Arena of Valor (AoV) - Virtue’s Necklace (Nintendo Switch)

Information for Virtue's Necklace, a usable item in Arena of Valor (AoV) on the Nintendo Switch. Included are its effects, unique passives and/or actives, price, and item tree. We also measure effect ranges, explain any ambiguous effects, and give our recommendations on how to use the item.

These are Virtue’s Necklace’s attributes on the Nintendo Switch version of Arena of Valor. Click here for its attributes on the mobile version.

Virtue’s Necklace Details

Arena of Valor Virtue's Necklace
Type Arena of Valor Magic Damage Magic
Price Arena of Valor Gold Coin 1980
Tier 2
Ability Power +140
Cooldown Speed +20%
Max Mana +300
Mana +30 / 5 sec
Gold Efficiency 125.75% (not including Soaring Spirit passive)
Unique Passive(s) Soaring Spirit: Restores 20% mana after earning a kill or assist.
Virtue’s Necklace is useful for heroes who need to spam their abilities and constantly replenish their mana. It supplies a bunch of stats: ability power, cooldown speed, max mana, and mana regeneration. On top of these bonuses, its passive restores 20% of its user’s mana whenever he or she gets a kill or assist. All these bonuses cover its wearer’s mana needs, becoming a mana battery for its user.

All of that said, Virtue’s Necklace feels like a bit of trap item for beginner players who don’t manage their mana well. Cooldown speed is common among magic items, and other than that you’re getting mediocre ability power stats and a ton of mana that you might not make use of.

Recommended Heroes and/or Situation:

Mages who tend to spam their abilities as well as some support heroes like Peura and Alice benefit well from this item. Peura becomes especially formidable once she gets it, it allowing her to cast Healing Light and Forest Sentry at will, making her team much harder to kill during team fights. For other mages, try to avoid Virtue’s Necklace if possible, as you’ll likely want either more damage or sustain from other items.

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Item Tree

Arena of Valor Magic Ring
Magic Ring

Arena of Valor Virtue's Bracelet
Virtue’s Braclet

Arena of Valor Virtue's Necklace
Virtue’s Necklace
Arena of Valor Spell Tome
Spell Tome
Arena of Valor Magic Ring
Magic Ring
Arena of Valor Spell Tome
Spell Tome

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