Arena of Valor (AoV) - Lumburr Hero Guide

A guide to Arena of Valor's Lumburr, the Earth Element. Lumburr uses strong control abilities to slow his enemies and support his team.

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Arena of Valor Lumburr


Lumburr is a support tank and support type hero that has a wide variety of control abilities. In addition, his passive and Rampage abilities can be a lifesaver to his allies, the former increasing their defensive stats while the latter gives them a shield and some movement speed.


  • Excellent Control Abilities – All of Lumburr’s abilities offer at least one form of crowd control. They are all good for initiating and disengaging, which makes Lumburr one of the most reliable heroes when it comes to crowd control.
  • Can Act as a Tank or Support – His control abilities and passive make him a very versatile hero that can displace enemies while giving allies buffs. His main role is that of a tank but Protect and Rampage offer some rather useful support effects as well.
  • Rampage – Rampage alone makes Lumburr a very strong hero. It slows enemies in its path while also giving allies a shield and extra movement speed. Rampage is also a reliable escape tool, as it allows Lumburr to jump through walls.


  • Difficult to master – Lumburr requires more practice than other heroes in order to maximize his effectiveness. His abilities require proper positioning and precision in order to land. One good example of this is Earth Splitter, which has a charging time before the stun. Shattered Earth also has a very short range. You must learn how to cast your skills in advance and have foresight in order to effectively use his abilities to your team’s advantage.
  • Vulnerable when Rampage is on Cooldown – Rampage is his only form of escape and engage. Once this ability is down, he has no other choice but to fight back. Be careful when using this ability to get too deep into the enemy’s formation, as they might then focus you down and quickly kill you.

Hero Basic Strategy

Laning Strategy

  • Always lane with a teammate in order to ultilize your passive. Laning with a marksman or other squishy carry can drastically help them during the early game.
  • Try spamming Shattered Earth when enemies come too close. This reduces their damage output and can even give you an opening to kill them.
  • Prioritize using Rampage on squishy teammates to give them movement speed and a shield. You can also use Rampage to escape ganks or failing fights.

Leveling Progression

  • Max Shattered Earth first since this will be your main damaging ability. The damage reduction is also beneficial in asserting lane dominance and in controlling team fights.
  • After destroying the first tower in your lane, start roaming to the other lanes. Hide in the bush and use ping to signify that you will gank their opponent. The combo for ganking other lanes is Rampage + Earth Splitter + Shattered Earth.

Battle Strategy

Solo Fights –

Lumburr does not have the capability to do much in one on one encounters. Avoid them at all costs.

Team Fights –

You will act as the front line in team fights. Wait to use Rampage until you can hit a particularly vulnerable target or an ally needs some addition protection. Cast Earth Splitter after the fight has started to hit as many enemies as possible while

Escaping Fights –

Rampage is a good escaping tool for Lumburr. While Earth Splitter knocks up and slows, don’t try using it since the charging time will give the enemy more time to kill you. Rampage can also jump through walls that your pursuers can’t follow you through.


Arena of Valor Protect Protect – Passive – When there are friendly heroes within 500 units of Lumburr, both Lumburr and the hero with the lowest HP gain 80 armor and magic defense.
  • Appear in team fights or help teammates whenever possible. This along with your suite of control abilities can help your team mates escape from ganks and bad fights.
Arena of Valor Shattered Earth Shattered Earth – Lumburr smashes the ground and shatters stone, dealing 230/280/330/380/430/480 (+1.1 AD)ˀ physical damage to enemies in a frontal cone. Heroes hit by the stones are weakened, reducing their attack damage and ability power by 15%/17%/19%/21%/23%/25% for 3 seconds.
  • Shattered Earth decreases the attack damage and ability power of those affected, making it a very strong ability against marskmen and mages.
  • This ability can hit multiple enemies.
Arena of Valor Rampage Rampage – Lumburr charges in the target direction, dealing 300/340/380/420/460/500 (+0.6 AD) physical damage to enemies in this way and knocking them into the air for 1 second. Affected enemies are slowed by 50% for 1 second after they land. Friendly heroes on the path will receive a shield that absorbs 450/505/560/615/670/725 (+0.5 AD) damage, and gains 15% movement speed for 3 seconds.
  • Rampage is Lumburr’s bread and butter. It’s a good initiating ability as it knocks and slows enemies in its path.
  • It can also serve as a good escape ability. Lumburr can cast Rampage away from the battle. Rampage can also go through most of the walls in the map, allowing you to either make a better escape or engage enemies by surprise.
  • Use Rampage on retreating allies as well in order to buff them. The extra shield and movement can drastically help your teammates escape or even counter attack.
Arena of Valor Earth Splitter Earth Splitter – After a short charging period, Lumburr tears the ground apart with great strength and knocks enemies on the path into the air, dealing 520/650/780 (+1.5 AD) physical damage. The earth stays torn for 5 seconds, and enemies within suffer a 60% movement speed reduction, as well as taking 52/65/78 (+0.15 AD) physical damage.
  • Much like Rampage, Earth Splitter can be used to initiate team fights. The ability has a short charging time, so you must time it perfectly to land in an area where there are a lot of enemies.
  • Both Rampage and Earth Splitter can be used first to start a combo. When starting with Earthsplitter, follow up with Rampage to couple it with the bonus damage left in Earth Splitter’s area of effect. On the other hand, Rampage can perfectly set up a good Earth Splitter with its knock up effect. The only problem with using Rampage first is that you might get focused down by the enemies since you will be jumping head-on into their frontline.
  • Force team fights inside Earth Splitter’s area of effect. It deals damage and slows enemies constantly for five seconds, therefore giving you an edge in battles.

How to Counter Lumburr

  • Keep a safe distance from Lumburr as his Shattered Earth can punish your team from charging their abilities in full effect.
  • If you do not have any teammates alongside your lane, do not chase weakened enemy heroes supported by Lumburr because he can turn battles in his team’s favor using his Rampage.
  • Since Lumburr often sticks close to allies, have him spend his ultimate then retaliate with a well-placed skill shot or CC ability. Your allies will have an easier time chaining the rest of their offensive abilities to finish his team off, leaving him without any teammates to support.

Hero Item Build

SG Recommended Build
Arena of Valor Tidecaller's Mark
Tidecaller’s Mark
Arena of Valor Gilded Greaves
Gilded Greaves
Arena of Valor The Aegis
The Aegis
Arena of Valor Gaia's Standard
Gaia’s Standard
Arena of Valor Frost Cape
Frost Cape
Arena of Valor Hyoga's Edge
Hyoga’s Edge
SG Recommended Build
Arena of Valor Tidecaller's Mark
Tidecaller’s Mark
Arena of Valor Gilded Greaves
Gilded Greaves
Arena of Valor The Aegis
The Aegis
Arena of Valor Gaia's Standard
Gaia’s Standard
Arena of Valor Frost Cape
Frost Cape
Arena of Valor Hyoga's Edge
Hyoga’s Edge

More Lumburr Item Builds

Hero Arcana

  • You can get Lumburr to be tankier by giving him defensive arcanas such as Indominable, Undying, and Mythril.
  • You can also build his arcanas offensively when you feel that your team doesn’t have enough much damage. Go for Obliterate, Assassinate, and Focus.

Hero Counters

Arena of Valor Tank Tank

Lumburr won’t do much damage to his fellow tanks. However, he can use his control abilities to weaken them in a team fight. Tanks are usually the front liners in a battle, so shredding some of their health can hinder their team’s fighting power. Save Earth Splitter for assassins and squishier targets who might dive into a team fight after it has started.

Arena of Valor Warrior Warrior

Warriors have the ability to deal large amounts of damage to you, so it’s better to stay away for a while and hug the tower whenever possible. On the other hand, Lumburr’s abilities and control effects allow him to deal decent damage. Spam Shattered Earth to decrease their damage and Rampage to engage or disengage.

Arena of Valor Assassin Assassin

Assassins are very strong damage dealers and can one shot most of their enemies with a single combo. It’s wise to save your control abilities in the case they dive toward you. You can also save Rampage to escape assassins. Use Shattered Earth the moment they dive in to decrease their damage output, giving you more time to either fight or escape.

Arena of Valor Mage Mage

Lumburr’s strength against mages depends on the kit and playstyle of the mage in question. Someone like Veera might give Lumburr a hard time because of her magic resistance reduction and stun ability. However Jinna, who only has one control ability that only slows enemies, might be a reasonable matchup for Lumburr.

Arena of Valor Marksman Marksman

Lumburr will have an easy time eliminating enemy marskmen, provided he lands all of his abilities. Shattered Earth decreases attack damage while Rampage is a good gap closer. Lastly, Earth Splitter can stun and deal damage to a misplaced marksman. All you need are well-placed abilities and teammates that can follow up on your damage in order to defeat most marksmen.

Arena of Valor Support Support

Lumburr will have no problem against supports because he can easily dictate the tempo of the laning phase. His abilities like Earth Splitter and Rampage can eliminate an similarly-skilled support.

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