Monster Hunter World: Iceborne - Optional Quest List

A list of all optional quests in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Included are each quest's objectives, rewards, and acquisition method.

Monster Hunter: World Iceborne - Optional Quests

Optional Quests

1★ Quests

Quest Objective Unlock Conditions Rewards
Butting Heads with Nature Slay 12 Kestodon (Ancient Forest) Clear A Kestodon Kerfuffle 720 z
A Thicket of Jagras Slay 7 Jagras (Ancient Forest) Clear Jagras of the Ancient Forest 720 z
Fungal Flexin’ in the Ancient Forest Deliver 20 Gourmet Shroomcaps (Ancient Forest) Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. Soiled shroomcap (canteen ingredient), 720 z

2★ Quests

Quest Objective Unlock Conditions Rewards
The Great Glutton Hunt a Great Jagras (Ancient Forest) None 1,880 z
Camp Crasher Hunt a Kulu-Ya-Ku (Ancient Forest) Reach HR 2 or higher 1,880 z
Snatch the Snatcher Capture a Kulu-Ya-Ku (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 3 or higher. Talk to the smart biologist to unlock. 2,520 z
The Pain from Gains Slay 7 Gajau (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 3 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. Gajau liver (canteen ingredient), 1,080 z
Exterminator of the Waste Slay 14 Vespoid (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 3 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. Bullio meat (canteen ingredient), 1,080 z

3★ Quests

Quest Objective Unlock Conditions Rewards
Scatternut Shortage Hunt Pukei-Pukei (Ancient Forest) Reach HR 2 or higher. 2,520 z
The Current Situation Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi (Ancient Forest) Reach HR 4 or higher. 3,240 z
Mired in the Spire Hunt a Barroth (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 3 or higher. 2,520 z
The Piscine Problem Hunt a Jyuratodus (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 3 or higher. 3,240 z
Prickly Predicament Deliver 20 Bauble Cactuses (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 3 or higher. Talk to the laid-back botanist to unlock. Unlocks cultivation of nullberry, might seed, adamant seed, antidote herb, fire herb, flowfern, snow herb, sleep herb, smokenut, dragonfell berry, blastnut, dragonstrike nut, slashberry, bomberry, flamenut, blazenut, and ivy, 1,080 z
Getting Yolked in the Waste Deliver 2 Herbivore Eggs (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 3 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unock. Herbivore egg (canteen ingredient), 1,080 z
Landing the Landside Wyvern Capture a Barroth (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 3 or higher and clear Snatch the Snatcher.  Talk to the smart biologist to unlock. 3,600 z
Special Arena: Pukei-Pukei Hunt a Pukei-Pukei (Arena) Reach HR 3 or higher and capture a Pukei-Pukei in any quest or expedition. 2,520 z
Special Arena: Barroth Hunt a Barroth (Arena) Reach HR 4 or higher and capture a Barroth in any quest or expedition. 2,520 z
Special Arena: Tobi-Kadachi Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi (Arena) Reach HR 5 or higher and capture a Tobi-Kadachi in any quest or expedition. 2,520 z

4★ Quests

Quest Objective Unlock Conditions Rewards
One Helluva Sinus Infection Hunt an Anjanath (Ancient Forest) Reach HR 4 or higher. 4,320 z
Gettin’ Yolked in the Forest Deliver 2 Wyvern Eggs (Ancient Forest) Reach HR 4 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. Wyvern egg (canteen), 3,600 z
Royal Relocation Hunt a Rathian (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 5 or higher. Talk to the laid back botanist to unlock. Unlocks cultivation of nitroshroom, devil’s blight, parashroom, toadstool, exciteshroom, chillshroom, flashbug, godbug, thunderbug, baitbug, and spider web, 4,320 z
It’s a Crying Shamos Slay 11 Shamos (Coral Highlands) Reach HR 6 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. King turkey (canteen), 2520 z
A Tzitzi for Science Hunt a Tzitzi-Ya-Ku (Coral Highlands) Reach HR 6 or higher. 3,240 z
Sorry You’re Not Invited Hunt a Paolumu (Coral Highlands) Reach HR 6 or higher. 4,320 z
What a Bunch of Abalone Deliver 10 Super Abalone (Coral Highlands) Reach HR 6 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. Soulful caviar (canteen), 3,600 z
White Monster for a White Coat Capture a Paolumu (Coral Highlands) Reach HR 6 or higher. Talk to the smart biologist to unlock. 5,760 z
Persistent Pests Slay 14 Hornetaur (Rotten Vale) Reach HR 8 or higher. Talk to the chief botanist to unlock. Grants an additional cultivation slot, 2,520 z
A Rotten Thing to Do Hunt a Great Girros (Rotten Vale) Reach HR 8 or higher. 3,240 z
A Bone to Pick Hunt a Radobaan (Rotten Vale) Reach HR 8 or higher. 4,320 z
On Nightmare’s Wings Slay 5 Raphinos (Rotten Vale) Reach HR 8 or higher. Talk to the armory attendant to unlock. 2,520 z
Troubled Troupers Hunt 2 Tzitzi-Ya-Ku (Coral Highlands) Reach HR 6 or higher. Talk to the grimalkyne trouper in Coral Highlands to unlock. 9,000 z
Special Arena: Anjanath Hunt an Anjanath (Arena) Reach HR 5 or higher and capture Anjanath on any quest or expedition. 4,320 z
Special Arena: Radobaan Hunt a Radobaan (Arena) Reach HR 8 or higher and capture Radobaan on any quest or expedition. 4,320 z
Special Arena: Rathian Hunt a Rathian (Arena) Reach HR 5 or higher and capture Rathian on any quest or expedition. 4,320 z
Special Arena: Paolumu Hunt a Paolumu (Arena) Reach HR 6 or higher and capture Paolumu on any quest or expedition. 4,320 z

5★ Quests

Quest Objective How to Unlock Rewards
When Desire Becomes an Obsession Hunt a Rathalos (Ancient Forest) Reach HR 8 or higher. 5,400 z
Redefining the Power Couple Hunt Rathalos and Rathian (Ancient Forest) Reach HR 9 or higher. Clear Fiery Throne Atop the Forest and Horned Tyrant Below the Sands. Talk to the armory attendant to unlock. Bandit mantle, 7,920 z
Twin Spires Upon the Sands Hunt a Diablos (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 8 or higher. 5,400 z
A Humid Headache Hunt a Legiana (Coral Highlands) Reach HR 8 or higher. 5,400 z
Gone in a Flash Slay a Kirin (Coral Highlands) Reach HR 8 or higher. Talk to the impatient biologist to unlock. 9,000 z
Scratching the Itch Hunt an Odogaron (Rotten Vale) Reach HR 8 or higher. 5,400 z
Man’s Best Friend Capture an Odogaron (Rotten Vale) Reach HR 8 or higher. Talk to the impatient biologist to unlock. 7,200 z
The Meat of the Matter Deliver 2 Lumps of Meat (Rotten Vale) Reach HR 8 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. 3,600 z
Special Arena: Rathalos Hunt a Rathalos (Arena) Reach HR 8 or higher and capture Rathalos in any quest or expedition. 5,400 z
Special Arena: Diablos Hunt a Diablos (Arena) Reach HR 8 or higher and capture Diablos in any quest or expedition. 5,400 z
Special Arena: Odogaron Hunt an Odogaron (Arena) Reach HR 8 or higher and capture an Odogaron in any quest or expedition. 5,400 z
Special Arena: Legiana Hunt a Legiana (Arena) Reach HR 8 or higher and capture a Legiana in any quest or expedition. 5,400 z

6★ Quests

Quest Objective How to Unlock Rewards
Left Quite the Impression Guide Zorah Magdaros (Everstream) Reach HR 11 or higher. The quest randomly appears after clearing A Colossal Task. 8,280 z
Hard to Swallow Hunt a Great Jagras (Ancient Forest) Reach HR 11 or higher and discover Great Jagras during a high-rank expedition. 5,400 z
Googly-eyed Green Monster Hunt a Pukei-Pukei (Ancient Forest) Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Pukei-Pukei during a high-rank expedition. 7,200 z
A Hair-raising Experience Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi (Ancient Forest) Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Tobi-Kadachi during a high-rank expedition. 7,200 z
It Can’t See You if You Don’t Move Hunt an Anjanath (Ancient Forest) Reach HR 11 or higher and discover an Anjanath during a high-rank expedition. 9,000 z
The Sleeping Sylvan Queen Hunt a Rathian (Ancient Forest) Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Rathian during a high-rank expedition. 9,000 z
Stuck in their Ways Capture a Tobi-Kadachi (Ancient Forest) Reach HR 11 or higher. Talk to the shy scholar to unlock. Wyvern amber ale (canteen ingredient), 9,360 z
Keep Your Hands to Yourself Hunt a Kulu-Ya-Ku (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Kulu-Ya-Ku during a high-rank expedition. 5,400 z
A Crown of Mud and Anger Hunt a Barroth (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Barroth during a high-rank expedition 7,200 z
Pukei-Pukei Ambush Hunt a Pukei-Pukei (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 11 or higher. 7,200 z
Up to Your Waist in the Waste Hunt a Jyuratodus (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Jyuratodus during a high-rank expedition. 9,000 z
Brown Desert, Green Queen Hunt a Rathian (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Rathian during a high-rank expedition. 9,000 z
Trespassing Troublemaker Hunt an Anjanath (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 11 or higher. 9,000 z
Say Cheese Hunt a Tzitzi-Ya-Ku (Coral Highlands) Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Tzitzi-Ya-Ku during a high-rank expedition. 5,400 z
Loop the Paolumu Hunt a Paolumu (Coral Highlands) Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Paolumu during a high-rank expedition. 7,200 z
A Tingling Taste Hunt a Great Girros (Rotten Vale) Reach HR 11 or higher. 5,400 z
Stuck in a Rut Hunt a Radobaan (Rotten Vale) Reach HR 11 or higher and discover a Radobaan during a high-rank expedition. 9,000 z
Chef Quest: Pumped to Deliver Deliver 4 Forgotten Fossils (Rotten Vale) Reach HR 11 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. Tangy tripe (canteen ingredient), 5,400 z
Chef Quest: A Rotten Request Slay 10 Girros (Rotten Vale) Reach HR 11 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. Steeled meat (canteen ingredient), 5,400 z
A Meow for Help Slay 13 Gastodon (Elder’s Recess) Reach HR 13 or higher. 5,400 z
A Scalding Scoop Slay 5 Barnos (Elder’s Recess) Reach HR 13 or higher. 6,480 z
Dodogama Drama Hunt a Dodogama (Elder’s Recess) Reach HR 13 or higher and discover a Dodogama during a high-rank expedition. 9,000 z
Chef Quest: Gajalaka Lockdown Defeat 10 Gajalaka (Elder’s Recess) Reach HR 13 or higher. Talk to the meowscular chef to unlock. Boorish yellowtail (canteen ingredient), 5,400 z
Special Arena: HR Pukei-Pukei Hunt a Puke-Pukei (Arena) Reach HR 11 or higher and capture a Pukei-Pukei during a high-rank quest or expedition. 7,200 z
Special Arena: HR Anjanath Hunt an Anajanth (Arena) Reach HR 11 or higher and capture an Anjanath during a high-rank quest or expedition. 9,000 z
Special Arena: HR Barroth Hunt a Barroth (Arena) Reach HR 11 or higher and capture a Barroth during a high-rank quest or expedition. 7,200 z
Special Arena: HR Paolumu Hunt a Paolumu (Arena) Reach HR 11 or higher and capture a Paolumu during a high-rank quest or expedition. 7,200 z
Special Arena: HR Tob-Kadachi Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi (Arena) Reach HR 11 or higher and capture a Tobi-Kadachi during a high-rank quest or expedition. 7,200 z
Special Arena: HR Rathian Hunt a Rathian (Arena) Reach HR 11 or higher and capture a Rathian during a high-rank quest or expedition. 7,200 z
Special Arena: HR Radobaan Hunt a Radobaan (Arena) Reach HR 11 or higher and capture a Radobaan during a high-rank quest or expedition. 7,200 z

7★ Quests

Quest Objective Unlock Conditions Rewards
Rathalos Rematch Hunt a Rathlos (Ancient Forest) Reach HR 13 or higher 12,600 z
Rathalos in Blue Hunt an Azure Rathalos (Ancient Forest) Reach HR 13 or higher 14,400 z
The Red and Blue Crew Hunt a Rathalos and Azure Rathalos (Ancient Forest) Reach HR 13 or higher. Talk to the armory attendant to unlock. Challenger mantle, 21,600 z
Pretty in Pink Hunt a Pink Rathian (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 12 or higher. 12,600 z
Well, That Diablos Hunt a Diablos (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 13 or higher and discover a Diablos during a high-rank expedition. 12,600 z
Two-horned Hostility Hunt a Black Diablos (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 13 or higher. 14,400
RRRRRumble in the Waste Hunt a Diablos and Black Diablos (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 13 or higher and discover a Black Diablos during a high-rank expedition. Talk to the third fleet master to unlock. Astera beer (canteen ingredient), affinity booster, 21,600 z
A Cherry Wind Upon the Reefs Hunt a Pink Rathian (Coral Highlands) Reach HR 12 or higher. 12,600 z
Legiana: Highlands of Royalty Hunt a Legiana (Coral Highlands) Reach HR 13 or higher and discover a Legiana during a high-rank expedition. 12,600 z
A Sore Site Hunt an Odogaron (Coral Highlands) Reach HR 13 or higher. Talk to the airship engineer to unlock. Goldenfish bew (canteen ingredient), 12,600 z
Talons of Ire and Ice Hunt Legiana and Odogaron (Coral Highlands) Reach HR 13 or higher. Talk to the chief botanist to unlock. Grants an additional cultivation slot, 20,160 z
Odogaron Unleashed Hunt Odogaron (Rotten Vale) Reach HR 13 or higher and discover an Odogaron during a high-rank expedition. 12,600 z
Lavasioth, Monster of Magma Hunt Lavasioth (Elder’s Recess) Reach HR 13 or higher and discover a Lavasioth during a high-rank expedition. 12,600 z
Ore-eating Occupier Hunt an Uragaan (Elder’s Recess) Reach HR 13 or higher and discover a Uragaan during a high-rank expedition. 12,600 z
Ruler of the Azure Skies Hunt an Azure Rathalos (Elder’s Recess) Reach HR 13 or higher. 14,400 z
Bazelgeuse in the Field of Fire Hunt a Bazelgeuse (Elder’s Recess) Reach HR 13 or higher. Talk to the smart biologist to unlock. 1,000 research points, 14,400 z
A Fiery Convergence Hunt a Lavasioth and Uragaan (Elder’s Recess) Reach HR 13 or higher. Clear The Sleeping Sylvan Queen and Dodogama Drama. Talk to the armory attendant to unlock. Fireproof mantle, 21,600 z
Today’s Special: Hunter Flambe Hunt a Deviljho (Ancient Forest) Reach HR 13 or higher and clear The Food Chain Dominator. 14,400 z
Special Arena: HR Uragaan Hunt an Uragaan (Arena) Reach HR 13 and capture an Uragaan during any high-rank quest or expedition. 14,400 z
Special Arena: HR Pink Rathian Hunt a Pink Rathian (Arena) Reach HR 13 and capture a Pink Rathian during any high-rank quest or expedition. 12,600 z
Special Arena: HR Odogaron Hunt an Odogaron (Arena) Reach HR 13 and capture an Odogaron during any high-rank quest or expedition. 12,600 z
Special Arena: HR Rathalos Hunt a Rathalos (Arena) Reach HR 13 and capture a Rathlos during any high-rank quest or expedition. 12,600 z
Special Arena: HR Azure Rathalos Hunt an Azure Rathalos (Arena) Reach HR 13 and capture an Azure Rathalos during any high-rank quest or expedition 14,400 z
Special Arena: HR Diablos Hunt a Diablos (Arena) Reach HR 13 and capture a Diablos during any high-rank quest or expedition 12,600 z
Special Arena: HR Black Diablos Hunt a Black Diablos (Arena) Reach HR 13 and capture a Black Diablos during any high-rank quest or expedition 14,400 z
Special Arena: HR Legiana Hunt a Legiana (Arena) Reach HR 13 and capture a Legiana during any high-rank quest or expedition 12,600 z

8★ Quests

Quest Objective Unlock Conditions Rewards
A Portent of Disaster Slay Kushala Daora (Ancient Forest) Reach HR 14 or higher and complete research of 10 different monsters. Talk to the armory attendant to unlock. Apothecary mantle, 18,000 z
Lightning Strikes Twice Slay Kirin (Coral Highlands) Reach HR 13 or higher and raise Kirin investigation level to 3. Talk to the impatient biologist to unlock. 18,000 z
Stirrings from the Grave Slay Vaal Hazak (Rotten Vale) Reach HR 14 or higher. 18,000 z
The Eater of Elders Slay Nergigante (Elder’s Recess) Reach HR 13 or higher. 18,000 z
Hellfire’s Stronghold Slay Teostra (Elder’s Recess) Reach HR 14 or higher. 18,000 z
Master of the Gale Slay Kushala Daora (Elder’s Recess) Reach HR 14 or higher. 18,000 z
Blue Prominence Slay Lunastra (Elder’s Recess) Reach HR 16 or higher. 18,000 z
Infernal Monarchy Say Teostra and Lunastra (Elder’s Recess) Reach HR 16 or higher. 28,800 z
A Blaze on the Sand Slay Teostra (Wildspire Waste) Reach HR 14 or higher and complete research on 15 different monsters. Talk to the armory attendant to unlock. Immunity mantle, 18,000 z

9★ Quests

Quest Objective Unlock Conditions Rewards
A Visitor from Eorzea Slay Behemoth (Elder’s Recess) Clear He Taketh it with His Eyes 25,200 z
A Light Upon the River’s Gloom Slay Xeno’jiiva (Confluence of Fates) Reach HR 16 or higher and clear Land of Convergence. 19,800 z
Showdown: The Muck and the Maul Hunt tempered Barroth and Radobaan (Special Arena) Reach HR 15 or higher and hunt five different threat level 1 monsters. Talk to the armory attendant to unlock. Impact mantle, 15,840 z
New World Sky, New Flower Hunt tempered Pink Rathian and Azure Rathalos (Special Arena) Reach HR 15 or higher and hunt seven different threat level 2 monsters. Evasion mantle, 25,920 z
A Summons from Below Slay tempered Vaal Hazak and hunt tempered Odogaron Reach HR 15 or higher and hunt three different threat level 3 monsters. Talk to the armory attendant to unlock. R0cksteady mantle, 29,520 z
The White Winds of the New World Hunt tempered Legiana, Odogaron, Diablos, and Rathalos (Special Arena) Reach HR 15 or higher. Complete all story quests, (including Beyond the Blasting Scales and Thunderous Rumble in the Highlands), all 8★ optional quests and arena quests (except Today’s Special: Hunter Flambe, Blue Prominence, and Infernal Monarchy), and the 9★ Light Upon the River’s Gloom. Rainbow armor pigment, research commission ticket, 27,720 z
The Sapphire Star’s Guidance Slay tempered Kushala Daora, Teostra, and Nergigante (Elder’s Recess) Reach HR 100 or higher. Research commission ticket, 38,880 z

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