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Arthur Item Builds
Core Items
These items are necessary in order to play Arthur optimally. Only diverge from a core item if you are a very experienced player or you have a very good reason for doing so.
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Mantle of Ra is a great starter item for Arthur as it provides both offensive and defensive stats. It also grants a passive that synergizes well with Holy Guard. |
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Frost Cape is the perfect bruiser item for Arthur, providing him with a ton of armor, HP, and cooldown reduction. What makes this even stronger is the passive which reduces the movement speed and deals damage when attacking a hero after using an ability. |
Optional Items
Offensive Item Choices
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Fenrir’s Tooth is an unorthodox item for Arthur, but it helps him secure kills and out damage enemies in trades. The item’s passive alone is a game changer when used with Arthur’s burst combo. Using your combo on squishies or offensive heroes practically guarantee a kill when using this item. |
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This item helps protect against burst abilities with the shield that it provides. It also increases the wearer’s damage when the passive is activity, increasing Arthur’s lethality. |
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This item increases cooldown speed while also increasing offensive and defensive stats. Its passive shreds enemy armor each time Arthur attacks, great for long engagements. Arthur in particular benefits quite a bit from the item, Righteous Fervor applies two stacks of the armor pierce while Holy Guard adds a stack of armor pierce each time it deals damage. |
Defensive Item Choices
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Taking Hyoga’s Edge can either be a more defensive alternate to Frost Cape or supplement it for immense amounts of slows. The item offers more defensive stats than Frost Cape as well as a speed boost when the user attacks at the expense of lacking the area of effect slow of Frost Cape or the damage boost that Frost Cape offers. |
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Medallion of Troy is a strong item against bursty mages, as it grants him an extra shield every 18 seconds that protects him from magic damage. It also gives a fair amount of defensive stats such as magic defense and max HP. On top of all of this, it also provides a 10% cooldown reduction which can be very useful to the cooldown-based Arthur. |
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Gaia’s Standard is a very strong defensive item. This item gives him a lot of HP regeneration and magic defense. The speed will help Arthur as he runs around the map while the magic defense and regeneration will keep him up in longer fights. |
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Amulet of Longevity grants large amounts of health and regeneration, amplifying that provided by other items along the way. This is particularly useful on Arthur, he already having a bit of armor through his passive. The item provides dramatic amounts of health for a single item, so should be considered if needing defense but already stacked on defense and magic defense. |
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Odin’s Will is a great aggressive item for Arthur that increases his attack damage and movement speed whenever he takes damage. It also gives attack damage and HP which can help him kill enemy squishies while absorbing their damage. |
Boots Choices
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Gilded Greaves is one of the best defensive boots due to its magic defense and resistance. Resistance is particularly helpful for Arthur since he needs to get close to enemies to damage them. |
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Sonic Boots is an alternate to Gilded Greaves when facing primarily physical teams. These boots are most effective when the opponents rely heavily on their normal attacks, as the damage reduction they offer applies to both a normal attack’s base damage and any additional on-hit effects they might have. |
Sample Item Builds
Here we build Arthur as a bruiser, the most popular way to build up the hero. Mantle of Ra, Frost Cape, and Spear of Longinus are all excellent hybrid items that boost Arthur’s offensive and defensive capabilities. Gaia’s Standard, while not offering much offensively, provides some decent utility along with it’s defensive offerings. Arthur will both be able to speed around the map, nuking people with Deep Impact and withstand the punishment that enemies try to throw at him and his team.
In this build, we focus more directly on Arthur’s survivability, pushing him into more of a tanking role than a hybrid warrior. Medallion of Troy, Shield of the Lost, and Amulet of Longevity are each powerhouses when it comes to their focused upon defensive stat, magic defense, armor, and HP respectively. Frost Cape and Mantle of Ra add to the hero’s survivability as well, albeit not in quite as impressive amounts as other items.

Mantle of Ra | Gilded Greaves | The Aegis | Medallion of Troy | Frost Cape | Gaia’s Standard |
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Here’s a Fun build, I call it the Super Knight build. Basically, the goal is to get Arthur to 35-40 CD. This makes it so that Arthur’s 2 can almost always be dealing actively damage, and he can always be flying around with his 1 for massive mobility. What you basically end up with is a tankier version of superman who can stay in the fight a bit longer.
There’s multiple ways to go about this, but the core of the build is Mantle, Greaves, Frost, Crimson (for healing), Aegis/Longinus (High CDR), and Medallion.
Good damage, High cooldowns, High armor/magic defense, and constant utility from his 1 and 2. Arthur becomes an extremely mobile hero, able to enter and exit fights as he pleases, and able to burst down low enemies if he chooses to disengage to heal up a bit. I recommend Attack damage arcana with this build. The above build is for generally high magic damage teams, but if the enemy team is low on damage, you can run Flashy boots, Gaia’s, and Hercules’ in place of Greaves, Crimson, and Medallion respectively. This build makes Arthur extremely annoying to catch and control, kind of like superman without the pushing/stuns. As such, it’s most effective to use this build to run in and chip the enemy heroes, let his 2 deal some damage and then run back out for a second before getting combo-ed too hard. It’s best to be cautious early and midgame, as this build is late-game oriented, so focus on farming early on (I recommend running it in bot lane.) Enjoy the build!
Send us your builds!
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Hello ma bois,
weird flex but I am servers best (EU) with this kinda bullshit.
I read the comments and wtf, why the hell r u using tank items? U said: “… Nuked…” So I build him the assassin way.
Medallion of troy
Yeah, u need a little bit armor that u won’t die cause u miss played something or get oneshoted. Use execute and just roam, make eraly pressure and if u had to, let ur tower fall.
Yeah I am in the jungle with Arthur and hell yeah it works pretty good.
Just go for simple kriknak build(full burst)
Just make ur first jungle clear and go kill someone. U r so tanky but in the end u have like 30% damage, u can die so ur main goal is to kill the enemy jungler, he has way less health than u and ur damage is higher. Ur ult deals like 50% of every hero except tanks.
For Arcana go full damage with 100 pierce
For runes go full burst but endless battle and arcane whisper…
Teamfight be like:
Roam around them, wait for a moment, take a target alone, and then help ur team, clear up. If u stand 5 0 u can fight 1v3
Rourke will end you and your standing does not matter at all.
King Arthur with Sheath and Excalibur
1.Sonic boots
2.Puryfying bracer(any support item depends on enemey)
3.Aegis Shield
4.Gaia Standard
6.Blade of eternity / the beast
10x indomitable
3x Colossus
6x benevolence
1x guerrilla
5x mithrill
2x Crusade
3x Valliance
early game goal is to secure team so they have a good time and item, on mid game you are the one who hunt for enemy and with puryfying bracer can help you to take some cc enemy, on late game you are the initiator of war and also make all enemy lane busy with your split push and thanks to S1 arthur so you can run to ur friend as soon as possible
Why, why r u going for a hybrid build?
Here is a anti-assassin/ Slayer Lane build.
This build will work very good in NA since there is a lot of popularity around assassin solo laners. And jungler. Being as it is in most of there builds, they do no build magic defense. Making you a huge threat.
With this arcana:
10x Violate
5x Assissinate
3x Devour
2x Colossus
10x Flurry
Item build:
Gilded boots
Hercule’s Madness
Staff of Nuul
Berith’s Agony
Soaring Aura
After building just half of the first item you will be able to melt your enemy since his 1st and 2nd skills deal magic damage respectively. You also get CD reduction which is awesome.
Gilded boots can be swapped for more CD if you like.
Hercule’s awareness gives you that tankiness you’ll need to roam if you choose.
Then comes the staff of Nuul for some overkill penetration in case. They caught on to your build.
And finally Soaring Aura to help in team fights as well as laning. Which gives them no chance to get out alive.
I call this build “All about dat speeeeeed” :v
Mantle of Ra – Gilded Boots – The Aegis – Odin’s Will – Gaia’s Standard – Fenrir’s Tooth (or anything you’d like at this point)
Note: [Odin’s and Gaia’s and Aegis’s passive] = [dope]
– Basically I just replace the usual Frost Cape with Aegis for extra tankiness, so that Arthur could use Odin’s passive effectively without dying.
– The Aegis’s 20% CDR enables him to spam his 1 (and 2 and ult). Tap into Arthur Bolt’s true potential.
– His 1 already slows enemy a little, now with [dope] he doesn’t need to worry about chasing enemies, especially those annoying marksmen who kites you with slowing passive (Tel Annas and red buff).
– Moreover, [dope] create the greatest escaping method. Ever. Only Valhein can stop you.
In-depth explaination: When an enemy hit you (with anything), they are slowed by 15% while you run 10% faster. Given that Arthur’s base movement speed is already fast (460 with boots) and you have an additional 15% speed bonus. Equip 10x Assassinate for maximum effect.
An example: Arthur when get hit by marksman with red buff:
You 460*1.05*1.1*0.7*1.1=409 (additional 1.1 from arcana)
Enemy 460*0.85=391 (Aegis)(for marksman 460 is impossible anyway)
You already run faster than everyone. And you didn’t even use your 1.
Triple burn build. Can play either in lane of jungle.
Leviathan – burn damage, build HP
Gilded Greaves – only source of magic defense in this build
Mantle of Ra – burn damage, AD, armor
Berith’s Agony – Arthur’s Holy Guard scales with AP and AD, burn passive when connecting with Holy Guard
Fenrir’s Tooth – passive increases all the burn damage when opponent under 50% health.
Blade of Eternity – increase burn damage by 10%.
Idea is to jump in, use Holy Guard and get the burns from Leviathan, Mantle, and Berith’s. Build is tanky with armor, so you should be able to get in the middle of the action so you can burn anyone close (in addition to the damage from Holy Guard)
Leviathan and Mantle burn passive are the same so only one will work
I want to add my “Havoc build”, which gives Arthur ability to initiate, giving some damage to enemy team, and can safely disengage.
1. Flashy boots, 2. Hercules’ Madness, 3. Omni Arms, 4. Muramasa, 5. Medallion of Troy (more mdef), 6. Fenrir’s Tooth / The Beast.
Here is my explanation: 1. In early game, you will need more CDR for roam and spam your skills, 2. Early def and mdef cant gone wrong, 3. In mid game, you will need more atk and CDR, 4. Enemy tanks defense will go higher, make your damage more relevant, 5. Mages can be annoying, its time to build more HP and mdef, 6. End game, dependent on your team, if you want more damage choose fenrir tooth, if more durability, choose the beast.
You can also jungle Arthur, as his abilities offer a fast clear plus his passive makes him take very low damage. Many reasons speak for that:
1. You want to roam anyway, so you do what a jungler normally does anyway, ganking. And with your abilities you are a huge threat to anyone you gank
2. Leviathan basically works exactly like Mantle of Ra, and both stack, means you have insane levels of magic damage. Combine that with Enchanted Kicks and you deal high magic damage against anyone. Also the bonus percentage damage of Righteous Fervor is increased by that. Mail of Pain also does magic damage, so this works here as well.
Leviathan, Enchanted Kicks, Mantle of Ra, Hydroga’s Edge, Mail of Pain, Amulet of Longevity
Of course, you can also buy different items if you want to adjust your playstyle. You could buy Staff of Nuul if you want more damage and penetrate tanks even harder, plus Holy Guard scales with AP. You can also buy more resistance related items depending on the enemy teamcomp. Or you go attack speed to use Righteous Fervor’s bonus damage more often.
Here’s a Fun build, I call it the Super Knight build. Basically, the goal is to get arthur to 35-40 CD. This makes it so that arthur’s 2 can almost always be dealing actively damage, and he can always be flying around with his 1 for massive mobility. What you basically end up with is a tankier version of superman who can stay in the fight a bit longer.
There’s multiple ways to go about this, but the core of the build is Mantle, Greaves, Frost, Crimson (for healing), Aegis/Longinus (High CDR), and Medallion.
Good damage, High cooldowns, High armor/magic defense, and constant utility from his 1 and 2. Arthur becomes an extremely mobile hero, able to enter and exit fights as he pleases, and able to burst down low enemies if he chooses to diesngage to heal up a bit. I recommend Attack damage arcana with this build. The above build is for generally high magic damage teams, but if the enemy team is low on damage, you can run Flashy boots, Gaia’s, and Hercule’s in place of Greaves, Crimson, and Medallion repesctively. This build makes arthur extremely annoying to catch and control, kind of like superman without the pushing/stuns. As such, it’s most effective to use this build to run in and chip the enemy heroes, let his 2 deal some damage and then run back out for a second before getting comboed too hard. It’s best to be cautious early and midgame, as this build is late-game oriented, so focus on farming early on (I recommend running it in bot lane.) Enjoy the build!
Thanks! And I totally agree with the changes you made, they suit Arthur well! Sorry it took so long to reply, I just forgot :P.
I’ve looked all over for Crimson Banner and it seems like it’s been removed? Or renamed? What do you recommend as a switch?