Arena of Valor (AoV) - Kahlii Item Builds

Kahlii Item Builds Guide for Arena of Valor (AoV). Each build is geared toward a different play style, so choose one that fits your personal preference.

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Kahlii Item Builds

Arena of Valor Kahlii

Item Builds List

Core Items

These items are necessary in order to play Kahlii optimally. Only diverge from a core item if you are a very experienced player and/or you have a very good reason for doing so.

Arena of Valor Orb of the Magi
Orb of the Magi
Orb of the Magi gives mages a very safe early game by regularly topping off their health and mana. The stats that it offers shouldn’t be snuffed either, building over time to provide large amounts of ability power, HP, and mana.
Arena of Valor Frosty's Revenge
Frosty’s Revenge
Frosty’s Revenge’s slow synergizes well with Eternal Blame, increasing how much heroes trapped inside are slowed. It additionally traps enemies barraged by Grievance, making it all the harder for them to escape from subsequent projectiles. The ability power and movement speed bonuses that the item offers go well with Kahlii’s kit as well.

Optional Items

Arena of Valor Boomstick
Boomstick not only adds considerable damage to Kahlii’s abilities, but also adds its wide explosion to Kahlii’s magical normal attacks. The ghost of vengeance will be able to deal out damage over a large area with her normal attacks alone, greatly increasing the speed at which she can clear minion waves as well as improving her presence in team fights.
Arena of Valor Hecate's Diadem
Hecate’s Diadem
Hecate’s Diadem is a must for most damaging mages, offering the potential for more ability power than any other item in the game. The item increases in power with each additional ability power item that Kahlii buys, so is a must when going for the highest ability power possible.
Arena of Valor Rhea's Blessing
Rhea’s Blessing
Rather weak in terms of health, Rhea’s Blessing helps Kahlii out of sticky situations with the shield that it provides. The magic life steal the item offers is additionally useful, helping Kahlii recover from trades as she pushes the lane.
Arena of Valor ZWEIHANDER
Having a unique reliance on magic normal attacks for damage, Zweihander can be a decent pick up for Kahlii. It both increases the attack speed and potency of her normal attacks while also granting a nice bit of ability power and movement speed.
Arena of Valor Holy of Holies
Holy of Holies
Holy of Holies is undoubtedly a powerful item. Offering immense amounts of ability power and health, it will make Kahlii’s spells hit all the harder. The health will help keep Kahlii alive should anyone get close; she is rather squishy when

Boots Upgrade

Arena of Valor Enchanted Kicks
Enchanted Kicks
Enchanted Kicks increases her ability power and magic piercing, stats that Kahlii greatly needs. Building this early will allow you to deal more damage against heroes with your abilities and auto attacks.
Arena of Valor Sonic Boots Sonic Boots Get this boots upgrade if the enemy has a lot of physical damage in their composition. You can also swap this mid-game if the enemy marksman is very fed and your team needs to adjust.
Arena of Valor Gilded GreavesGilded Greaves Gilded Greaves is the optimal boots upgrade if you want to lessen the duration of crowd control aimed your way. It also gives out magic resist which can be very helpful against bursty mages.
Arena of Valor Flashy Boots
Flashy Boots
Get this if you want to be more aggressive and you’re certain that you’ll spam your abilities as often as possible. This can also be an option if you want to max your cooldown reduction. Do take note that the max cooldown reduction you can have is just 40%

Sample Item Builds

A rather straight forward build for Kahlii, this focusing on ramping up her damage. Boomstick, Holy of Holies, and Hecate’s Diadem will pump up her ability power quite a bit, causing her abilities to rip through her enemies. The only item that could be replaced for another with more ability power is Frosty’s Revenge. It, however, brings it’s own benefits that cannot be ignored. The slow that Frosty’s Revenge provides will make Eternal Blame much more effective as well as make Grievance much easier to land.

A more defensive build for a Kahlii who constantly finds herself at the business end of her enemies’ weapons. Each ability power granting item additionally grants some defensive stats to make the spirit much harder to banish. Berith’s Agony makes up a bit for the loss of Hecate’s Diadem. Her spells deal damage through a number of quick shots, so the on-hit effect will get many chances to go off.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, and you’re right. Hear me out. I’m not going to stand here and tell you that this is the best build in all of creation. What it is, thought, is really fun to play. Zweihander, Frosty’s Revenge, Slikk’s Sting, Devil’s Handshake, and Kahlii’s Incorporeal all grant movement speed bonuses, causing her to zip around the battlefield at an amazing 650 base movement speed. This of course is closer to 700 should you get cheeky and buy Hermes’ Select. While not heavy on ability power, this build will still allow her normal attacks to hit for around 1000 damage normally, closer to 1300 when they crit. Devil’s Handshake procs twice each time she normally attacks as well, allowing her to hit a very high attack speed very quickly. In addition, her abilities are not completely disregarded here. While they certainly won’t be hitting as hard as if she were building as a “normal” mage, Eternal Blame and Grievance will still have a bit of bite to them when needing to slow down or pick off enemies.

Send us your builds!

Have a build you want to share? Think you have a build that’s better than what we have listed? Put it in the comments, along with any (optional) explanations for how it works. If we like it, we’ll include it in our sample builds section – just let us know what name you want us to refer you as. For example: “ALG Rest’s Super Duper Support Build.” Feel free to include any social media accounts you want us to link to.
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  1. Kahli Frost Mage Nuke Build


    1-Flash Boots:Early get boots , you can help other teammates because jungler not going to help them or not in time ,%15 cooldown abilites nice
    2nd and 3rd Phoenix Tear and Pendant of Faith mainly for mana regen so dont have to
    be recall later these items sold late game
    4-Frost Revenge : First ability more accurate than Third and go well with first ability and more often u can use first ability, u can trap enemy hero help teammate slay enemy hero
    5-Hecate’s Diadem : Ability upgrade
    6-Boomstick: No need tell more fire power
    7-Staff of Nuul:Sell Pendant of Faith and take this item at this point of game they come with group with tank front so u need to take out this tank
    8-Holy of Holies: at this point usually at lv 14 at wait bit get 15 then sold Phoenix Tear and buy this item last item

    Stats Full Build 2012 ability power ,%35 cooldown ,with these u can cut tank like chesee nothing can stands

    Arcana LV3 focus %10 cooldown needed
    LV3 devour or guerilla for speed
    LV3 Enlightened or Onslaught

    Game Play Tips Early game u can roam with carefully with teamm mate
    Mid and late game always back with tank wait for tank attacked by enemy heroes use ulti ,another trick is for tower demolish push minions tower when hero comes use ulti at these time tower got damaged by minions hero escapes by ulti
    Always watch for Wukong ,Murad ,Nakroth,Kriknank these heroes too mobile can get easily alone

    This site help me alot thank u, I share my experience with this hero
    Some people this hero weak but i think every hero very strong important thing is how to play and build

  2. First build: the fourth item is not Boomstick and the fifth item is not Hecate’s Diadem!
    Second build: the fifth item is not Rhea’s Blessing!

    Which fits Kahlii more: Boomstick or Staff of Nuul?

    • Thank you for this! I have corrected the mistakes you have kindly pointed out.

      As to your question, it depends on when you are building the item and the enemy’s current builds. Not much magic defense/early game? Boomstick. Lots of magic defense/late game? Staff of Nuul.

      • very true, in lategame i almost always need Staff of Nuul because of the ridicoulus amount of damage kahlii outputs, in longer matches i mostly get 30%+ in diamond 3, so the enemy Should build against your force.Boomstick is also great for crowded fights as the passive will help damage the enemies covered by the tanks.
        I would like to recomment my glass cannon build for her:
        Enchanted kicks/frostys/ hecates/ beriths agony/ and last two depending on the situation, mostly holy of holies and stuff of nuul.
        With that build you behave a lot like a tel annas in team fights, sniping so much damage inside for which i think beriths is essantial because enemy tanks will be able to cover you.
        I also like to play her with the run skill to roam better and land your ultimate against mobile heroes too, even thought it makes you very vulnarable during roaming making it a good idea to have a roamer which you can follow up.
        I also try to soak up a lot of farm during my roaming which might seem annoying for your team mates but as your damage output from far is so good to force the enemy to abandon tower or for crowded fights like invading enemy jungle, it will make your team get more objectives and help win.