Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age / FFXII - Mid Game Leveling Guide

Mid game leveling guide for Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age, including the best locations to grind for experience in the game.

Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age / FFXII: TZA - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Recommended Methods for Mid Game Leveling

These methods are recommended for characters at level 30 to 40.

Miriam Stilshrine – Ghasts

Have Decoy distract the Negalmuur in Miriam Stilshrine. Customize your gambits to only kill foes with below 3000 HP. This will cause the characters to only attack the Ghasts and not the summoner. Occasionally, use a remedy heal to your party leader and continue the infinite loop of farming.

Golmore Jungle –  Zombies

Head to the southern part of Golmore Jungle where you’ll find Zombies spawning. This place is ideal for players between levels 20-50. To make it quicker, have characters utilize their healing skills on enemies. Alternatively, cast Reflect on your allies so that Cure spells land on enemies instead. Another method is to have a Holy weapon that can deal heavy damage to Undead creatures.

After killing the zombies, head to town and sell all the items you earned. This should grant you some gil.

Draklor Laboratory- Imperial Soldiers

One can get easily overwhelmed in Draklor Laboratory by the sheer number of enemies. However, customizing your gambit to focus on a single enemy can easily whittle down those numbers. The enemies here spawn indefinitely in groups of 3’s or 4’s. Focus on one at a time to keep the infinite loop of exp going to get as much as possible.

Other Leveling Guides

Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age / FFXII おすすめ記事リスト

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