Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age / FFXII - Basic Information on Quickenings

Introduction to Quickening in Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, including frequently asked questions on how Quickenings work.

Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age / FFXII: TZA - Game Guide and Walkthrough

What is a Quickening?

A Quickening is similar to Final Fantasy IX’s Trance and Final Fantasy X’s Overdrive. Quickenings adapted the style of Final Fantasy X’s Overdrive input with some additional interactions.

These interactions involve a quick pressing of buttons to create a sequence. Because of this, one must have fast reflexes in order to deal a heavy amount of damage.

Something to take note of is that Quickenings do not need any Charge Time. Upon usage, all normal gameplay stops and the animation for the Quickening will ensue.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: So, where do we get Quickenings? Do they come with the character?

A: Quickenings unlock through the License Board. Some Quickenings also come with a certain requirement. They are also dependent on the job class of the character trying to learn the Quickening. For example, the Shikari require certain weapon licenses to unlock particular Quickenings.

Q: Why does it cost so much to learn Quickenings? Is it really worth it?

A: It’s a matter of preference and weighing one’s options. The Quickenings consume a “Mist Gauge.” This Mist Gauge is not only for Quickenings but also for summoning. Neither Quickenings or summoning have a clear advantage over the other, so it can be difficult to decide which is worth investing in for Mist Gauge use.

Q: Is it possible to chain Quickening Skills to cause more damage?

A: Yes! In fact, the more you connect, the higher the damage. However, this will take quick reflexes to complete such a task. Managing it is quite rewarding, however, especially when battling bosses like Zodiark.

Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age / FFXII おすすめ記事リスト

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