Arena of Valor (AoV) - Armory / Equipment (Items List)

Full list of the items in Arena of Valor (AoV), including effects, unique passives, and our personal notes on how the item functions. Click on an item for more information, including its item tree.
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Click on an item for an explanation on how it works, heroes and situations for which it is optimal, and that item’s tree. For full guides on items, check out our item guide or read about tier 1 items and tier 2 items.

Note: Unique Passives are exactly what they say they are: unique. For example, you can’t buy a bunch of boots, stack your movement speed, and zoom around the battlefield. Keep in mind, however, that Unique Passives with the same name in them do not stack either. For instance, if you equip both Frost Cape (Unique Passive: Elemental Power) and Omni Arms (Unique Passive: Elemental Power), the effects will not stack and you’ll only get the effect from Omni Arms. More on items basics, including stat caps and calculating percentages.

Attack Items

Name Effect Unique Passives and Actives
Tier 1
Arena of Valor ShortswordShort Sword Attack Damage +20 None
Arena of Valor DaggerDagger Attack Speed +10% None
Gloves Critical Chance +12% None
Arena of Valor Bloodied ClubBloodied Club Attack Damage +10
Life Steal +8%
Arena of Valor Chain HammerChain hammer Attack Damage +40 None
Tier 2
Arena of Valor Cleaving ClaymoreCleaving Claymore Attack Damage +80 None
Arena of Valor Arcane HammerArcane hammer Attack Damage +25
Attack Speed +15%

Speed Up: Normal attacks increase movement speed by 10%.

Arena of Valor Tempest BladesTempest Blades Attack Speed +25%
Movement Speed +5%
Arena of Valor Astral SpearAstral Spear Attack Damage +50 Armor Pierce +60
Arena of Valor ShurikenShuriken Attack Speed +20% Vital Point: Normal attacks deal additional 20 physical damage (+1 per hero level) for melee heroes and 40 physical damage (+2 per hero level) for ranged heroes.
Arena of Valor Uriel's BrandUriel’s Brand Attack Damage +100
Max HP +600
Magic Guardian: When hero’s HP falls below 40%, Uriel’s Brand grants +200 magic defense and summons a Shield that absorbs (500+hero’s level*100) magic damage for 5 seconds. 75-second cooldown.
Arena of Valor Curse of DeathCurse of Death Attack Damage +100
Life Steal +10%
Soul Prison: On dealing damage, reduces target’s HP regeneration by 50% for 1.5 seconds. If this is triggered by normal attacks, the duration is extended to 3 seconds.
Arena of Valor Death SickleDeath Sickle Attack Damage +60
Cooldown Speed +5%
Divine Intervention: Prevents damage from a potential killing blow, then increases movement speed by 20% for 1 second. 90-second cooldown.
SG Note: The wielder is invulnerable for the length of the increased movement speed effect
Tier 3
Arena of Valor Spear of LonginusSpear of Longinus Attack Damage +80
Cooldown Speed +15%
Max HP +400
Shatter: Decreases target armor by 50 on hit for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
SG Note 1: any damage taken from any ability will trigger Shatter. For example, a single cast of Zephys’ Death’s Flurry or Ormarr’s Walking Tall can trigger all five stacks. Abilities that enhance attacks, like Arthur’s Righteous Fervor, automatically stack twice.
2: Unlike Veera’s passive, the armor reduction is applied after damage calculation rather than before.
Arena of Valor Bow of SlaughterBow of Slaughter Attack Damage +90
Life Steal +10%
Critical Chance +20%

Bloodthirst (active): Increases Life Steal by 90% for 3 seconds. 60-second cooldown. Only usable by ranged heroes.

Arena of Valor Fafnir's TalonFafnir’s Talon Attack Damage +60
Attack Speed +30%
Life Steal +10%
Dragon’s Breath: Normal attacks deal additional damage equal to 8% of target’s current HP.
SG Note 1: The additional damage is displayed separately and is reduced by armor
2: The target’s HP is calculated after the damage from your attack is dealt, which means the 8% isn’t doubled on a critical blow. Dragon’s Breath adds a maximum of 80 damage to minions and monsters.
Claves Sancti Attack Damage +90 Upon landing a critical attack, grants bonus (30 + Level*2) movement speed for 2 seconds (only for Ranged).

Critical Chance +25%

Increase critical damage by 50%%

Muramasa Attack Damage +75
Cooldown Speed +10%
Armor Pierce +45%
Arena of Valor The BeastThe Beast Attack Damage +100
Life Steal +25% (physical and magic)
Arena of Valor Omni ArmsOmni Arms Attack Damage +70
Attack Speed +15%
Life Steal +10%
Cooldown Speed +10%
Max HP +500

Elemental Power: After using an ability, the next normal attack within 5 seconds deals 100% more physical damage. 2-second cooldown.

SG Note 1: There is a five-second window to activate Elemental Power after using an ability, during which time the hero’s hands will glow red
2: The 2-second cooldown begins once an ability is used, so Elemental Power can be activated twice in a row so long as 2 seconds passes between use of the first ability and the second attack
3: The second cast of abilities (eg Lu Bu‘s Red Stallion or Nakroth‘s Jury Fury) can activate Elemental Power

4: Additional damage is not enhanced by other effects, like critical hits or Maloch’s Plunder
Slikk’s Sting Attack Speed +35%
Critical Chance +25%
Movement Speed +7%

Blessing of the Wind: Increase own resistance by 35 for 2 seconds after a critical hit.

Arena of Valor Fenrir's ToothFenrir’s Tooth Attack Damage +200 Fenrir’s Tooth: Increases all damage dealt by 30% when the target’s HP is below 50%.
SG Note: Extra damage applies to towers
Blitz Blade Attack Damage +50
Attack Speed +35%
Movement Speed +5%
Chain Lightning: Every 4 seconds, the next normal attack triggers a chain lightning that deals 102 (+7 per level) magic damage (effect is doubled for ranged heroes). Each normal attack reduces cooldown by 1 second on hit.
SG Note 1: If the hero’s hands are glowing white, then the next attack will be enhanced by Chain Lightning.
2: The maximum number of targets damaged by one Chain Lightning is four.
3: Chain Lightning will bounce to the next target if it is within roughly 600 units.
4: The same Chain Lightning cannot damage the same target twice.
Devil’s Handshake Attack Speed +30%
Critical Chance +20%
Movement Speed +5%
Flame Wrath: Normal attacks increase attack speed by 10% for 2 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
Arena of Valor RankbreakerRankbreaker Attack Damage +110

Windwalk: Increases movement speed by 10% after exiting battle.

Break: Increases armor pierce by 100 (+10 per level).

Magic Items

Name Effect Unique Passives and Actives
Tier 1
Arena of Valor Spell TomeSpell Tome Ability Power +40 None
Arena of Valor Lapis RingLapis Ring Max Mana +300 None
Arena of Valor Pendant of FaithPendant of Faith Mana +10 / 5 sec None
Arena of Valor Ancient ScripturesAncient Scriptures Ability Power +80 None
Arena of Valor Magic RingMagic Ring Cooldown Speed +10% None
Tier 2
Arena of Valor Enchanted ScrollEnchanted Scroll Ability Power +120 None
Arena of Valor Trick BladeTrick Blade Ability Power +60
Cooldown Speed +10%
Elemental Power: After using an ability, the next normal attack deals additional magic damage. 3-second cooldown.
Arena of Valor Spoopy MaskSpoopy Mask Ability Power +100 Magic Pierce +75
Arena of Valor Phoenix TearPhoenix Tear Ability Power +60 From the Ashes: When the hero gains a level, 20% of HP and mana are restored over 3 seconds.
Arena of Valor Virtue's BraceletVirtue’s Bracelet Ability Power +60
Cooldown Speed +5%
Mana +20 / 5 sec
Arena of Valor Vlad's ImpalerVlad’s Impaler Ability Power +90 Magic Life Steal +15%
Arena of Valor Staff of NuulStaff of Nuul Ability Power +180
Cooldown Speed +10%
Magic Pierce +40%
Arena of Valor Virtue's NecklaceVirtue’s Necklace Ability Power +160
Cooldown Speed +10%
Mana +30 / 5 sec
Magic Pierce +75
Arena of Valor Tome of the ReaperTome of the Reaper Ability Power +240
Max HP +500
Soul Prison: On dealing damage, reduces target’s HP regeneration by 50% for 1.5 seconds. If this is triggered by normal attacks, the duration is extended to 3 seconds.
Tier 3
Arena of Valor BoomstickBoomstick Ability Power +240 Explosion: Ability hits trigger a small-area explosion that deals 50 (+50% ability power) magic damage. 5-second cooldown.
SG Note 1: Explosions hit enemies roughly 200 units away. There is no explosion indicator, just the damage number that appears.
2: One explosion per target per ability per cooldown reset
Arena of Valor Hecate's DiademHecate’s Diadem Ability Power +240 Warlock: Ability Power +35%
Arena of Valor Orb of the MagiOrb of the Magi Ability Power +140
Cooldown Speed +10%
Bide: Gains 12 ability power and 110 HP every 30 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times.

From the Ashes: When the hero gains a level, 20% of HP and mana are restored over 3 seconds.

Arena of Valor Rhea's BlessingRhea’s Blessing Ability Power +140
Cooldown Speed +10%
Life Shield: Gains a shield that absorbs 450(+50 per level)(+40% ability power) damage when HP falls below 40%. The shield lasts 4 seconds and has a 75-second cooldown.

Magic Life Steal +25%

Arena of Valor ZweihanderZweihander Ability Power +180
Max Mana +400
Movement Speed +8%
Rapid Blade: Normal attack hits increase attack speed by 50% for 4 seconds. 10-second cooldown.

The Light: Normal attacks gain additional magic damage equal to 20% of the hero’s ability power.

Arena of Valor Frosty's RevengeFrosty’s Revenge Ability Power +140
Max HP +850
Movement Speed +5%

Chill: Abilities that deal damage will also reduce enemy movement speed by 20% for 2 seconds.

Berith’s Agony Ability Power +140
Cooldown Speed +10%
Armor +270
Torture: Deals magic damage equal to 3% of the target’s current HP per second for 3 seconds (up to 80% against monsters)
Arena of Valor ApocalypseApocalypse Ability Power +200
Cooldown Speed +10%
Elemental Power: After using an ability, the next normal attack deals additional magic damage equal to 30% of attack damage(+80% ability power). 2-second cooldown.
SG Note 1: There is a five-second window to activate Elemental Power after using an ability, during which time the hero’s hands will glow purple
2: The 2-second cooldown begins once an ability is used, so Elemental Power can be activated twice in a row so long as 2 seconds passes between use of the first ability and the second attack
3: The second cast of abilities (eg Lu Bu‘s Red Stallion or Nakroth‘s Jury Fury) can activate Elemental Power
Arena of Valor Soaring AuraSoaring Aura Ability Power+ 140
Max HP +1050
Protection: Reduces magic defense of enemies within 800 units by 75(+5 per level).
Arena of Valor Holy of HoliesHoly of Holies Ability Power +400 Enlightenment: Increases maximum HP by 1400
Arena of Valor Arctic OrbArctic Orb Ability Power +200 Impervious (active): Immune to all effects for 1.5 seconds. Unable to move, attack, or use abilities. Cooldown: 90 seconds

Defense Items

Name Effect Unique Passives and Actives
Tier 1
Arena of Valor Ring of VitalityRing of Vitality Max HP +300 None
Arena of Valor Light ArmorLight Armor Armor +90 None
Arena of Valor Gladiator GauntletsGladiator’s Gauntlets Magic Defense +90 None
Arena of Valor_Talisman-of-StrengthTalisman of Strength HP +30 / 5 sec None
Arena of Valor Necklace of VitalityNecklace of Vitality Max HP +600 None
Tier 2
Arena of Valor Greaves of ProtectionGreaves of Protection Max HP +1000 None
Arena of Valor Heart of IncubusHeart of Incubus Armor +180 Burn: Deals 50(+2 per level) magic damage to nearby enemies every second (deals double damage to minions and monsters).
SG Note: “Nearby” = 150 units in this case
Arena of Valor Belt of ClarityBelt of Clarity Magic Defense +110
Max HP +700
Regenerate: When taking damage, restores 4% HP over 2 seconds. 15-second cooldown.
Arena of Valor Platinum GauntletsPlatinum Gauntlets Cooldown Speed +10%
Armor +110
Arena of Valor Knight's PlateKnight’s Plate Armor +210 Spirit Bond: When taking damage, reduces the attacker’s attack speed by 20%.
Arena of Valor Asterion's BuckleAsterion’s Buckler
Removed from the game.
Max HP +1000
HP +60 / 5 sec
War Cry: Increases damage dealt and damage reduction of nearby friendly units by 5% and 10% respectively.
SG Note: Getting within 200 units of an ally will trigger War Cry for 2-3 seconds
Arena of Valor Mail of PainMail of Pain Armor +300
Max HP +1200
Riposte: 15% of the physical damage taken is deflected to the enemy as magic damage (calculation is based on damage before damage reduction)
Arena of Valor Hercules' MadnessHercules’ Madness Attack Damage +50
Armor +180
Magic Defense +150
Berserk: Increases attack damage by 40 and gains a shield for 8 seconds when HP is below 40%. 90-second cooldown.
SG Note: Shield seems to be roughly 30% of current maximum HP
Arena of Valor Odin's WillOdin’s Will Armor +200
Max HP +1200
Adrenaline: Increases movement speed by 2% and deals 2% additional damage after taking damage. Stacks up to 5 times.
SG Note: The hero glows red when Adrenaline is activated.
Tier 3
Arena of Valor Mantle of RaMantle of Ra Attack Damage +80
Armor +330
Burn: Deals 100 (+4 per level) magic damage to nearby enemies every second.

(Bonus: Deals 100% bonus damage to minions and monsters)

SG Note: “Nearby” = 150 units in this case
Arena of Valor Shield of the LostShield of the Lost Armor +360
Max HP +1200
Spirit Bond: Reduces the attack speed of nearby enemies by 30%
SG Note: “Nearby” = 200 units in this case
Arena of Valor The AegisThe Aegis Cooldown Speed +20%
Max Mana +400
Armor +360
Spirit Bond: When taking damage, reduces the attacker’s attack speed by 30% and movement speed by 15% for 3 seconds.
Arena of Valor Gaia's StandardGaia’s Standard Magic Defense +240
Max HP +1200
Movement Speed +5%
Regenerate: When taking damage, restores 8% HP over 2 seconds. 10-second cooldown.
Arena of Valor Medallion of TroyMedallion of Troy Cooldown Speed +10%
Magic Defense +360
Max HP +1000
Blessed: Gains a shield that absorbs 300(+50 per level) magic damage every 18 seconds.
Arena of Valor Crimson BannerCrimson Banner
Removed from the game.
Armor +200
Max HP +1500
Bloody Battle: Restores 20% HP over 5 seconds after earning a kill or assist. 10-second cooldown.
Arena of Valor Hyoga's EdgeHyoga’s Edge Armor +100
Magic Defense+100
Max HP +1200
Biting Cold: Normal attacks increase the wearer’s movement speed by 10% and reduce target’s movement speed by 25% for 2 seconds.
Arena of Valor Ancestral GloryAncestral Glory
Removed from the game.
Max HP +1000 Resurrect: Revives wearer 3 seconds after death with 40% HP. 3-minute cooldown.
Arena of Valor Frost CapeFrost Cape Cooldown Speed +10%
Armor +200
Max HP +800
Elemental Power: After using an ability, the next normal attack reduces movement speed by 30% and deals 150 physical damage (20 additional damage for each level gained) to an area. 3-second cooldown.

SG Note 1: There is a five-second window to activate Elemental Power after using an ability, during which time the hero’s hands will glow blue
2: The 3-second cooldown begins once an ability is used, so Elemental Power can be activated twice in a row so long as 3 seconds passes between use of the first ability and the second attack
3: The second cast of abilities (eg Lu Bu‘s Red Stallion or Nakroth‘s Jury Fury) can activate Elemental Power
Arena of Valor Amulet of LongevityAmulet of Longevity Max HP +1800
HP +50 / 5 sec
Restores 2% of max HP and 1% of max mana every second after exiting combat..
SG Note: “Healing” includes all regenerative effects, like life steal and the “Regenerate” unique passive.
Arena of Valor Rock ShieldRock Shield Armor +150
Magic Defense +150
HP +1000

Rock Shield (active): 3 seconds after activation, gain a shield equal to 30% of the damage taken within those 3 seconds (+12% of Max HP). The shield lasts for 3 seconds. The player’s damage output is reduced by 70% for 3 seconds after gaining the shield. Cooldown: 75 seconds

Arena of Valor Blade of EternityBlade of Eternity Armor +120

Fighting Spirit: Increase damage dealt by 10%
Nirvana: Resurrects wearer 2 seconds after death with 2000 + (hero level * 100) HP. This effect has a 150 second cooldown and can only be triggered twice in the same match.

Movement Items

Name Effect Unique Passives and Actives
Tier 1
Arena of Valor Boots of EscapingBoots of Speed None Movement Speed +30
Tier 2
Arena of Valor Sonic BootsSonic Boots Armor +110 Movement Speed +60

Reduces normal attack damage taken by 15%.

SG Note: Damage Reduction applies to all attack modifying effects, e.g Omni Arms, Zweihander, Kahlii’s Passive, Zanis ultimate.
Arena of Valor Gilded GreavesGilded Greaves Magic Defense +110 Movement Speed +60
Resistance +35%
Flashy Boots Cooldown Speed +15% Movement Speed +60
Arena of Valor Enchanted KicksEnchanted Kicks None Movement Speed +60
Magic Pierce +75
Arena of Valor War BootsWar Boots Attack Speed +25% Movement Speed +60
Arena of Valor Hermes' SelectHermes’ Select None

Swift: Increases movement speed by 60 after exiting battle.

Movement Speed +60

Jungling Items

Name Effect Unique Passives and Actives
Tier 1
Kukri Requires Punish talent to purchase. Once 2nd or 3rd tier jungling equipment is purchased, the Punish talent will become Frostbite. Frostbite deals damage to enemy heroes and reduces their movement speed. Hunter: Deals 20% extra damage to monsters and receives 20% more experience from killing monsters.
Tier 2
Arena of Valor Monster's BaneMonster’s Bane Grants Frostbite talent Hunter: Deals 30% extra damage to monsters and receives 35% more experience from killing monsters.

Seek and Destroy: Gains 8 ability power and 30 mana for every monster killed. Stacks up to 15 times.

Arena of Valor Gnoll CleaverGnoll Cleaver Grants Frostbite talent Hunter: Deals 30% extra damage to monsters and receives 35% more experience from killing monsters.

Wild: Increases maximum HP by 70 for every monster killed. Stacks up to 15 times.

Arena of Valor Mr. StabbyMr. Stabby Grants Frostbite talent Hunter: Deals 30% extra damage to monsters and receives 35% more experience from killing monsters.

Wild: Increases attack damage by 3 for every monster killed. Stacks up to 15 times.

Arena of Valor Whispering WindWhispering Wind Grants Frostbite talent Hunter: Deals 30% extra damage to monsters and receives 35% more experience from killing monsters, killing monsters increases its attack speed by 2%, up to 15 stacks

Wild: Killing monsters increases its attack speed by 2%, up to 15 stacks

Tier 3
Arena of Valor Loki's CurseLoki’s Curse Ability Power +120
Cooldown Speed +10%
Grants Frostbite talent
Curse Power: After using an ability, the next normal attack deals additional damage equal to 35% attack damage (+45% ability power). 2-second cooldown.

Hunter: Deals 30% extra damage to monsters and receives 35% more experience from killing monsters.

Seek and Destroy: Gains 8 ability power and 30 mana for every monster killed. Stacks up to 15 times.

SG Note 1: There is a five-second window to activate Curse Power after using an ability, during which time the hero’s hands will glow blue
2: The 2-second cooldown begins once an ability is used, so Curse Power can be activated twice in a row so long as 2 seconds passes between use of the first ability and the second attack

3: The second cast of abilities (eg Lu Bu‘s Red Stallion or Nakroth‘s Jury Fury) can activate Curse Power
Arena of Valor LeviathanLeviathan Armor +100
Max HP +750
Grants Frostbite talent
Flame Magic: Deals 90 (+5 per level) magic damage to nearby enemies every second.

Hunter: Deals 30% extra damage to monsters and receives 35% more experience from killing monsters.

Wild: Increases maximum HP by 70 for every monster killed. Stacks up to 15 times.

SG Note: Flame Magic has a range of roughly 150 units
Arena of Valor SoulreaverSoulreaver Attack Damage +60
Grants Frostbite talent
Cooldown Speed +15%
Life Steal +6%

Hunter: Deals 30% extra damage to monsters and receives 35% more experience from killing monsters.

Wild: Increases attack damage by 3 for every monster killed. Stacks up to 15 times.

Soul Taker: Next ability or normal attack on a hero deals an additional (300 +20 per level) magic damage, and damage output is increased by 7% for 3 seconds (melee combat only) (30 second cooldown)

Arena of Valor Scorching WindScorching Wind Attack Damage +15
Attack Speed +20%
Life Steal +10%
Grants Frostbite talent

Fire Storm: Normal attacks place a mark on the target, dealing 15 additional magic damage each stack (+1 per 3 levels), up to 6 stacks.

Hunter: Deals 30% extra damage to monsters and receives 35% more experience from killing monsters, killing monsters increases its attack speed by 2%, up to 15 stacks.

Support Items

SG Note
Only one support item is allowed per team
Name Effect Unique Passives and Actives
Tier 1
Arena of Valor Wind StoneWind Stone +5% Movement speed
+8 Mana per second
Wage: Gain 5 gold and experience every 3 seconds if your gold or experience is the lowest on the team.
Arena of Valor Water StoneWater Stone +20 HP per Second
+10 Mana per Second
Devotion: Gain a stack of Dedication Buff every 30 seconds. Stacks up to 2 times. If a unit dies within 800 units, consume a stack of Dedication Buff to grant the nearest ally 15 extra gold and 40 experience.
Tier 2
Arena of Valor Windrider TalismanWindrider Talisman +175 Armor
+40 HP per second
+15 Mana per Second
+5% Movement Speed
Wage: Gain 5 gold and experience every 3 seconds if your gold or experience is the lowest on the team.
Distinction: Gain 30% more gold and experience after a kill or assist
Arena of Valor Ring of GaleRing of Gale +60 Ability Power
+5% Movement Speed
+20 Mana per Second
Wage: Gain 5 gold and experience every 3 seconds if your gold or experience is the lowest on the team.
Distinction: Gain 30% more gold and experience after a kill or assist
Arena of Valor Crystal TalismanCrystal Talisman +120 Armor Devotion: Gain a stack of Dedication Buff every 30 seconds. Stacks up to 2 times. If a unit dies within 800 units, consume a stack of Dedication Buff to grant the nearest ally 15 extra gold and 40 experience.
Tidal Force: You and nearby friendly heroes (within 600 units) receive 20 (+1 per level) HP and 10 (+1 per 2 levels) mana per second.
Arena of Valor Stream BracersStream Bracers +10% Cooldown Speed Devotion: Gain a stack of Dedication Buff every 30 seconds. Stacks up to 2 times. If a unit dies within 800 units, consume a stack of Dedication Buff to grant the nearest ally 15 extra gold and 40 experience.
Tidal Force: You and nearby friendly heroes (within 600 units) receive 20 (+1 per level) HP and 10 (+1 per 2 levels) mana per second.
Tier 3
Arena of Valor Essence of the WindEssence of the Wind +250 Armor
+600 Health
+5% Movement Speed
+40 HP per Second
+15 Mana per Second
Wage: Gain 5 gold and experience every 3 seconds if your gold or experience is the lowest on the team.
Distinction: Gain 30% more gold and experience after a kill or assist
Tempest Shield (active): Provide nearby hero with the lowest HP a (800 + Hero Level x 80) point shield and 30% movement speed boost for 3 seconds. 45 second cooldown
SG Note: Wind Shield can be cast on self
Arena of Valor Ring of the FiendRing of the Fiend +90 Ability Power
+15% Cooldown Speed
+5% Movement Speed
+30 Mana per Second
Wage: Gain 5 gold and experience every 3 seconds if your gold or experience is the lowest on the team.
Distinction: Gain 30% more gold and experience after a kill or assist
Eye of the Tornado Eye (active): 
Gain vision of the nearest enemy for 4 seconds. Cooldown: 30 seconds.
Arena of Valor Tidecaller's MarkTidecaller’s Mark +200 Armor
+600 Health

Devotion: Gain a stack of Dedication Buff every 30 seconds. Stacks up to 2 times. If a unit dies within 800 units, consume a stack of Dedication Buff to grant the nearest ally 15 extra gold and 40 experience.
Tidal Force: You and nearby friendly heroes (within 600 units) receive 20 (+1 per level) HP and 10 (+1 per 2 levels) mana per second.

Poseidon: Increase damage of nearby allies by 5% and damage reduction by 10%.

SG Note: Getting within 200 units of an ally will trigger Tidecaller for 2-3 seconds
Arena of Valor Purifying BracersPurifying Bracers +500 HP
+15% Cooldown Speed

Devotion: Gain a stack of Devotion Buff every 30 seconds. Stacks up to 2 times. If a unit dies within 800 units, consume a stack of Devotion and grant the nearest ally 15 extra gold and 40 experience.
Tidal Force: You and nearby friendly heroes (within 600 units) receive 20 (+1 per level) HP and 10 (+1 per 2 levels) mana per second.

Purifying Spell (active): Immediately remove any control effects from a nearby allied hero, and restore 160 + (level x 30) HP and increase their movement speed by 30% for 2 second. The affected hero is immune to slows for the next 2 seconds. 60 second cooldown.

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  1. All of this is outdated info. Especially amulet of longevity. For the gold efficiency, it says that it increases the amount of health it provides by 170 with the passive, but that’s the old passive. And the passives list for it was updated recently.

  2. Can anyone confirm if Slikk’s Sting’s passive 35% resistance stack up with gilded boots’s passive, also 35% resistance?
    Thank you if anyone can answer