Premiere Valor League – PVL Day 4 Highlights
PVL Day 4 has concluded, but the AOV action did not stop. Let’s take a look at highlights for the matches between the highly competitive teams:
INF Outlawz vs. Team Phoenix
INF Outlawz | Team Phoenix |
iNF_Coofie – Elsu | raidenKirito – Riktor |
FlameJam – Quillen | Friendzone – Slimz |
iNFxEddieBoof – Jinnar | Emily – TeeMee |
iNFxPirate – Arum | zorooooo – Omen |
Syldra – Maloch | WSSxSnow – Tulen |
The first game for PVL Day 4 was against INF Outlawz and Team Phoenix. INF Outlawz employed a dual-tank and burst damage lineup, while team Phoenix opted to go with a more offense-centered composition.
INF Outlawz got first blood when iNF_Coofie shot down raidenKirito near the middle lane-jungle choke point. This lit a fire in Team Phoenix, as they then proceeded to use a four-man roam between the Slayer and middle lane river to get two kills back.
Team Phoenix continued to employ their poke-centric, multi-man tower diving strategy which resulted in them getting the first tier towers. INF Outlawz scrambled to control the lanes, but Team Phoenix’s lineup proved to be too mobile and wily. Quick hit-and-runs allowed Team Phoenix to come out on top of the lane pressure game in just under six minutes.
Eventually, Team Phoenix’s strategy worked, as INF Outlawz found themselves with all of their lanes pushed. After securing the Dark Slayer at 10:00, Team Phoenix rushed the Slayer Lane and crushed INF Outlaws for a one-sided 16-4 victory.
Winner: Team Phoenix
MVP: Friendzone (Slimz, 8-0-5)
INF Outlawz | Team Phoenix |
iNF_Coofie – The Joker | raidenKirito – Lu Bu |
FlameJam – Zephys | Friendzone – The Flash |
iNFxEddieBoof – Aleister | Emily – Cresht |
iNFxPirate – Arum | zorooooo – Rourke |
Syldra – Riktor | WSSxSnow – Elsu |
INF Outlawz opted to go for a more burst-centered lineup to start Game 2. Meanwhile, Team Phoenix aimed to close out their adversary with a similar team-based, initiation-heavy composition.
Team Phoenix took to the INF Outlawz by switching their lane assignments. WSSxSnow battled iNFxEddieBoof in the mid lane, while Friendzone faced off against iNF_Coofie. Both teams’ supports were making the rounds, roaming between the mid and Dragon lanes.
First Blood honors went to Team Phoenix, they able to take out iNF_Coofie after securing the first Dragon of the game at 2:19. From here, Team Phoenix began roaming INF Outlawz’s red side jungle and stealing FlameJam’s creeps to widen their gold lead further.
Some clever positioning of WSSxSnow’s mines resulted in further kills for Team Phoenix. They downed iNFxPirate, who was hiding in the middle lane brush for a 3-1 kill score by the 3:41 mark. INF Outlawz were left scrambling for a foothold, as Team Phoenix kept the lane pressure up. By 7:12, the kill score was 8-4 in favor of Team Phoenix, thanks to a four-man tower dive at INF Outlawz’s Dragon Lane.
Emily’s Cresht pick proved to be one of the key factors for Team Phoenix’s momentum, as INF Outlawz were not able to get passed the leviathan in clashes. This led to Team Phoenix always getting the last laugh in team fights. Their carries were able to keep just enough distance to deal damage while staying safe from enemy fire themselves.
Team Phoenix did not give up their lead, beating INF Outlawz 16-7.
Winner: Team Phoenix
MVP: zorooooo (Rourke, 6-1-3)
Psychotics vs. Just 4 Fun
Psychotics | Just 4 Fun |
PsYA1mighty – Wisp | J4F_AngelaZu – Riktor |
PsYCaliban – Xeniel | Zain – Maloch |
DSx2Player – Annette | J4F_S3cr3t – Alice |
LAxBRUJA – Sephera | J4F_Silence – Kahlii |
PsYxRivaille – Ryoma | J4F_Vicky – Violet |
The second match of PVL Day 4 was between Psychotics and Just 4 Fun. Psychotics opted to go for a heavy carry team composition with a ton of heroes who can provide support. Just 4 Fun went with a Jungle carry and lane pressure lineup.
Psychotics got the first blood thanks to a three man gank on Zain’s Maloch at the Dragon Lane. They then secured the first Dragon at 2:16 before managing to kill Zain again, resulting in a 2-0 kill lead. Just 4 Fun was on the defensive as Psychotics pressured the Dragon Lane with three and four-man ganks. This led to Just 4 Fun’s Alice and Kahlii to rotate to the bottom to assist their Maloch. However, Psychotics’ poking prowess proved to be too much, as they managed to pull even further away with a 5-1 kill lead.
The carry heavy lineup from Psychotics was paying in dividends as they systematically tore through Just 4 Fun’s lanes. This pushed them to a 9-1 kill advantage by 6:17. Just 4 Fun were relegated to guard duty and were having a hard time stopping their enemy’s momentum.
With the momentum clearly in their favor, Psychotics grabbed the Dark Slayer buff at 8:21 and began sieging Just 4 Fun’s base. Despite their valiant effort, Just 4 Fun succumbed to Psychotics’ systematic thrashing, 21-3.
Winner: Psychotics
MVP: PsYRivaille (Ryoma, 10-0-6)
Psychotics vs. Just 4 Fun
Psychotics | Just 4 Fun |
PsYA1mighty – Wisp | J4F_AngelaZu – Riktor |
PsYCaliban – Xeniel | J4F_TonyRight – Tel’Annas |
PsYPanchoVilla – Annette | J4F_S3cr3t – Alice |
LAxBRUJA – The Flash | J4F_Silence – Liliana |
PsYxRivaille – Ryoma | J4F_Vicky – Rourke |
Game 2 saw both teams do some substitutions. Psychotics subbed in PanchoVilla while Just 4 Fun subbed in TonyRight. As for their lineups, Psychotics employed a similar lineup to Game 1, with the exception of picking The Flash for some more offense. Just 4 Fun went for a more single-target burst damage composition, hoping to stop their opponents’ momentum.
Just 4 Fun got first blood this time, with Vicky hitting PanchoVilla with the killing blow at 1:36 in the Dragon Lane. However, Psychotics managed to gain the momentum back with two kills from Rivaille for a 3-1 kill lead. From here, Just 4 Fun played catch up once more while Psychotics were riding on Rivaille’s impressive Ryoma gameplay. Psychotics began pulling away yet again with a 7-2 kill score by 7:17. At the same time, they were again pressuring multiple lanes.
By 8:34, Psychotics secured the Dark Slayer and were gunning for the win. They managed to push the middle lane all the way to the high ground tower. Just 4 Fun’s TonyRight tried to push the Dragon Lane, but was swiftly dealt with by Rivaille. Much like Game 1, Psychotics stomped Just 4 Fun for a 16-5 victory.
Winner: Psychotics
MVP: PsYxRivaille (Ryoma, 9-0-5)
Dino Riders vs. VeniVidiVici
Dino Riders | VeniVidiVici |
DR_Tobias – Baldum | vVvGhost – Tel’Annas |
DR CL’z – Sephera | vVv_Alfa – TeeMee |
DR_Shozen – Slimz | vVvLalo – Tulen |
DR_Zeus – Gildur | vVvCaB – Maloch |
YikeZAoV- Rourke | vVvWrecker – Lindis |
The third match of PVL Day 4 pit Dino Riders against VeniVidiVici. Dino Riders ran an initiating and team-centric lineup, while VeniVidiVici went for a predominantly single-target burst composition.
VeniVidiVici started the game with an early jungle invade attempt on Dino Riders’ blue buff. Dino Riders were quick to rotate and prevent the blue buff from being stolen. Both teams showed off their high-level game knowledge early game with team members from each group narrowly escaping skirmishes with slivers of HP.
The fight picked up at 2:20, where Dino Riders managed to come out on top n a jungle clash, 4-2. However, VeniVidiVici bounced back thanks to a gank on DR_Zeus which was followed up with vVvWrecker getting a double kill in the middle lane to give them the 4-5 KDA lead.
Dino Riders’ Tobias went for a risky tower dive on vVV_Ghost at 4:52. However, Ghost’s teammates responded quickly again to effectively stop and punish Tobias’ play. This led to VeniVidiVici getting the Dragon and the Dragon Lane tower along with the gold lead.
That said, Dino Riders were not going down that easily. They again dove the Dragon Lane tower at 6:27, killing vVv_Ghost and taking down the tower. They opted to push all the way to the second tower, but VeniVidiVici defended well and a clash ensued. VeniVidiVici took advantage of their numbers and quelled Dino Riders’ push for a 5-11 kill score.
Both teams then jockeyed for position. Dino Riders took it to VeniVidiVici’s carries and managed to shut down their Lindis and Tulen for a much-needed boost. Dino Riders’ strategy of bursting single targets began to really pay off. YikeZAoV managed to solo kill vVv_Ghost in the Dragon Lane while the other Dino Riders kept the other VVV members on their toes by engaging small skirmishes.
VeniVidiVici was sitting on a 18-13 KDA score by the 12:21 mark thanks to some crucial stops. However, Dino Riders were ahead in terms of lanes pushed. Dino Riders were pressing the lanes at the 14:56 mark as VVV manned defensive positions. After an epic, drawn-out team fight, Dino Riders managed to come out on top of the highly-competitive match with a final kill score of 20-20.
Winner: Dino Riders
MVP: YikeZAoV (Rourke, 6-4-4)
Dino Riders vs. VeniVidiVici
Dino Riders | VeniVidiVici |
180msHAWAII – Wukong | vVvGhost – Elsu |
DR CL’z – Natalya | vVv_Alfa – Chaugnar |
DR_Shozen – Grakk | vVvLalo – Sephera |
DR_Zeus – Tel’Annas | vVvCaB – Riktor |
YikeZAoV- Superman | vVvWrecker – Nakroth |
Dino Riders tagged in 180msHAWAII for Tobias in Game 2, they incorporating a burst-centric lineup. Meanwhile, VVV went with a 2-carry team with Elsu and Nakroth which were backed by Sephera, Chaugnar, and Riktor.
VVV got first blood when Dino Riders’ Wukong got caught trying to invade the red side buff. Sephera managed to lethally strike the monkey king and start the match. They then proceeded to pressure Dino Riders’ red side jungle at 3:55, netting a 3-1 kill lead in the process.
However, Dino Riders still had the gold lead and continued pushing the lanes while rotating to catch VVV off-guard. Both teams then traded kills in the middle lane to get the kill score to 6-7 in favor of Dino Riders.
As the mid-game progressed, Dino Riders started to pick off out of position VVV players. This led to some back and forth action. VVV were coaxed to engage even when outnumbered, which resulted in kills and Dino Riders’ lead ballooning.
By this time, Dino Riders’ DR_Zeus had managed to come online with Tel’Annas. Slowly but surely, Dino Riders took over the game for an impressive 20-12 victory.
Winner: Dino Riders
MVP: DR_Zeus (Tel’Annas, 10-2-2)
Nontoxic Esports vs. BMGaming
Nontoxic Esports | BMGaming |
NTGxSFP – Skud | BMGxHoon – Tulen |
NTGxChap – Violet | BMGxTriumph – TeeMee |
NTGxCrow – Murad | BMGxNeo – Ryoma |
NTG_Q.Winer – Preyta | BMGxTH – Veres |
NTGxStory – Cresht | BMGxBasic – Kriknak |
The final match of PVL Day 4 was between Nontoxic Esports and BMGaming. Nontoxic Esports went with a front-heavy lineup, backed by long distance burst damage. BM Gaming picked Veres to go along with a predominantly single-target specialized team.
BMGaming started Game 1 strong by pushing Nontoxic Esports’ Chap away from his jungle at the red side. This was followed up by a first blood kill on NTGxSFP by BMGxTH as Crow tried to steal BMGaaming’s red buff. A couple of seconds later, BMGxHoon took down Crow for an early 2-0 kill lead.
Nontoxic Esports tried to salvage the early game mishaps by farming their lanes, but BMGaming was gaining momentum and continuing the pressure. BMGaming’s hit-and-run tactic proved to be quite a handful to deal with. Nontoxic Esports was constantly jumped whenever they ventured into the jungle or pushed too deep into the lane. By 3:25, the kill score was 5-1 in favor of BMGaming.
BMGaming was already looking to close out Nontoxic Gaming by 6:51, thanks to BMGxHoon’s 8-0 killing spree. The kill score was already 16-1 and Nontoxic Esports seemed not to have any answer for the beatdown they were receiving. Ultimately, BMGaming stomped Nontoxic Esports 25-4, besting them in just under 9 minutes of gameplay.
Winner: BMGaming
MVP: BMGxHoon (Tulen, 9-1-4)
Nontoxic Esports vs. BMGaming
Nontoxic Esports | BMGaming |
NTGxSFP – Veres | BMGxHoon – Elsu |
NTGxChap – Tel’Annas | BMGxTriumph – Baldum |
NTGxCrow – Ryoma | BMGxNeo – Riktor |
NTGxBeefers – Raz | BMGxTH – The Flash |
NTGxStory – Thane | BMGxBasic – Rourke |
Game 2 saw BMGaming going for a nimble team composition that also hit hard, while Nontoxic Esports chose Veres along with an initiation-intensive lineup.
Nontoxic Esports got first blood when NTGxSFP killed BMGxNeo with Ryoma’s assistance in the Dark Slayer lane at 1:02. BMGaming bounced back at 1:34, catching the roaming Neo by surprise to tie the kill score. A team fight near the Dragon started a couple of minutes later, where BMGaming maintained their composure and came out with a kill by BMGxHoon on Crow again. This allowed BMGaming to slowly gain momentum. They began racking up kills, leading up to a 9-1 kill score in just under 5 minutes.
Excellent rotations and pushing resulted in BMGaming taking out a number of towers and heroes by the 6-minute mark. They looked poised to seal the win against Nontoxic Esports yet again. By the latter stages of the mid-game, BMGaming was already attacking Nontoxic Esports’ core. Nontoxic Esports put up a somewhat better fight than the previous game, but BMGaming secured the second win, 26-6.
Winner: BMGaming
MVP: BMGxHoon (Elsu, 9-0-10)
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