Arena of Valor (AoV) - Fennik Hero Guide

An overview and guide for Arena of Valor's Fennik, the Vulpis Ignis. A Marksman, Fennik is capable of inflicting massive damage from a long distance.

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Arena of Valor Fennik


Fennik is a marksman with the capacity to quickly burst down single targets from afar. He has one of the longest natural attack ranges in the game, allowing him to deal significant damage from the back line. He shines brightest when taking down jungle creatures or towers, his Thief’s Mark able to burst away large chunks of a single target’s HP all at once.


  • Strong Offensive Presence – Thief’s Mark allows Fennik to deal incredible amounts of burst damage if he can get full stacks onto his target. He can very quickly take out any solitary heroes he finds wandering the map as well as rip towers apart if left alone for even a moment.
  • Good Jungler – His strong single target damage makes Fennik a good candidate for jungling. Rolling Lightning and Chain Hammer Cyclone are nice tools when he moves to gank the lanes as well, allowing him to quickly approach and burst down his prey.
  • Strong Pusher – His passive, Hidden Weapons causes his normal attacks to splash. This can make it easy for him to quickly clear minion waves and push up to towers. As mentioned before, Fennik can take out towers extremely quickly, so this makes him a fantastic split pusher.


  • Squishy – As with most marksmen, Fennik is rather squishy. Rolling Lightning allows him to slip out of some danger, but Fennik doesn’t stand much of a chance if forced into a prolonged fight.
  • Weak Late Game – Despite a very strong early game, Fennik isn’t as powerful later in the game as other marksmen. If he can’t use his early pressure to secure an early victory, his team will have a rather difficult time late game.

Hero Basic Strategy

Laning Strategy

  • Fennik should generally play in the jungle, the quick experience will allow him to get an early lead and quickly hit his fast power spike.
  • Be fast and decisive with your moves, as Fennik needs to get his team snowballing early. His power falls off late game, allowing for easy comebacks if he lets the game drag on too long.

Leveling Progression

Thief’s Mark is your go-to ability when it comes to killing enemy heroes and pushing lanes, so maxing it first is a must. Always take Chain Hammer Cyclone whenever it’s available.

Battle Strategy

  • Solo Battles – Hit your target with Thief’s Mark right away, following up with Chain Hammer Cyclone to slow the target and get some extra Theif’s Marks right away. Continue to pelt the enemy with normal attacks until they fall, saving Rolling Lightning either to negate a strong attack or to escape if counter ganked.
  • Team Battles – Stay at the back and focus on the squishier enemies. Don’t use Ball Lightning to enter the team fight. Instead, save it for when someone dangerous tries to focus you. Pick out a single target and try to burst them down as quickly as possible, supporting the team with normal attacks afterward.
  • Escaping Fights – Use Rolling Lightning to disengage from a fight. Not only does this put distance between you and your enemy, Fennik is invicible while rolling. You can also cast Chain Hammer Cyclone to slow down your opponent(s).


Arena of Valor Hidden Weapons Hidden Weapons – Passive – When a normal attack hits an enemy, the projectile explodes and deals area damage to surrounding minions and monsters. Fennik has a slightly longer attack range than any other marksman with positioning abilities.
  • Attack clumped enemies to make the most out of Hidden Weapons
  • The splash damage can occasionally work against you. Try not to accidentally draw aggro from the Abyssal Dragon in the middle of a team fight, for instance.
  • Take advantage of his long range to maintain safety in fights. His range and Rolling Lightning together can make him very difficult to catch.
Arena of Valor thief's mark Thief’s Mark – Fennik places a mark on an enemy or building, increasing his attack speed by 25%. The mark explodes around the target after 4 seconds, dealing area wide 160/200/240/280/320/360 (+0.5 AD) physical damage. Fennik’s normal attack deals an extra 160/200/240/280/320/360 (+0.5 AD) physical damage on marked targets. The mark explodes immediately after reaching 4 stacks.
  • Thief’s Mark prioritizes heroes when casting. The priority order is as follows: Heroes > Towers > Creeps.
  • Fennik’s attack speed increases no matter who he attacks after casting Thief’s Mark.
Arena of Valor rolling lightning Rolling Lightning – Fennik rolls forward and reduces enemies’ movement by 50% for 2 seconds, dealing 80/90/100/110/120/130 (+0.7 AD) physical damage to enemies in his path. Traces of lightning on the path deal 30/36/42/48/54/60 (+0.25 AD) physical damage to enemies every 0.25 seconds.
  • Rolling Lightning has a short delay at the end of the animation. Be careful when casting this to engage, as it can give an opening to the enemy team to kill you.
  • This ability can also jump through walls. Use this to surprise enemies or escape from them in team fights.
  • Fennik is also untargetable when rolling, so you can avoid lethal attacks and abilities if you use Rolling Lightning to pass through the killing blow.
Arena of Valor chain hammer cyclone Chain Hammer Cyclone – Fennik throws a flail to create a thunder cyclone that lasts for 6 seconds, reducing enemies movement speed by 50% for 1 second while dealing 80/105/130 (+0.35 AD) physical damage to them every 0.5 seconds. Enemies within the center of the thunder cyclone also take double damage. The thunder cyclone will trigger Thief’s Mark’s stack.
  • Chain Hammer Cyclone will allow Fennik to build up Thief’s Marks on a target extremely quickly and therefore should be used when initiating.
  • Enemies in the cyclone take double damage from ALL sources – putting them at a greater disadvantage than when facing the Dark Slayer buff, to put it in perspective. Use a proper set up (Grakk’s ultimate, for instance) whenever possible to ace the opposing team

How to Counter Fennik

  • Try to shut Fennik down early to prevent him from snowballing. He has a very difficult time later in the game and will be ineffective if unable to abuse an early power spike.
  • Always stay away from Fennik’s ultimate, Chain Hammer Cyclone. This ability has a long duration and puts Fennik and his allies at a huge advantage. Get out of the ability’s area as quickly as possible whenever it is cast.

Hero Item Build

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More Fennik Item Builds

Hero Arcana

  • As a marksman, Fennik can get a lot of benefit from attack speed and critical chance with arcana like Blitz, Reave, and Skewer
  • If wanting a more general attack damage arcana set, the common set of Onslaught, Guerrila, and Skewer can work nicely on the fox as well.

Hero Counters

Arena of Valor Tank Tank

Tanks are hard to kill without the right items. You also want to avoid tanks as much as possible and focus on squishier targets instead. Use Rolling Lightning when they try to engage or use Chain Hammer Cyclone if you have no option but to fight.

Arena of Valor Warrior Warrior

Warriors pose a threat against Fennik if they manage to get close. Use the long range offered by Hidden Weapons and Rolling Lighting to stay safe whenever you need to attack a warrior.

Arena of Valor Assassin Assassin

Assassins are Fennik’s worst enemy. They can quickly swoop down on the marksman and easily kill him. Saving Rolling Lightning when an assassin focuses you down might help you in dealing with them. Only engage them when you are in the back line and they are attacking another ally.

Arena of Valor Mage Mage

Fennik can kill any mages he comes across, but the reverse applies as well. Most have the damage needed to finish Fennik off in a single combo, so do your best to dodge their abilities while setting up your burst. As long as you don’t get caught in their CC abilities, you should be able to take them down.

Arena of Valor Marksman Marksman

Fennik has the upper hand against marksmen when able to approach one on one. This is assuming that the enemy marksman doesn’t get the jump on Fennik, of course. Thief’s Mark should be able to knock out most marksmen right away so long as Fennik can build it up to maximum stacks.

Arena of Valor Support Support

Fennik can easily kill supports who are alone with Thief’s Mark and Chain Hammer Cyclone. In team fights, however, it’s best to leave the support to first focus on the enemy carries.

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List of Item Builds
AoV WarriorWarrior AoV TankTank AoV AssassinAssassin
AoV MageMage AoV MarksmanMarksman AoV SupportSupport

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