Arena of Valor (AoV) - Tulen Hero Attributes, Stats & Abilities

Guide for the hero Tulen, a character in Arena of Valor (AoV). Included are Tulen's abilities, statistics, attributes, strengths, weaknesses, and more.

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These are Tulen’s attributes on the mobile version of Arena of Valor. Click here for his attributes on the Nintendo Switch version.

Tulen Stats

Arena of Valor Tulen

Tulen Overview

SG Rating 9
Arena of Valor Constitution
Arena of Valor Attack Damage
Arena of Valor Ability Damage
Arena of Valor Difficulty
Constitution Arena of Valor Constitution
Attack Damage Arena of Valor Attack Damage
Ability Damage Arena of Valor Ability Damage
Difficulty Arena of Valor Difficulty
Class Mage
Role Finisher

Tier List

Tulen Stats

Stats Lv.1 Per Level Increase Lv.15
HP 3135 180 5655
Mana 490 107 1988
Attack Damage 156 9.4 287
Critical Damage 200% 0 200%
Armor 87 | 12.6% 17.4 330 |35.4%
Magic Defense 50 | 7.6% 8.5 169 | 21.9%
HP Regen / 5 sec 44 2 72
Mana Regen / 5 sec 18 1.9 43
Movement Speed 350 0 350
Attack Speed 0% 1% 14%
Attack Range Long Range (600 units)

Tulen Abilities (Descriptions, Videos, and Mechanisms)

What’s with all these numbers? Learn more about Ability Progression.

Passive Ability Effect
Arena of Valor ThunderclapTHUNDERCLAP
Whenever Tulen hits an enemy with an ability, he gains 1 charge of Thunderclap. After reaching 5 charges, he summons 5 lightning bolts that shoot out in sequence towards nearby enemies, prioritizing heroes. Each lightning bolt deals 320 (+0.525 AP) magic damage. If more than one lightning bolt hits the same target within 1 second, the damage dealt by the subsequent bolts will be reduced by 20%. The lightning bolts will only attack monsters if they’re in aggression mode.
Ability 1 Effect
Arena of Valor Ion BlastsION BLASTS
Mana: 60
Magic Damage
Tulen shoots three ion blasts, each dealing 450/510/570/630/690/750 (+0.78 AP) magic damage to enemies along its path. When enemies are hit with more than one blast, each additional hit will deal 30% damage. Each prism that hits an enemy will add 1 Thunderclap charge (1 charge per blast).
1 2 3 4 5 6
Damage 450 510 570 630 690 750
Cooldown 8 7.4 6.8 6.2 5.6 5
Ability Mechanics:

  • Ability Range: 1000 units; Effective Range: 1200 units
  • Mana cost goes up by 5 per level.
  • Passes through walls.
Ability 2 Effect
Arena of Valor Lightning StrikeLIGHTNING STRIKE
Mana: 50
Magic Damage

Tulen uses his lightning powers to zap a short distance, damaging enemies at the origin and destination. Enemies in the origin and destination areas will suffer 350/420/490/560/630/700 (+0.52 AP) magic damage. Enemies damaged by both the origin and destination areas will receive 50% damage for the second hit. Enemies damaged by Lightning Strike twice within 5 seconds will have their movement speed reduced by 90%, gradually decreasing over the following 3 seconds. Each time Tulen teleports and hits an enemy, he will receive 1 charge of Thunderclap.

Tulen can store this ability up to 3 times (cooldown between stored uses can be affected by items and arcana).

1 2 3 4 5 6
Damage 350 420 490 560 630 700
Cooldown 2 2 2 2 2 2
Charge Time 10 9.6 9.2 8.8 8.4 8
Ability Mechanics:

  • Ability Range: 400 units; Effective Range: 400 units
  • Mana cost goes up by 5 per level.
  • Can pass through walls.
  • Ability can be interrupted by crowd control abilities.
Ultimate Effect
Arena of Valor ThunderbirdTHUNDERBIRD
Mana: 120
Magic Damage

Tulen charges up and launches a Thunderbird at an enemy, dealing 360/450/540 (+0.54 AP) (+30% of the target’s lost HP) magic damage and giving Tulen 1 charge of Thunderclap. The Thunderbird can be blocked by another enemy hero getting in the way. If the Thunderbird kills an enemy hero, Tulen’s passive will be activated immediately and Thunderbird’s cooldown will be reduced by 80%. If the Thunderbird hits an enemy minion on its way to its final target, they will suffer magic damage and can be knocked into the air.

Tulen can also use Lighting Strike when charging Thunderbird.

1 2 3
Damage 360 450 540
Cooldown 35 30 25
Ability Mechanics:
  • Ability Range: 1100 units; Effective Range: 1100 units
  • Mana cost goes up by 20 per level.
  • There’s a 1.5 second delay before Tulen fires the Thunderbird.
  • Knockback does not apply to epic creatures (Dark Slayer, Abyssal Dragon, Spirit Sentinel).

In-Game Tool Tip

Use Thunderbird on enemies with low HP to help activate Tulen’s passive. Use Lightning Strike to move Tulen to a good position to launch further attacks.

Hero Spotlight

Source: Arena of Valor

Tulen Ability Order

Our recommended order for Tulen’s abilities as he levels up.

Ability 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Counters to Tulen

Arena of Valor ArthurArthur Arena of Valor MalochMaloch Arena of Valor GrakkGrakk

Recommended Equipment for Tulen

SG Recommended Build
Arena of Valor Orb of the MagiOrb of the Magi Arena of Valor Enchanted KicksEnchanted Kicks Arena of Valor Rhea's BlessingRhea’s Blessing
Arena of Valor The AegisThe Aegis Arena of Valor Soaring AuraSoaring Aura Arena of Valor Holy of HoliesHoly of Holies
SG Recommended Build
Arena of Valor Orb of the MagiOrb of the Magi Arena of Valor Enchanted KicksEnchanted Kicks Arena of Valor Rhea's BlessingRhea’s Blessing Arena of Valor The AegisThe Aegis Arena of Valor Soaring AuraSoaring Aura Arena of Valor Holy of HoliesHoly of Holies

See all of Tulen’s item builds.

Recommended Arcana for Tulen

Level 1 Arcana
Arena of Valor TalismanTalisman
Ability Power: +1.5
Arena of Valor AbsorptionAbsorption
Magic Life Steal: +0.4%
Arena of Valor DisruptionDisruption
Magic Pierce +2.2
If 10 of each: Ability Power +15, Magic Life Steal +4%, Magic Pierce +22 (-3.2% for enemies at level 1)
Level 2 Arcana
Arena of Valor CorruptionCorruption
Ability Power: +2.5
Magic Pierce: +1.4
Arena of Valor RevelationRevelation
Ability Power: +1.4
Magic Life Steal: +0.8%
Magic Defense: +1.6
Arena of Valor CorrosionCorrosion
Ability Power: +0.9
Magic Pierce: +3.8
If 10 of each: Ability Power +48, Magic Life Steal +8%, Magic Pierce +52 (most heroes start at 50 magic defense without arcana), Magic Defense +16 (+2.2% magic defense at the start of the match)
Level 3 Arcana
Arena of Valor ViolateViolate
Ability Power: +4.2
Magic Pierce: +2.4
Arena of Valor DevourDevour
Ability Power: +2.4
Magic Life Steal: +1%
Arena of Valor HexHex
Ability Power: +2.4
Cooldown Speed: +0.7%
If 10 of each: Ability Power +90, Magic Life Steal +10%, Magic Pierce +24 (most heroes start at 50 magic defense without arcana), Cooldown Speed +7%

View a list of all Hero Arcana builds.

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