Arena of Valor (AoV) - Moren Hero Guide

A guide to Arena of Valor's Moren, the Technowiz. Moren is a marksman who uses his abilities to unleash a stream of attacks to quickly blast away his opponents' health.

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Arena of Valor Moren

Moren Overview

Moren is a marksman who is proficient at zoning and bombarding enemies from a distance. While he works best on teams that have a beefy front line, Moren is still capable of going toe to toe with enemies should the need arise.


  • Excellent Zoning – Moren is good at keeping his opponents away from the minion wave with his abilities. He has a solid poke with Tactical Maneuver and can push with Impact Barrage. His zoning capabilities further ramp up once he gets Magnetic Storm. Enemies will think twice about venturing in and throwing down against Moren whenever he casts it.
  • Good Duelist – Moren can also handle enemies one on one when the situation arises. His Precision passive grants him life steal after he successfully lands five attacks or abilities. His dueling potential is further strengthened by Tactical Maneuver, which gives him bonus armor and magic defense as long as he is able to keep hitting opponents with his normal attacks.
  • Decent Kiting – Moren is most potent when he is able to pepper the opposition from a safe distance. This, along with his abilities, makes him decent at kiting enemies. Furthermore, if opponents try to engage, Moren can push them back with Impact Barrage to maintain a comfortable distance while he pelts them with his normal attacks.


  • Item Dependent – Moren needs to farm for his items quickly to ramp up his attack damage and contribute to team fights. If he gets targeted in enemy ganks and killed often, he will have a hard time catching up.
  • Susceptible to Burst Damage – Moren relies on sustained damage from his normal attacks to maintain his defensive bonuses from Tactical Fire. As such, he is weak to enemies who can deal large amounts of burst damage such as mages and assassins.
  • Struggles against Crowd Control – Like most marksmen, Moren’s damage revolves around his normal attacks. If he gets stunned or disabled, his damage output goes down very quickly.

Hero Basic Strategy

Laning Strategy

  • Moren is best suited to the jungle due to his high durability and need to get items and experience as quickly as possible.
  • Moren is quite tanky in comparison to other marksmen. Use this to your advantage to zone out or poke your enemy.
  • If you’re facing a highly aggressive opponent in the lane, bait them towards you before hitting them with your normal attacks. If they get too close, push them back with Impact Barrage.
  • Cast Magnetic Storm as to catch as many enemies as you can in its area. This will deal moderate damage and slow down any inside its diameter. Continue assaulting them with your normal attacks as this is happening to help whittle away their HP.

Leveling Progression

  • Level up Tactical Maneuver first, as this is your main damaging ability.
  • Get Impact Barrage next, as this will keep you safe from enemies who like to get up close and personal.
  • Finally, level up Magnetic Storm whenever you get a chance. It lets you slow enemies during team fights if you manage to get them within its area.

Battle Strategy

  • Solo Fights: Keep up a steady stream of basic attacks going as you fight, casting Tactical Maneuver often to take advantage of your passive’s cooldown refresh. Tactical Maneuver’s bonus armor, magic defense, and movement speed should give you an advantage, especially when mixed with Precision’s life steal. If you feel like your opponent’s damage output is stronger than yours, though, push them back with Impact Barrage and retreat. Pushing an enemy into Magnetic Storm’s area will stun them. Use this either to prevent the enemy from attacking or to assist you in escaping.
  • Team Fights: Make sure you’re a safe distance away from enemies, staying somewhere you can attack and use your abilities without fear of being attacked yourself. Once your initiators engage, use Magnetic Storm on as many enemies as possible. If there are any enemies between you and Magnetic Field, use Impact Barrage to push them inside and stun them. Pepper enemies caught in your ultimate’s effect with normal attacks. Activate Tactical Maneuver whenever you can to increase your normal attack damage.
  • Escaping the Battle: Cast Impact Barrage on any enemies that are chasing you. This will knock them back and give you some room to get away. Tactical Maneuver will increase your movement speed and defenses, both a big help in making a safe escape.


Arena of Valor Precision Precision (PASSIVE) – Every successful attack and ability places a Mark of Precision on Moren. At 5 stacks, the cooldown for Tactical Maneuver is refreshed immediately and Moren gains 12-26% (1% increase per level) Life Steal.
  • Precision allows you to survive duels with its bonus life steal so long as you keep hitting your opponent with normal attacks.
  • All of Moren’s precision stacks will disappear if he doesn’t land an attack or ability for ten seconds.
Arena of Valor Tactical Maneuver Tactical Maneuver – Moren’s movement speed is increased by 40% for 1.5 seconds. His next normal attack within 5 seconds fires 2 bullets, each dealing 25 (+0.85 AD)/(+0.91 AD)/(+0.97 AD)/(+1.03 AD)/(+1.09 AD)/(+1.15 AD)ˀ physical damage. Moren also gains 25/34/43/52/61/70 armor and magic defense for 5 seconds. These effects can be extended by successful normal attacks up to 10 times.
  • Paired with Precision, Tactical Maneuver makes you rather hard to kill. This is especially true once you get your attack speed and attack damage items.
  • Shots from Tactical Maneuver can critically strike, the empowered damage used to calculate the critical damage.
Arena of Valor Impact Barrage Impact Barrage – Moren knocks back enemies and deals 150/200/250/300/350/400 (+0.6 AD) physical damage. Also reduces enemy movement speed by 30% for 2 seconds.
  • Use Impact Barrage to keep enemies back when fighting or when trying to escape.
  • You can combo Impact Barrage with Magnetic Storm for decent damage. Furthermore, this will stun the enemies, rendering them unable to escape the damage from both Magnetic Storm and your normal attacks.
  • You can use Impact Barrage to send enemies through walls.
Arena of Valor Magnetic Storm Magnetic Storm – Moren launches a magnetic grenade towards the target area. The explosion triggers a magnetic storm over 2.5 seconds, dealing 180/240/320 (+0.3 AD) physical damage 6 times to enemies in the area and reducing their movement speed by 50%. Enemies knocked into the storm by Impact Barrage are also stunned for 1.5 seconds.
  • Magnetic Storm is a great ultimate that shines in team fights. Target an area where you can trap multiple enemies within the storm to deal a good amount of damage. The slow creates an opening where your allies can follow up with their damaging abilities.

How to Counter Moren

  • Avoid getting caught inside Moren’s Ultimate to minimize getting significantly damaged.

Hero Item Build

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Claves Sancti
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Claves Sancti
Arena of Valor Omni Arms
Omni Arms
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Slikk’s Sting
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More Moren Item Builds

Hero Arcana

  •  Moren becomes even more dangerous when he runs an Arcana set that increases his attack speed and critical chance. Atrocity and Guerilla gives him these boosts, while Skewer adds some Armor Pierce and AD to his already high-offense kit.

Hero Counters

Arena of Valor Tank Tank

Moren does okay against tanks, as long as he is able to keep a safe distance away and pepper them with his normal attacks. He can put a real dent in their HP after getting his core items. That said, tanks usually pack strong control abilities like stuns, which are big trouble for Moren if hit by them.

Arena of Valor Warrior Warrior

As with tanks, Moren’s success against warriors will depend on his items. Since Moren’s strength relies on duking it out and maximizing his Precision passive and Tactical Maneuvering, he generally does well against offensive warriors who also rely on landing their normal attacks. Moren can struggle against more defensive warriors, especially if they have a way to close in on him.

Arena of Valor Assassin Assassin

Assassins make quick work of Moren, especially when fed. As such, Moren should avoid anyone on one fights with such heroes. Look for a teammate who will keep them busy during team fights, as you will be among their primary targets.

Arena of Valor Mage Mage

As long as Moren is able to evade their damaging abilities, he makes quick work of mages. Mages are usually rather squishy and are susceptible to pokes. As a result, Moren will have the upper hand in fights that he can avoid mages’ abilities.

Arena of Valor Marksman Marksman

Moren is a bit tankier than most marksmen and can throw down with them as a result. Tactical Maneuver gives him bonus armor and magic defense, allowing him to soak up some of the target’s damage as he dishes out his own. His Magnetic Storm + Impact Barrage combo can stun the enemy marksmen as well, leaving them open to Moren’s normal attacks.

Arena of Valor Support Support

Moren does well against supports, as they are generally rather squishy. However, most support heroes have a stun or a slow, which are big problems for Moren. Evade their control abilities and punish them with your auto attacks and abilities.

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