Arena of Valor (AoV) - Cresht Hero Guide

A guide to Arena of Valor's Cresht, the Mermidon. Cresht is a supportive tank who builds up rage to grow into a gigantic monster. He is a great asset to teams, able to shield and protect allies with his abilities.

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Arena of Valor Cresht

Cresht Overview

Cresht is a tank/support hero that can withstand a heavy beating and, at the same, provide shields to all his allies. He is great at peeling away enemies with Typhoon and setting up kills for his allies. Cresht can then use Metamorphosis to become a terrifying force, providing crowd control and bonus movement speed to his allies.


  • Tanky – Cresht is innately tanky, especially after gaining the huge shield that comes with Metamorphosis. He can soak up a lot of damage, so don’t be afraid to take to the front lines.
  • Good Protector – Cresht is great at protecting allies. He can use Aquatic Shield to bolster their health and Typoon to knock enemies away from them.
  • Moderate Crowd Control – Cresht’s ultimate provides a lot of opportunity for crowd control, including the ability to push enemies aside and stun them.


  • Low Mobility– Cresht’s only source of additional mobility is Aquatic Shield. Once used, he won’t have any way to quickly reach allies in need of help or escape from bad fights. Also, since he will be using Aquatic Shield regularly in fights to protect allies, he will regularly have to wait for the ability’s cooldown.
  • Ultimate Requires a Special Resource – Cresht can’t use his ultimate unless he has collected enough rage. As a result, players will have to be mindful of their rage to ensure that Metamorphosis is always available when needed.

Hero Basic Strategy

Laning Strategy

  • Due to his role of a support, Cresht should lane with a squishy hero to take care of them. During the early stages of the game, your role is to watch over your partner and protect them from enemy harassment. You are not an offensive support and you don’t have many ways to harass. As such, your role is to shield your ally and then push enemies away with Typhoon.
  • Once you have access to your ultimate, you can proceed to build up your rage and harass the enemy with enhanced abilities. Cast your skills as often as possible while under the effects of Metamorphosis. The slows and stuns they provide will be a big help as your team moves to kill the target(s).

Leveling Progression

  • Cresht will normally want to max Aquatic Shield first to increase the size of its shield. Maxing Typhoon first isn’t generally advised since damage is the only part that scales.
  • Typhoon should only be leveled first if the team lacks damage and is snowballing ahead of the enemies. Typhoon offers more damage than Aquatic Shield when metamorphosed and could be more useful to the team if the enemy isn’t damaging the team well.
  • Metamorphosis is a fantastic ultimate that should be ranked whenever possible.

Battle Strategy

  • Solo Fights: During solo battles, in your normal mode, you won’t have a lot you can do for damage. Your combo would be to use Aquatic Shield to close the gap and then using Typhoon to both knock the target back and deal damage. After using Metamorphosis, your Aquatic Shield will start dealing damage. As such, you can use both basic abilities to harass the enemy.
  • Team Fights: In team fights, Cresht will want to use Metamorphosis early and jump into the middle of the fight with Aquatic Shield to disrupt the enemy team. Follow up with Typhoon for damage before continuing to attack with normal attacks. Continue to harass enemies with Typhoon and stick onto targets with Aquatic Shield. After reverting back to Cresht’s smaller form, return to protecting allies with Aquatic Shield and pushing attackers back with Typhoon.
  • Escaping the Battle: While in your normal form, Aqua Shield is a great way to traverse the map and protect yourself from further damage. Additionally, Typhoon can be used to put some distance in between yourself and your enemies. Metamorphosis can be used to push the whole enemy team away if it is available, allowing both Cresht and his team room to escape.


Arena of Valor Tidal Wave Tidal Wave – Passive – Cresht gains Rage with normal attacks when Metamorphosis is not active. When morphed, Cresht shakes the earth each time he uses an ability, reducing movement speed of enemies in the area by 50% for 2 seconds and significantly increases his attack damage.
  • When you are effected by Metamorphosis, all of your spells slow enemies in some way. Continually hit enemies with your abilities to both harass and zone them.
  • Additionally, Cresht also gains 1.2 AD as bonus attack damage, giving even more zoning potential.
  • Two Stacks of Rage increased by normal attacks
Arena of Valor Typhoon Typhoon – Cresht’s lance swings grant Rage, knock back surrounding heroes and deal 360/435/510/585/660/735 (+0.8 AD) physical damage. Under Metamorphosis, Cresht summons a geyser that deals 400/480/560/640/720/800 (+1.25 AD) physical damage.
  • When Metamorphosis is not active, Typhoon knocks back surrounding enemies. Use this to separate enemies away from your allies.
  • During Metamorphosis, Typoon deals a lot of damage and slows enemies without knocking them back.
Arena of Valor Aquatic Shield Aquatic Shield – Cresht jumps to the target location, summoning a whirlpool that grants friendly Heroes a shield, absorbing up to 500/570/640/710/780/850 (+0.47 AD) damage. Cresht also gains Rage. Under Metamorphosis, Cresht jumps to the target location and summons a whirlpool that deals 380/430/480/530/580/630 (+0.95 AD) physical damage to enemies within range.
  • Aquatic Shield does not provide a protective shield when Metamorphosis is active.
  • The shield makes Cresht great at bullying opponents. Damage trades tip completely in his favor when the shield takes the enemy’s abuse in his place. Use this to put pressure on your lane and give your partner room to farm.
  • Two Stacks of Rage increased by jumping.
Arena of Valor Metamorphosis Metamorphosis – Cresht consumes all Rage and morphs into his true form, growing in size and gaining an absorption shield. He then summons a massive tidal wave, pushing enemies aside and stunning the enemies at the end of the wave, also dealing 400/500/600 (+1.0 AD) physical damage. Cresht gains movement speed while riding the wave, and loses speed once he leaves it.
  • Metamorphosis allows Cresht to do some solid crowd control. He knocks back enemies during and after the transformation and even provides bonus movement speed for allies.
  • Bonus movement speed is granted to team members in the wave no matter which way they are moving, despite the flowing animation.

How to Counter Cresht

  • Cresht specializes in peeling for his allies and offering them protection. Try to separate Cresht from teamfights so that his squishy allies will become even more vulnerable.
  • Watch out for Cresht’s Rage bar as he can deal a lot of damage when he acivates Metamorphosis. His Rage bar gets filled the longer he is in a fight so make sure to either kill him as soon as possible or disengage when he activates his ultimate.

Hero Item Build

Tanky Bruiser Build
Arena of Valor Spear of Longinus
Spear of Longinus
Arena of Valor Sonic Boots
Sonic Boots
Arena of Valor Frost Cape
Frost Cape
Arena of Valor The Aegis
The Aegis
Arena of Valor Medallion of Troy
Medallion of Troy
Arena of Valor Amulet of Longevity
Amulet of Longevity
Tanky Bruiser Build
Arena of Valor Spear of Longinus
Spear of Longinus
Arena of Valor Sonic Boots
Sonic Boots
Arena of Valor Frost Cape
Frost Cape
Arena of Valor The Aegis
The Aegis
Arena of Valor Medallion of Troy
Medallion of Troy
Arena of Valor Amulet of Longevity
Amulet of Longevity

More Cresht Item Builds

Hero Arcana

  • When building up Cresht’s defenses, Indomitable, Benevolence, and Valiance are among his best choices for arcana.
  • If wanting to give him a bit of additional damage and an easier time farming, a typical attack damage build of Onslaught, Assassinate, and Skewer can benefit Cresht.

Hero Counters

Arena of Valor Tank Tank

Tanks aren’t necessarily a threat to Cresht since their role is also to protect their allies. In team fights, try to keep them busy and separate them from your squishier allies.

Arena of Valor Warrior Warrior

Cresht will deal with warriors quite frequently, pushing them back away from the mages and marksmen on your team. They won’t be much of a threat when under the effects of Metamorphosis, so Cresht should get in close and bully them to keep their attention on yourself.

Arena of Valor Assassin Assassin

Assassins are more dangerous than warriors due to their high burst damage. Peel them away from your allies as quickly as possible. They are very little threat to Cresht himself, especially when he is Metamorphosed.

Arena of Valor Mage Mage

Mages do the exact same thing as assassins, but from a distance. Keep your allies behind you at all times so that you won’t leave an opening for the mage to get a kill.

Arena of Valor Marksman Marksman

If a marksman tries tries to approach and kill your ally, jump towards them and draw their attention so that your ally can attack and kill them in return. Push them away with Typhoon to ensure that your ally can stay out of their range.

Arena of Valor Support Support

Other supports have the same role as you: keep their allies alive. During an encounter with another support, be wary of jumping towards them blindly, as they will almost always have backup.

▼ Hero Class Guides
List of Item Builds
AoV WarriorWarrior AoV TankTank AoV AssassinAssassin
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