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Taara Item Builds
Core Items
These items are necessary in order to play Taara optimally. Only diverge from a core item if you are a very experienced player or you have a very good reason for doing so.
![]() Mantle of Ra |
While not offering the health that she usually goes for, Mantle of Ra offers Taara a lot of aggressive potential along with some defensive stats. Both the burn and the attack damage will ensure that Taara is damaging her foes and able to quickly clear waves of minions. The armor will go a long way as well, making each point of health that she stacks go all the further. |
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This is everything that Taara loves and more. Health, armor, cooldown reduction, and a way to stick to foes. Her free abilities will allow her to regularly proc the item’s passive very regularly, keeping her targets constantly within hammering distance. |
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Amulet of Longevity is Taara’s only way to resist people who purchase regeneration slashing items like Curse of Death or Tome of the Reaper. It doesn’t completely negate the effects, however it will pick her back up a bit. If the enemy team doesn’t build one of those items, this item becomes godly on Taara. It amplifies both her health and regeneration in large amounts, making her ultimate much stronger and her life force much stronger. |
Optional Items
Offensive Item Choices
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Spear of Longinus allows Taara to tear away the armor of her target with each of her attacks. This leaves them more vulnerable to her and her allies’ coordinated efforts and much easier targets as a result. The item additionally offers a number of beneficial stats to the warrior, most notably a large amount of cooldown reduction and a decent amount of health. |
Defensive Items Choices
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While not offering as much magic defense as Medallion of Troy, Gaia’s Standard makes up for it with extra regeneration and movement speed. Taara will be heal even faster in skirmishes when the passive activates and be much better at sticking to enemies with the speed it offers. |
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You can pick up Mail of Pain if there are a lot of warriors or bruisers in the opposition. This will allow you to fight against them with the advantage of the item’s unique passive of reflecting the damage dealt by your opponents. |
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Medallion of Troy will stave off any magic damage the enemy tries to throw out. It is a great source of stats, offering health, magic defense, and cooldown reduction, all of which very useful to Taara. |
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Hyoga’s Edge is another item for slowing down enemies, a great way to lock down those Taara attacks. In addition to the slow it offers, Hyoga’s Edge speeds up the attacker each time they attack, making them even harder to escape from. |
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Odin’s Will is a fusion item that can be a bit situational in use. For Taara, it ups her damage and survivability simultaneously while furthering her effectiveness as she takes damage. Her ability to restore herself and stay standing in fights makes it easy to gain stacks and hit the item’s fullest potential. |
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Another hybrid item, Hercules’ Madness gives Taara some extra wiggle room when losing health in order to use her ultimate. It additionally raises her damage output when active, giving the warrior some extra firepower when in the thick of a fight. |
Boots Upgrade
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Gilded Greaves is a great way to shake off control effects and keep moving in team fights. The magic defense that they provide are a good bit of survivability as well |
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Flashy Boots will help Taara spam her abilities and contribute more in team fights. If nothing else, more regular access to her ultimate will always be welcome. |
Sample Item Builds
Here we build Taara as a durable brawler, focusing primarily on her defenses and relying on her passive to provide her with some damage. That is not to say that the build is completely without damage, Frost Cape’s passive providing a bit when it brocs and Mantle of Ra boosting her attack stats. The rest of the items in the build give Taara some additional staying power in fights, strengthening her defenses and providing some beneficial defensive passive abilities.

Mantle of Ra | Hermes Select | Omni Arms | Gaia’s Standard | Hercules’ Madness | Amulet of Longevity |
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This build resembles the previous build but has a more offensive slant as to allow Taara to jump into battles and dish out damage to surrounding enemies. This build gives the girl some extra damage when brawling with enemies, allowing her to more effectively rip apart those who stand against her. Omni Arms replaces Frost Cape to greatly boost her lethality whenever she casts an ability. Hercules’ Madness will help her out of tight spots and give her a bit more time to use her ultimate in fights. Gaia’s Standard and Amulet of Longevity will amplify her regeneration, causing her to constantly regenerate health throughout the game while also toughening her skin.
Send us your builds!
Have a build you want to share? Think you have a build that’s better than what we have listed? Put it in the comments, along with any (optional) explanations for how it works. If we like it, we’ll include it in our sample builds section – just let us know what name you want us to refer you as. For example: “ALG Rest’s Super Duper Support Build.” Feel free to include any social media accounts you want us to link to.
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After some heavy testing (now I’m a Top 10 taara NA), I’ve found that she gets fed EXTREMELY easily. Taara with full armor pen arcana, and some benevolence mixed in with Guerrilla (x4), and win versus nearly every solo laner in a 1v1 with execute at the start of a game. I build Mantle, Greaves, Frost Cape, Gaia’s, Aegis. and Rankbreaker (build hercules if you need to be tanky). The build is called Smash and Bash. The first thing you do while playing this build is buy short sword as your starting item (buy boots versus a Marja/Airi), and build up your 2 first. Go for a hard engage against the opponent near the minions so you can hit everything with your spin, and you should be able to get a very early kill against the opponent. From there, farming the nearby area and Sentinel and going in for Midlane ganks will get you fed extremely quickly. It’s VERY important to play this build aggressive, never backing down unless you are at risk of being stunned down, as your damage will outscale your opponents and the high Cd of this build allows your passive and Frost cape to proc as much as possible. Just make sure you pounce on the Marksmen first since they tend to be easier kills/higher priority than most mages. This build loses a bit of it’s lust in the very late games so make sure you either buy more expensive items like Troy or go for backdoor tower damage.
Name: Tragic Life Hammer
Talent: Punish
Build: Leviathan > Gilded Greaves > Crimson Banner > Gaia’s Standard >
Gaia’s Standard > Hyoga’s Edge > Amulet of Longevity
Notes: 1. The Build Provides 17K HP.
2. Farm off the Riverbird and small monster at the DS Lane.
3. Be Aggressive after you Level 4.
4. Don’t miss the Spirit Sentinel.
5. Save Ult longer to dish out enough Dmg.
6. Late Game Sell Boots and buy Spear of Longinus.
7. Switch order of Crimson Banner and Gaia’s Standard based on your
Lane Match Up.
I’m surprised you still have the omni arms build I suggested on here! It’s very effective now that taara can engage with lower HP, makes her much burstier overall. I’ve personally swapped the boots to Flashy Boots and Exchanged amulet for Hyoga’s making taara a bit harder to burst down while allowing her to stick to her enemies quite nicely, and having the 25% cooldown is incredible considering how much healing her passive has now. Very very fun build even after a few months!
This build comes from a youtuber called drakbreaker here’s my taara builds
For arcana
10x Indomiatbale
10x Benovelence
10x Skewer
Darkbreaker’s Taara Slayer Lane
Sonic Boots/Gilded Greaves
Mantle Of Ra
Gaia’s Standard/Medallion Of troy
Amulet Of Longevity
Muramasa/Other Items depend on the situation
this build gives arround Healthy Amount of health and also some armor come from Leviathan And mantle or ra also with healthy amount of magic defense
Muramasa can be replaced with anything however if you want more damage opt for this item
Leviathan+Mantle Of Ra+Muramasa+with taara’s passive enemy’s carry thought your dead? no more called so no damage tank turn the tables around and use your ultimate until enemy’s carry exhaust their mana and hit them using Normal attack and whirlwind try to escape her? use frostbite and hit them then Let them feel the Pain
This Build Isn’t Recommended for Jungling as early taara is weak and prone to ganking so suit this build to slayer lane!
I prefer running leviathan on lane as it means I can easily secure objectives like bat
This is a fine strategy, just make sure to communicate to your team that you aren’t Jungling. A lot of people see the Punish talent and immediately assume the person is jungling.
Good update to the kit, personally, I like running the top build with Longinus over Mail of Pain as Taara’s Spin allows her to keep many enemies on reduced armor at once. Thanks for featuring an edited version of my suggested kit I’ll have to try out Hermes’ myself, seems much better at engaging. Good Work!
Also, the “aggressive tank” build description is inconsistent with the actual items listed.
Thank you for this. I have been going through and cleaning up some of the more lacking builds recently and will try to make one a bit more in-line with the idea of an “aggressive tank.”
Maybe take some of the kit suggestion I posted below and try it out with compromise? You can use Gaia’s standard instead of the death sickle to make her a bit more durable and faster, then she’d really with the role of “aggressive tank”
You should add, Mantle Of Ra, Gilded Greaves, Omni Arms, Hercules madness, Amulet of Longevity, and Death Sickle as a build. BEATS ENEMIES WITH TOME OF THE REAPER OR CURSE OF DEATH. Gives Taara Massive levels of damage by making her survive as long as possible on low HP with the Madness and sickle, while the Omni Arms effectively DOUBLE the AD she gets from her basic. Non reliant upon her ultimate, which is best used after hitting 1 hp to ensure escape/survival, but seriously, she hits hard than violet at 1 hp with this kit.
This certainly is a very interesting way to build Taara! It would make her a lot more of a melee carry than the durable off-tank she is normally played as. A lot of high-risk, high-reward, but that fits Taara’s kit. I can feel myself wanting to swap in Frost Cape and Ancestral Glory, which shows how conditioned I’ve been to always build Taara tankily.
Ancestral glory may be a very good call, but frost cape simply won’t fit as it produces nowhere near as much extra damage as the Omni arms.
I understand. I wasn’t trying to change the kit too much, simply saying what my reflex was. We have talked about posting user made builds before, so I will keep yours in mind when I am going over Taara’s page.
That’s completely fair, and I think you’ll be happy to know that it is possible to play a kit closer to Taara’s usual ones. Gaia’s Standard works well in place of death sickle due to how much it can slow down Taara’s health depletion, and due to the slight boost to movement speed. I’ve found that running (in this order), Mantle of Ra, Gilded Greaves/, Gaia’s standard, Omni Arms (a good replacement for Frost cape in the HP tank lineup that adds a little more oomf to her hits.), Amulet of Longevity, and then Hercules’ Madness gives the player a good amount of choice between running her tankier kits, and this more aggressive playstyle, should an enemy decide to run one of her counters, will allowing taara to be equally (if not more so vs other melee units in particular) menacing during the Laning phase.
Forgot to mention that I recommend running benevolence over Assasinate while using this kind of Taara (movement speed bonus and added tankiness that’s boosted by The Amulet if I’m not mistaken)
Just realized something, Omni arms isn’t supposed to boost passive effects (I noticed this while reading Item description notes in the armory just now). Which probably means that it’s not providing the stacked boost with Taara’s passive as it seemed to be, or is likely bugged if it is providing the boosts. Which although it would mean that it’s role in the kit is possibly non-essential, it does free up room for another item (like frost cape :] ) if it is functioning in this way… You might want to check on this, and if it’s true, sorry for drawing so much attention to a combo that doesn’t work…
It normally doesn’t but it should work with Taara given how her passive works. The lowering of her health adds to her AD rather than add a separate damage effect, so Omni Arms will benefit from the increase. This is why her abilities grow stronger when her health is lower as well.
Oh! That’s great to know then! Not sure if there’s a definitive way to test that without using precise damage stats, but that’s fantastic if true! Also, after testing out your idea with Ancestral Glory, I found that the kit was a great way to troll the enemy team (Replaced the Death Sickle, and Sold/Swapped the 2 to abuse the cooldowns as much as possible.) and was a fantastic compliment to Hercules Madness’ shield by adding a few hundred more to it than with the sickle.
Moderate success also came from using Odin’s will, but it can be a detriment to the kit’s overall viability due to the lack of armor on Odin’s; will seeing my testing so far. (only used it for ~ 1 hour play time though, may be a workable part of the kit yet!)
You can check your current attack damage by looking at the hero page in-game. While it might be hard to see exact sources, Taara’s passive does contribute to the bonus added to her attack damage. I tested by taking damage in training mode and checking my attack damage both at full and reduced healths.
That’s great to know! Especially with the new buff to her passive coming that’ll add a lot of sustainability to her while she’s low. Looks like running her with the Frost cape, and moreover, the spear of Longinus will be much more viable with her healing being aided by cooldown speed. The buff to Gaia’s standard will be great too. I’ll keep experimenting around but I can say with great certainty that the Kit I mafe with Hercules and Omni arms, Gaias and amulet is absolutely fantastic for ganking and dealing great damage in team fights thanks to the boosted basic hitting multiple enemies.