 z |
Stuck in a Rut | Hunt a Radobaan (Rotten Vale) | Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Radobaan during a high-rank expedition. | 9,000 z |
Chef Quest: Pumped to Deliver | Deliver 4 Forgotten Fossils (Rotten Vale) | Reach HR 11 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. | Tangy tripe (canteen ingredient), 5,400 z |
Chef Quest: A Rotten Request | Slay 10 Girros (Rotten Vale) | Reach HR 11 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. | Steeled meat (canteen ingredient), 5,400 z |
A Meow for Help | Slay 13 Gastodon (Elder’s Recess) | Reach HR 13 or higher. | 5,400 z |
A Scalding Scoop | Slay 5 Barnos (Elder’s Recess) | Reach HR 13 or higher. | 6,480 z |
Dodogama Drama | Hunt a Dodogama (Elder’s Recess) | Reach HR 13 or higher and discover a Dodogama during a high-rank expedition. | 9,000 z |
Chef Quest: Gajalaka Lockdown | Defeat 10 Gajalaka (Elder’s Recess) | Reach HR 13 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. | Boorish yellowtail (canteen ingredient), 5,400 z |
Special Arena: HR Pukei-Pukei | Hunt a Puke-Pukei (Arena) | Reach HR 11 or higher and capture a Pukei-Pukei during a high-rank quest or expedition. | 7,200 z |
Special Arena: HR Anjanath | Hunt an Anajanth (Arena) | Reach HR 11 or higher and capture an Anjanath during a high-rank quest or expedition. | 9,000 z |
Special Arena: HR Barroth | Hunt a Barroth (Arena) | Reach HR 11 or higher and capture a Barroth during a high-rank quest or expedition. | 7,200 z |
Special Arena: HR Paolumu | Hunt a Paolumu (Arena) | Reach HR 11 or higher and capture a Paolumu during a high-rank quest or expedition. | 7,200 z |
Special Arena: HR Tob-Kadachi | Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi (Arena) | Reach HR 11 or higher and capture a Tobi-Kadachi during a high-rank quest or expedition. | 7,200 z |
Special Arena: HR Rathian | Hunt a Rathian (Arena) | Reach HR 11 or higher and capture a Rathian during a high-rank quest or expedition. | 7,200 z |
Special Arena: HR Radobaan | Hunt a Radobaan (Arena) | Reach HR 11 or higher and capture a Radobaan during a high-rank quest or expedition. | 7,200 z |
7★ Quests
Quest | Objective | Unlock Conditions | Rewards |
Rathalos Rematch | Hunt a Rathlos (Ancient Forest) | Reach HR 13 or higher | 12,600 z |
Rathalos in Blue | Hunt an Azure Rathalos (Ancient Forest) | Reach HR 13 or higher | 14,400 z |
The Red and Blue Crew | Hunt a Rathalos and Azure Rathalos (Ancient Forest) | Reach HR 13 or higher. Talk to the armory attendant to unlock. | Challenger mantle, 21,600 z |
Pretty in Pink | Hunt a Pink Rathian (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 12 or higher. | 12,600 z |
Well, That Diablos | Hunt a Diablos (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 13 or higher and discover a Diablos during a high-rank expedition. | 12,600 z |
Two-horned Hostility | Hunt a Black Diablos (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 13 or higher. | 14,400 |
RRRRRumble in the Waste | Hunt a Diablos and Black Diablos (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 13 or higher and discover a Black Diablos during a high-rank expedition. Talk to the third fleet master to unlock. | Astera beer (canteen ingredient), affinity booster, 21,600 z |
A Cherry Wind Upon the Reefs | Hunt a Pink Rathian (Coral Highlands) | Reach HR 12 or higher. | 12,600 z |
Legiana: Highlands of Royalty | Hunt a Legiana (Coral Highlands) | Reach HR 13 or higher and discover a Legiana during a high-rank expedition. | 12,600 z |
A Sore Site | Hunt an Odogaron (Coral Highlands) | Reach HR 13 or higher. Talk to the airship engineer to unlock. | Goldenfish bew (canteen ingredient), 12,600 z |
Talons of Ire and Ice | Hunt Legiana and Odogaron (Coral Highlands) | Reach HR 13 or higher. Talk to the chief botanist to unlock. | Grants an additional cultivation slot, 20,160 z |
Odogaron Unleashed | Hunt Odogaron (Rotten Vale) | Reach HR 13 or higher and discover an Odogaron during a high-rank expedition. | 12,600 z |
Lavasioth, Monster of Magma | Hunt Lavasioth (Elder’s Recess) | Reach HR 13 or higher and discover a Lavasioth during a high-rank expedition. | 12,600 z |
Ore-eating Occupier | Hunt an Uragaan (Elder’s Recess) | Reach HR 13 or higher and discover a Uragaan during a high-rank expedition. | 12,600 z |
Ruler of the Azure Skies | Hunt an Azure Rathalos (Elder’s Recess) | Reach HR 13 or higher. | 14,400 z |
Bazelgeuse in the Field of Fire | Hunt a Bazelgeuse (Elder’s Recess) | Reach HR 13 or higher. Talk to the smart biologist to unlock. | 1,000 research points, 14,400 z |
A Fiery Convergence | Hunt a Lavasioth and Uragaan (Elder’s Recess) | Reach HR 13 or higher. Clear The Sleeping Sylvan Queen and Dodogama Drama. Talk to the armory attendant to unlock. | Fireproof mantle, 21,600 z |
Today’s Special: Hunter Flambe | Hunt a Deviljho (Ancient Forest) | Reach HR 13 or higher and clear The Food Chain Dominator. | 14,400 z |
Special Arena: HR Uragaan | Hunt an Uragaan (Arena) | Reach HR 13 and capture an Uragaan during any high-rank quest or expedition. | 14,400 z |
Special Arena: HR Pink Rathian | Hunt a Pink Rathian (Arena) | Reach HR 13 and capture a Pink Rathian during any high-rank quest or expedition. | 12,600 z |
Special Arena: HR Odogaron | Hunt an Odogaron (Arena) | Reach HR 13 and capture an Odogaron during any high-rank quest or expedition. | 12,600 z |
Special Arena: HR Rathalos | Hunt a Rathalos (Arena) | Reach HR 13 and capture a Rathlos during any high-rank quest or expedition. | 12,600 z |
Special Arena: HR Azure Rathalos | Hunt an Azure Rathalos (Arena) | Reach HR 13 and capture an Azure Rathalos during any high-rank quest or expedition | 14,400 z |
Special Arena: HR Diablos | Hunt a Diablos (Arena) | Reach HR 13 and capture a Diablos during any high-rank quest or expedition | 12,600 z |
Special Arena: HR Black Diablos | Hunt a Black Diablos (Arena) | Reach HR 13 and capture a Black Diablos during any high-rank quest or expedition | 14,400 z |
Special Arena: HR Legiana | Hunt a Legiana (Arena) | Reach HR 13 and capture a Legiana during any high-rank quest or expedition | 12,600 z |
8★ Quests
Quest | Objective | Unlock Conditions | Rewards |
A Portent of Disaster | Slay Kushala Daora (Ancient Forest) | Reach HR 14 or higher and complete research of 10 different monsters. Talk to the armory attendant to unlock. | Apothecary mantle, 18,000 z |
Lightning Strikes Twice | Slay Kirin (Coral Highlands) | Reach HR 13 or higher and raise Kirin investigation level to 3. Talk to the impatient biologist to unlock. | 18,000 z |
Stirrings from the Grave | Slay Vaal Hazak (Rotten Vale) | Reach HR 14 or higher. | 18,000 z |
The Eater of Elders | Slay Nergigante (Elder’s Recess) | Reach HR 13 or higher. | 18,000 z |
Hellfire’s Stronghold | Slay Teostra (Elder’s Recess) | Reach HR 14 or higher. | 18,000 z |
Master of the Gale | Slay Kushala Daora (Elder’s Recess) | Reach HR 14 or higher. | 18,000 z |
Blue Prominence | Slay Lunastra (Elder’s Recess) | Reach HR 16 or higher. | 18,000 z |
Infernal Monarchy | Say Teostra and Lunastra (Elder’s Recess) | Reach HR 16 or higher. | 28,800 z |
A Blaze on the Sand | Slay Teostra (Wildspire Waste) | Reach HR 14 or higher and complete research on 15 different monsters. Talk to the armory attendant to unlock. | Immunity mantle, 18,000 z |
9★ Quests
Quest | Objective | Unlock Conditions | Rewards |
A Visitor from Eorzea | Slay Behemoth (Elder’s Recess) | Clear He Taketh it with His Eyes | 25,200 z |
A Light Upon the River’s Gloom | Slay Xeno’jiiva (Confluence of Fates) | Reach HR 16 or higher and clear Land of Convergence. | 19,800 z |
Showdown: The Muck and the Maul | Hunt tempered Barroth and Radobaan (Special Arena) | Reach HR 15 or higher and hunt five different threat level 1 monsters. Talk to the armory attendant to unlock. | Impact mantle, 15,840 z |
New World Sky, New Flower | Hunt tempered Pink Rathian and Azure Rathalos (Special Arena) | Reach HR 15 or higher and hunt seven different threat level 2 monsters. | Evasion mantle, 25,920 z |
A Summons from Below | Slay tempered Vaal Hazak and hunt tempered Odogaron | Reach HR 15 or higher and hunt three different threat level 3 monsters. Talk to the armory attendant to unlock. | R0cksteady mantle, 29,520 z |
The White Winds of the New World | Hunt tempered Legiana, Odogaron, Diablos, and Rathalos (Special Arena) | Reach HR 15 or higher. Complete all story quests, (including Beyond the Blasting Scales and Thunderous Rumble in the Highlands), all 8★ optional quests and arena quests (except Today’s Special: Hunter Flambe, Blue Prominence, and Infernal Monarchy), and the 9★ Light Upon the River’s Gloom. | Rainbow armor pigment, research commission ticket, 27,720 z |
The Sapphire Star’s Guidance | Slay tempered Kushala Daora, Teostra, and Nergigante (Elder’s Recess) | Reach HR 100 or higher. | Research commission ticket, 38,880 z |
None of these quests match up
Wolf Knight, you lying scamming bastard. None of these are Iceborne quests.