Arena of Valor (AoV) - Blitz Blade (Nintendo Switch)

Information for Blitz Blade, a usable item in Arena of Valor (AoV) on the Nintendo Switch. Included are its effects, unique passives and/or actives, price, and item tree. We also measure effect ranges, explain any ambiguous effects, and give our recommendations on how to use the item.

These are Blitz Blade’s attributes on the Nintendo Switch version of Arena of Valor. Click here for its attributes on the mobile version.

Blitz Blade Details

Arena of Valor Blitz Blade
Type Arena of Valor Attack Damage Attack
Price Arena of Valor Gold Coin 2020
Tier 3
Attack Damage +60
Attack Speed +30%
Life Steal +10%
Movement Speed +5%
Gold Efficiency 94.63% (not including Chain Lightning passive)
Unique Passive(s) Chain Lightning: Every 8 seconds, the next normal attack triggers a chain lightning that deals 150 (+20% attack damage) magic damage (effect is doubled for ranged heroes). Each normal attack reduces cooldown by 1 second on hit.
SG Note
If the hero’s hands are glowing white, then the next attack will be enhanced by Chain Lightning.
The maximum number of targets damaged by one Chain Lightning is four.
Chain Lightning will bounce to the next target if it is within roughly 600 units.
The same Chain Lightning cannot damage the same target twice.

Blitz Blade is an essential item for players who want to prioritize pushing the lane. The stats it provides allow its wielder decent mobility while its passive grants the power to quickly push down enemy waves.

Blitz Blade is also a good item to have during clashes and team fights, since the chain lightning it provides pokes at the opposing team, whittling their HP down so that your teammates can engage. The life steal it provides is useful as well, since it will allow players to regain lost HP so long as they can keep up their auto attacks.

Recommended Heroes and/or Situation:

Get Blitz Blade on highly mobile heroes like Zanis or on most marksmen. This will help you farm and apply lane pressure to whichever lane you are pushing. Keep in mind that Blitz Blade is very similar to Fafnir’s Talon, so weigh the advantages of each if you do not plan on taking both.

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Item Tree

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