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Omen Item Builds
Core Items
These items are necessary in order to play Omen optimally. Only diverge from a core item if you are a very experienced player and/or you have a very good reason for doing so.
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This item is extremely powerful on Omen. It gives him some of the attack speed he needs as well as a powerful passive effect. The HP-based damage Fafnir’s Talon deals counters health stacking enemies. This is important, as health stacking is the go-to defense against true damage like Omen’s. The life steal that the item provides is great as well. |
Optional Items
Offensive Item Choices
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Despite the added true damage that Thirst provides, armor piercing items are still very useful for Omen. As he is more focused on attack speed than damage, his attacks can be a little weak on their own. Spear of Longinus provides both offensive and defensive stats while also providing cooldown redecution. Omen’s high attack speed allows him to rip off sections of the enemy’s armor with this item, making him a rather fiersome wielder of the spear. |
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Offering an immense amount of value both for the amount of gold it costs and for only occupying a single slot, Medallion of Troy is a great pick for anyone looking for durability. Despite its magic defense focus, most teams will have at least one hero that primarily deals magic damage, so Omen will always need some sort of magic defense. |
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Omen benefits greatly from each of the stats that Omni Arms offers. In addition, projectiles reflected by Untouchable will benefit from the damage as well. Frost Cape is another good choice for a similar effect, though the pace of his skills lead to Hyoga’s Edge being a more reliable slow. |
Defensive Items Choices
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Omen can have a hard time approaching marksmen. Mail of Pain gives him some relief by punishing any who try to attack him from afar. This synergizes with Untouchable, allowing him to do moderate damage before he even gets close. |
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Shield of the Lost will get a lot of mileage on Omen. The warrior will regularly be in the center of fights, spreading the aura out to multiple heroes. The stats it provides goes a long way toward hardening the Insatiable skin as well. The Aegis is a tempting choice here for that delicious 20% cooldown reduction, however the boost to mana instead of health made it feel rather out of place. |
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Mobility is Omen’s biggest weakness, his lanky legs unable to keep pace with some of the more agile heroes. As such, he needs either something to speed him up or slow his enemies down. Hyoga’s Edge provides both along with a number of nice defensive stats. Again, Frost Cape is a possible alternative, however Omen generally won’t be spamming his abilities enough to get full use out of the cape. Keep in mind that both passives activate if a hero attacks Omen while Untouchable is active. |
Sample Item Builds
This is going to be Omen’s go-to role, his kit suited well for the Dark Slayer lane. Fafnir’s Talon and Omni Arms make up the bulk of his offensive ability, allowing him to rip through squishier heroes and bang up tougher ones. Hyoga’s Edge will keep him up close to enemies and able to withstand some of their retaliation. Mail of Pain pairs well with Untouchable and makes Omen less of a bullseye to marksmen. Grab their bullets and throw them right back at the punks.
This build puts Omen in the jungle. He is well suited to ganking, making him alright at jungling. That said, his ability to clear monsters is a bit unimpressive. We go with Leviathan here for the durability and the nice burn it afflicts to those stuck dueling Omen. The next items lean more aggressive in nature so that Omen can keep the murder momentum going after the laning period ends.

Mantle of Ra | Gilded Greaves | Hyoga’s Edge | Gaia’s Standard | Fafnir’s Talon | Shield of the Lost |
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This build takes a different approach to Omen, giving up on offense completely. Instead, it buffs up his durability and presence in team fights so that he can act as his team’s tank. Death’s Beckon can pull the enemy’s back line into the fight while Death’s Embrace traps them there. The durability of the items mixed with the damage reduction from Untouchable will make Omen an exceptionally hard hero to kill.

Gilded Greaves | Mantle of Ra | Fafnir’s Talon | Mail of Pain | Gaia’s Standard | Blade of Eternity |
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Start with guilded greaves, You know the passive and for the fact that Omen doesn’t possess any real escape ability, those boots Will help him a bit (i recommend flicker as talent ti use with this build). Afther that, pick mantel of ra: it gives some physical defence and the passive “burn” suits perfectly on him, dealing magic aoe damage to near enemyes and permitts him to farm faster. For the third choice, pick fafnir’s talon. You have already said why. Then, the star of the build: mail of pain. In combination with mantle of ra’s passive permitts you to litterally destroy marksmen in a One vs one fight, and adds you tankiness and some Pretty good damage too.Then, pick Gaia’s standard: the passive grants you more soustainability and movement Speed, with magic defense. For the last item, I usually take chain lightnin if my team’s winning. With that, You can deal more damage, move faster, attack faster and deal magic damage, united to mail of pain’s and mantle of ra’s passives. But, if my team’s losing, i usually take Blade of eternity, because of the resurrection passive, the physical defence and the other passive that permitts you to deal 10% extra damage.
Note that in early game using this build can be Pretty hard, so be sure to get fed well.
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Since Taara is definately the only tank (I’ve fought) that can posess a direct threat to omen, due to her abilities, i’ve made an equipment list, that seems to work against Taara’
1: War Boots
To win against Taara, it doesn’t help being tanky, so i prefer going for the attack speed, to try and overwhelm Taara
2:Fafnir’s talon
Makes sense, since it deals a lot of damage, which is what you need
3:Mail of pain
Again, the damage and defense helps
Certainly helps destroying Taara, due to the high armor pierce.
5:Frost cape
Due to omen’s rapid ability play, this helps damaging Taara, while making sure she can’t easily escape
Name- King of Vampires
1-Fafnir Talon
2-Glided GREAves
3- Omni arms
4- Hercules Madness
5- Beast
6- Gaia Standard/Devil Handshake
Items: Gilded Greaves, Fafnir’s Talon, Hercules’ Madness, Omni Arms, Uriel’s Brand, and ofcourse, Blade of Eternity
If you can’t already tell from the little amount of Defensive Items, this build is more on the Offensive side. I was utterly surprise why people don’t you Uriel instead of Gaia or Troy when they’re going with full damage builds. All of the items here improve you’re survivability in someway shape or form. Gilded Greaves, no need to explain. Fafnir’s Talon, Core Item, Life Steal to survive, need to say more? Hercules’s Madness, gives AD, Armor and Life steal, also a shield when under 40% HP. Omni Arms, Life steal, HP and AS, also some Bonus MS when you hit something. Uriel’s Brand, 600 HP and when under 40% HP, grants you a Magic Resistance Shield. Blade of Eternity because… Do I have to explain this?
Fights performances and psychological capabilities: I’ve tricked ALOT of enemies when using this build, most opponents when looking at you’re 40% HP will think that you’re as good as dead and go all in without second thoughts, and then suddenly, you gained a buttload of Physical Shield AND Magic Shield then kill them off one by one. This build can murder an enemy so quick (while using you’re ult) than they are able to say: “Can I have the red bufHoly crap, an Omen just ulti-ed me, HELI’m Dead”. One more key factor is that this build just FILLETS through TOWERS like how Gordon Ramsay did it. Hopefully, this weird build (I’ve used alot of weird but surprisingly strong builds) can be featured on this webside for the world to see, and maybe try it when you’re bored of using the same OP build that everyone else uses over, over and over and never be special or praised by others (because you’re using the same build as they are).
My philosophy is, TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT, SPECIAL, And most importantly FUN.
Item: Fafnir’s Talon,Gilded Greaves, Odin’s Will,Omni’s Arms,Gaia’s Standard/Medallion of Troy,Mail of Pains
Arcana: 10x Blitz/Indomitable, 5x Guerrilla 5x Reave, 10x Skewer
I recently tried out this build currently and climb out of platinum. This build makes omen rams hard like a bull or escape better with adrenalin from odin’s will and his 2nd skill which helps a lot if you plan on split push or catch anoying ADCs like Tel or Slimz
(Whip Sword Omen Build)
Items: Scorching Wind, Guilded Greaves, Clavis Sancti, Mantle of Ra, Fafnir’s Talon, Gaia’s Standard
Talent: Frostbite
Arcana: 10x Blitz, 10x Guerrilla, 10x Skewer
Omen’s best aspect is his true damage passive, so to set it off as frequently as possible, the Scorching Wind is a great item. Gilded Greaves gets him out of CC situations faster. Clavis Sancti, as dumb as it sounds, is actually a fantastic item, as you can crit 1,500 damage along with about 200 true damage late game. Mantle of Ra allows faster jungle clears as well as a more painful melee fight for the enemy. Fafnir’s is added late, as the 8% health damage gets more potent as the match goes on. Finally, Gaia’s allows more movement speed for Omen (something he lacks), as well as magic defense and a sweet health regeneration passive.
Fact: With this build, at 200% attack speed, Omen can get about 15 attacks with his passive. THAT, is a lot of damage!
*New build: Scorching Wind, Gilded Greaves, Fafnir’s Talon, Mail of Pain, Omni Arms, Gaia’s Standard
15 stacks of scorching wind and fafnirs talon bring you to around 195% attack speed (+21% attack speed arcana). just look out for wasting attack speed, as it doesnt go past 200%
I’m a main Omen player,so I tried lots of differents build for him. Afther some experiments, I found a build that’s very powrful in him, expecially in mid and late game.
Start with guilded greaves, You know the passive and for the fact that Omen doesn’t possess any real escape ability, those boots Will help him a bit (i recommend flicker as talent ti use with this build). Afther that, pick mantel of ra: it gives some physical defence and the passive “burn” suits perfectly on him, dealing magic aoe damage to near enemyes and permitts him to farm faster. For the third choice, pick fafnir’s talon. You have already said why. Then, the star of the build: mail of pain. In combination with mantle of ra’s passive permitts you to litterally destroy marksmen in a One vs one fight, and adds you tankiness and some Pretty good damage too.Then, pick Gaia’s standard: the passive grants you more soustainability and movement Speed, with magic defense. For the last item, I usually take chain lightnin if my team’s winning. With that, You can deal more damage, move faster, attack faster and deal magic damage, united to mail of pain’s and mantle of ra’s passives. But, if my team’s losing, i usually take Blade of eternity, because of the resurrection passive, the physical defence and the other passive that permitts you to deal 10% extra damage.
Note that in early game using this build can be Pretty hard, so be sure to get fed well.
I call this build “The unexpected Nightmare”, because it has a majourity of defensive items, but still does very impressing damage.
I Tried it for about 20 matches, is the best loadout ever
Thank you for the compliments, even of i don’t use that buil any more
Hi, nice build. Can i ask about Arcana for Omen ?
Well I’ll be the first to post an omen build. My build is literally the same as my zanis build due to their kits being kind of similar. Scorching, gilded, fafnirs, aegis, frost, medallion. Once again a build that gives him great attack speed, great on hit damage, makes him tanky, and provides some utility to his team via aegis
Oh I almost forgot this build gives him the 40% cdr sweet mark so he can spam his 2 and 1 pretty freely end game
So after some thinking, I’ve switched the placement if frost cape with medallion of troy because aegis provides armor already why not get your magic resist up instead so you’re harder to kill by any source