Arena of Valor (AoV) - Preyta Hero Guide

A guide to Arena of Valor's hero Preyta, the Illest. Preyta is a mage who can deal heavy amounts of damage given time to charge up.

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AoV WarriorWarrior AoV TankTank AoV AssassinAssassin
AoV MageMage AoV MarksmanMarksman AoV SupportSupport

Preyta Overview

Preyta is a ranged mage who specializes at damaging enemies from great distances. He is especially deadly in teams that have a primary initiator who can hold the opposition in place while Preyta charges his abilities.


  • Long Range – Preyta’s two abilities have long ranges, enabling him to damage opponents from a relatively safe distance. During the laning phase, he is able to hit enemies with Plague Specter and Poison Gas Bomb to zone them away from the minion wave and impede their chances of soaking up experience and gold.
  • Roams Quickly – Having sacrificed his passive slot for a high movement speed stat, Preyta can quickly move between the lanes to assist his teammates with ganks. Add in the quick clear time that is abilities allow, and Preyta will be able to appear in the side lanes incredibly frequently to blast foes.
  • High Damage – Given time to charge, Plague Specter can deal incredible amounts of damage to anyone it hits. While this requires a bit of set up, Preyta players with good foresight and a bit of aim can devastate groups of enemies with this ability alone.


  • Requires Careful Aim – Preyta’s abilities require him to anticipate enemies’ movements due to their charging and casting times. As such, they are much harder to land than those of other mages.
  • Mana Reliant and Long Ability Cooldowns – Preyta’s abilities have high mana cost and cooldowns, which means that players should be careful when spamming abilities.

Hero Basic Strategy

Laning Strategy

  • As a mobile mage, Preyta is naturally suited to the mid lane over any other lane. Plague Specter allows him to destroy minion waves very quickly. Afterward, he can go to gank the side lanes.
  • Harass your opponent whenever you can to zone them out and deprive them of gold and experience. It is best to aim your abilities as to hit both the minion wave and the opposing hero at once. This way, you can also push the lane along.

Leveling Progression

  • Pick Plague Specter first, as it is Preyta’s primary damaging ability and scales better than Poison Gas Bomb.
  • Focus on Poison Gas Bomb only when the other abilities aren’t available. While useful in controlling opponents, it doesn’t deal enough damage to be focused on over the other abilities.
  • Level up Disciple of the Plague as often as possible, as it offers dramatically more utility in team fights.

Battle Strategy

  • Solo Fights: Set up Plague Specter from the bushes to surprise the enemy. After hitting them with a fully charged blast, knock them further into dangerous territory with Poison Gas Bomb. Immediate activate Disciple of the Plague to empower yourself and reset Preyta’s cooldowns. Start an empowered Plague Specter, knockng the enemy into its path with an empowered Poison Gas Bomb. Pepper the target with empowered normal attacks until they fall.
  • Team Fights: Stick to the back of the fight to avoid getting targeted by the enemy team. Hit as many enemies possible with Plague Specter, pushing enemies away from squishy allies or into tanky ones with Poison Gas Bomb.
  • Escaping Team Fights: Cast Poison Gas Bomb in front of enemy heroes chasing you. This will push them back and slow them for a short duration. If they manage to evade your Poison Gas Bomb, you can use Disciple of the Plague to cast an additional, empowered Poison Gas Bomb for further control.


Arena of Valor Flying Dragon Flying Dragon – Passive – The Plague Wyvern boosts Preyta’s Movement Speed.
  • Preyta’s passive allows him to evade most skill shots rather easily.
  • Use Preyta’s innate movement speed to dodge opponents’ abilities and position yourself to hit them back with your abilities.
Arena of Valor Plague Scepter Plague Specter – Preyta charges his Plague Specter for up to 2 seconds, then unleashes it and deals 250/300/350/400/450/500 (+0.35 AP) – 720/900/1080/1260/1440/1620 (+1.11 AP) magic damage based on the amount of channeling time. Any action taken while charging will unleash the Specter immediately to deal reduced damage. In the Disciple of the Plague state, movement is possible while charging.
  • Plague Specter is your main harassing ability. Cast it during the laning phase to hit lane opponents and the minion wave.
  • Charge Plague Specter at a safe distance during team fights to deal large amounts of damage to the enemy heroes.
  • Plague Specter’s empowered version allows you to move immediately after casting it. Use this to your advantage by following up with Poison Gas Bomb right after you start charging Plague Specter.

Poison Gas Bomb – Preyta detonates a Poison Bomb at the target location, knocking back surrounding enemies, dealing magic damage and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 2 seconds. In the Disciple of the Plague state, the Poison bomb is replaced by nether spikes and they also stun the target for 1 second.

Arena of Valor Poison Gas Bomb Poison Gas Bomb – Preyta detonates a Poison Bomb at the target location, knocking back surrounding enemies, dealing 250/300/350/400/450/500 (+0.5 AP) magic damage and reducing their movement speed by 30% for 2 seconds. In the Disciple of the Plague state, the Poison Bomb is replaced by nether spikes and they also stun the target for 0.75 second.
  • This ability allows you to displace opponents during team fights. Hit the team right in the center to disrupt them and allow your team to rush in.
  • Poison Gas Bomb is also a great ability for disengaging. Cast it between you and your assailant to push him back and give you additional space to get away.
Arena of Valor Disciple of the Plague Disciple of the Plague – Preyta fuses with the Wyvern Spirit and enters the Disciple of the Plague state for 10 seconds, immediately refreshing the cooldowns of Plague Specter and Poison Gas Bomb and enhancing their effects on their next use. While in this state, Preyta also receives a shield that absorbs 500/750/1000 (+1.2 AP) damage, gains 15% movement speed, and 24/32/40% attack speed. His normal attack’s range is also significantly increased and inflicts 80/160/240 (+0.5 AP) area magic damage.
  • Disciple of the Plague empowers your abilities and normal attacks while granting you a shield and speed buff for a couple of seconds. Use this to refresh your abilities’ cooldowns and catch your opponents off-guard.
  • When you use Disciple of the Plague, you can move while your shadow charges Plague Specter. You can also maneuver around and strike enemies with Poison Gas Bomb, which stuns them while you’re in this form.

How to Counter Preyta

  • Pay attention to when Preyta is channeling Plague Specter. It gives aiming lines when Preyta is visible, so escape as soon as you see it coming.
  • Preyta is vulnerable directly after using his abilities. Capitalize on a missed attack by jumping him right after.

Hero Item Builds

AP Burst Build
Arena of Valor Orb of the Magi
Orb of the Magi
Arena of Valor Enchanted Kicks
Enchanted Kicks
Arena of Valor Boomstick
Arena of Valor Hecate's Diadem
Hecate’s Diadem
Arena of Valor Staff of Nuul
Staff of Nuul
Arena of Valor Holy of Holies
Holy of Holies
AP Burst Build
<Arena of Valor Orb of the Magi
Orb of the Magi
Arena of Valor Enchanted Kicks
Enchanted Kicks
Arena of Valor Boomstick
Arena of Valor Hecate's Diadem
Hecate’s Diadem
Arena of Valor Staff of Nuul
Staff of Nuul
Arena of Valor Holy of Holies
Holy of Holies

More Preyta Item Builds

Hero Arcana

  • If you have a lot of tanks that can absorb the damage for you in the frontlines, you can always opt to go full offense on Preyta with Enlightened, Sap for sustain and Flurry for the additional magic pierce and attack speed.
  • Preyta is a mage that can do battle in the front lines and as such needs as much offense with his defense. Taking Violate with Undying and Mythril will make sure that he can survive the battlefield.

Hero Counters

Arena of Valor Tank Tank

Preyta generally does okay against tanks due to their low mobility. This makes them easy targets for his abilities. That said, they are low priority targets and should be avoided in favor of squishier targets.

Arena of Valor Warrior Warrior

Preyta struggles against warriors who have control abilities, especially stuns. Once they get close, he will have to immediately disengage with Poison Gas Bomb to get some space. Offensively, Pretya does alright as long as he can keep his distance and attack from afar.

Arena of Valor Assassin Assassin

Depending on who uses their abilities first, Preyta can do well against assassins. If Preyta can damage them with his abilities and normal attacks first, he’ll be in the clear. However, if the assassin can get the jump on him, they will be quickly able to surpass his damage and eliminate him outright.

Arena of Valor Mage Mage

Preyta does well against mages, able to quickly burst them down. During the laning phase, he can hit opponents behind the minion wave with Plague Specter. During team fights, throw Poison Gas Bomb behind the enemies’ back line to move them towards the fray.

Arena of Valor Marksman Marksman

Preyta does well against marksmen so long as he is able to keep up with them with his items. Given that most markmen have strong normal attacks, it is best to displace them with Poison Gas Bomb before using Disciple of the Plague to further put some hurt on them.

Arena of Valor Support Support

As far as support heroes go, Preyta won’t have much trouble against them one-on-one. However, the same cannot be said when in team fights. As their name suggests, support heroes increase their allies’ potency with heals or strong utility abilities during clashes. Be wary not to get caught by their control abilities, since Preyta is rather squishy.

▼ Hero Class Guides
List of Item Builds
AoV WarriorWarrior AoV TankTank AoV AssassinAssassin
AoV MageMage AoV MarksmanMarksman AoV SupportSupport

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