Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age / FFXII - Post-Game Content

List of all post-game content you can find after beating the main story of Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age.

Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age / FFXII: TZA - Game Guide and Walkthrough

What to Do After Clearing the Game

Start New Game+

After watching the ending, your party members’ and guest members’ levels will all be at 90 if you load your save file again. The party members’ jobs will return to their initial state, but your money and equipment will still be there after the ending.

Clear Trial Mode

You can easily go through 100 stages of Trial Mode once you’ve beaten the game due to your party’s level.

At the 100th and last stages of Trial Mode, you will fight all the Judges of Ivalice.

Trial Mode Guide

Get the Strongest Weapons

Getting the strongest weapons in the game is much easier after finishing the main story.

How to Obtain the Best Weapons

Get the Strongest Equipment

There are several powerful armor pieces and accessories for each job that you can collect after finishing the main story.

How to Obtain the Best Armor

How to Obtain the Best Accessories

Capture Hidden Espers

There are some hidden Espers that you can capture in secret areas of the game. You can try to capture them while playing through the main story, but some of them can be very difficult to defeat if you are not at the recommended level or equipped with the proper equipment. A list of hidden Espers is indicated below.

Esper Boss Guide

Battle Hidden Bosses

There are three hidden bosses that you can find in Ivalice. These hidden bosses are Hell Wyrm, Yiazmat, and Omega Mk XII. Click the name of a hidden boss below for an in-depth guide on how to defeat them.

Sidequest and Optional Boss Guides

Do Hunts

After beating the main story, you may still complete some of the hunts that you hadn’t accepted before.

Mob Hunts Guide

Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age / FFXII おすすめ記事リスト

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  1. Games Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age Final Fantasy XII Final Fantasy Genres Action Adventure RPG Platforms Playstation 4