Hero Information and Guides | |
Suggested Level 3 Arcana | Item Builds |
Hero Attributes List | Hero Skins |
Hero Availability |
Update October 12: Added Annette
Update September 30: Added Y’bneth
Update September 13: Moved Marja and Rourke. Updated the blurb for Valhein.
List includes heroes (champions) from the Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Southeast Asia (Malaysia / Philippines / Singapore), and India servers.
Our most recent changes were mostly a result of the latest patch that hit Tencent servers on August 30.
Arena of Valor Hero Tier List
This is our tier list for the mobile version of Arena of Valor. For our tier list on the Nintendo Switch version, click here.
Welcome to the seventh edition of the Samurai Gamers Arena of Valor Hero Tier List! This list is an attempt to rank heroes based on their effectiveness in all levels of ranked play. It is based off of our (Master-rank) opinion, with weight given to high-level players’ opinions and certain heroes’ ban, pick, and win rates in professional matches.
Keep in mind that heroes are judged on their own merits, and not as part of very specific team compositions – though being viable in multiple situations is a big plus. Therefore, the list should be viewed based on heroes’ potential in solo-queue, without the need for heavy team cooperation or organization. That all said, we’ve affixed separate symbols to characters whose value changes dramatically when played either solo or in an organized team.
Changes From the Sixth List
- Added Amily
- Removed the “Roam” role
We initially introduced the “Roam” term to encourage players to think outside of the then-standard duo lane setup: 1 jungler, 1 solo laner, 1 mid, and 2 in a duo lane. The thinking was that you should be roaming with your team once you’ve cleared the wave – unless you’re the dedicated support scouting the enemy.
But with the ever-increasing popularity of Arena of Valor esports and the introduction of the new support items that clearly delineates how support players should play with each item, we feel the community has grown up enough that players can police themselves – and we don’t have to worry about shoving “roam” down their throats. Plus, our definition was too vague anyway: we may as well have put a question mark where the role was.
Though players in lower tiers and/or coming from other games may still stick to the duo-lane setup (which, by the way, is more valid with the water items), we’ve certainly seen many more players adopt the “professional” strategy of two solo laners, a dedicated roaming support, a mid and a jungler. Yes, the marksman jungler meta has been a big factor, but we’d be lying if we said we weren’t proud of the AoV community growing up.
However, by adding more defined roles, some heroes have received secondary roles that barely suit the hero and should only be assumed when absolutely necessary (ie following a particularly dreadful draft). Please pay special attention to the tilde (~) mark, for heroes who perform much worse when they are not in their primary role.
The King is Dead (Kinda)
Back in our third edition, we introduced Tier SS for a small group of seemingly un-counterable heroes. Over time, many of those heroes slowly dropped, due to nerfs or meta changes or both, leaving one hero remaining: Superman. The Man of Steel stood alone at the top in our fifth and sixth editions, despite a significant nerf to his damage at the time.
With the latest nerf, however, we feel he is finally in line with the rest of the heroes. Well, the top section, anyway. He is still strong enough to be banned and picked in professional and high-ladder play. The good news is that you can now practice Superman, since you’ll likely be able to get in some games when you finally make it to the big leagues of Diamond and Master.
Twenty Five Heroes in Tier S
Twenty Five! That’s 35% of the 71 heroes on whom we base the tier list. Now, one might say that with the top tier that large, we should try to split it up into smaller tiers. But here’s the thing: we couldn’t even if we tried. There is not a single hero in Tier S who we feel is significantly weaker than the other S heroes. Plus, splitting them up so finely would just lead to a 20-tier list, with personal preference playing far too big a factor.
We’ve said it before, but Tencent’s strategy of giving slap-on-the-wrist nerfs to overpowered heroes while significantly buffing lesser heroes has worked wonders – even if we were as frustrated as everyone else when the nerfs happened. “Minus 0.1 AP scaling on Shining Light? Ha! Like that will do anything!” I recall one of us saying.
The end result is a whopping 25 heroes who are simultaneously equal in strength to one another while being the strongest heroes in the game. Incidentally, the rest of the tiers form a perfect reverse pyramid: Tier 1 has eighteen heroes, Tier 2 has seventeen, Tier 3 has nine, and Tier 4 has two (as of writing). Again, we consider Tier 2 a loose cutoff point to be viable enough for competitive play, so it’s pretty astonishing how this has played out.
Marksmen Junglers Are Upon Us
Marksmen junglers have been a staple in the professional scene since at least the AWC, but the shift has finally made its way to ladder. Lindis, Rourke, Violet, Fennik, and Slimz can all clear the jungle exceptionally quickly, spiking in power before the other players know what hit them. Plus, most of them carry their power into the late game, a stark contrast from many quick-clearing assassins who tend to fall off.
The result is more protect-the-carry compositions, with two strong solo laners manning top and bottom rather than a protected marksman in a duo lane. Thus, in addition to the aforementioned marksmen junglers, DS laners are all the rage, with assassins and non-jungling marksmen getting squeezed out of the equation.
Customary Reminder
Before we get to the list, we need to remind everyone that all the heroes in Arena of Valor are capable of winning at very high levels – yes, even those down in Tier 4. Picking a hero from the top of this list won’t immediately vault you to Master rank, just like buying a new tennis racket won’t turn you into Roger Federer. Playing any hero in any role requires good game sense, knowledge, intuition, and practice. And if you’re most comfortable making plays with good ol’ Toro, don’t let those meanies in the match lobby bully you into switching to someone more “meta.”
Now, on to the list.
All heroes can be strong or weak given a particular situation. We’ve done our best to rank them based on their average strength, but some heroes’ levels fluctuate wildly depending on their circumstances:
- “+” denotes a hero whose rating is highly dependent on the player’s skill – more so than your typical hero. For instance, a capable Murad is a maddening presence for the opposing team (and thus belongs in Tier S), whereas a Murad who doesn’t understand his cooldowns and ultimate usage will be the deciding factor in a decidedly bad way.
- “^” denotes a hero who performs better in a solo queue setting than in an organized or cooperative team environment. In the typical chaos of ranked play, Tel’Annas will demolish anyone who gets caught in her attack range, while teams who play together will jump her the instant they smell an opportunity.
- “#” denotes a hero who is much more effective in an organized or cooperative team setting. Though Mina can’t do much by herself, she is a terror if her team cooperates with her.
- “~” denotes a hero whose value diminishes by one or more tiers if not played in their primary role. For the sake of your teammates, please don’t try to play Butterfly in a lane.
These are different from the roles delineated in the game; instead, they are the roles (1 being their primary role) that optimize the character’s functionality throughout a game of Arena of Valor.
- Jungle – You’re the jungler. Go do jungly things.
- DS Lane – Dark Slayer Lane (or just solo/side lane, if you have a dedicated roaming support). You’re good at solo-laning. Sit in the corner and soak those minion waves.
- Support – Characters who fare much better when travelling with a damage-dealing ally. If you’re alone, it’s because you’re scouting out the enemy or purposely allowing teammates to farm more experience and gold.
- Damage – Follow up on your team’s initiation by bringing the heat. Position-wise, you are in a solo side lane, duo lane, or roaming with team members.
- Mid – The middle lane: typically mages who can clear safely (with some exceptions).
Visual List
Here’s a quick list in image form for you social media users out there. Scroll past for full explanations of hero placement.
In-Depth Discussion on Placements
Watch the video below where our head writers DTwo and Green talk about the reason for each hero’s placement in the tier list!
Tier S
Tier S heroes can feel unfairly strong, though there is a bit of counterplay possible.
(Click on a hero for ability mechanics, attack and ability ranges, hero guides, item builds, and more)
Hero | Role | Description |
![]() Added 2018/09/30 |
1. DS Lane 2. Support |
Y’bneth can seem like The Immovable Object at times, pushing his enemies around and then forcing them to stay in place with Nature’s Realm. |
Y’bneth immediately established itself as one of the top heroes, both on ladder and in professional play. Able to both clear minion waves quickly and heal without interaction with enemies, Y’bneth maintains a constant presence in one of the side lanes. Further, Groot 2.0 is an incredible brawler in team fights, constantly resetting the cooldown on Redwood Rush while completely disrupting the enemy team with Branching Out and Nature’s Realm. Y’bneth’s short range and inability to cast Redwood Rush on command are certainly weak points, but the rest of its kit more than makes up for that. | ||
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1. Mid 2. Jungle |
The Flash is a mobile assassin capable of rushing in and out of fights and dishing out his damage before enemies have a chance to react. |
The Flash gets time in the sunlight as one of the top contenders for Arena of Valor’s strongest mage. His damage and mobility can be exceptionally difficult to deal with, especially by heroes who rely heavily on skill shots or lack hard crowd control. His ultimate can help him out in a pinch as well, granting invincibility while it is being cast. All of this together makes The Flash a very formidable opponent and well deserving of a high place on the tier list. | ||
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1. Support 2. Damage |
A strong support tank who are able to control the flow of fights with large amounts of crowd control and a powerful revival ultimate. |
Despite once again getting hit with a nerf, TeeMee maintain enough utility to keep their S ranking on the tier list. What’s more, the introduction of several support items work as an indirect buff to the tanuki pair, allowing them an easier time getting their items throughout the match or enhancing their ability to gift gold to their allies. | ||
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1. Mid 2. Jungle |
An early game mage who excels at finishing off enemies and staying just out of reach of the opposition. |
Tulen has fallen out of favor after a few nerfs but still maintains a healthy strength when used correctly. He remains a great finisher and packs a lot of damage potential in his kit. Skilled players will need a bit more anticipation of their enemy movements to really shine, however, the high mobility he achieves by his abilities offset by a pitifully slow movement speed. | ||
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1. Mid 2. Support |
A marksman who plays more like a mage assassin, The Joker is both able to burst away opponents and slip out of fights unharmed. |
The assassin-like marksman that is The Joker remains as useful as ever, untouched in the latest patch. In a meta that focuses heavily on roaming about the battlefield, The Joker makes for a rather capable roaming support, travelling from lane to lane to burst down enemies in ganks or set up kills for his allies. His slippery nature adds to his strength, allowing him to escape from problems that might arise as he moves around the field. | ||
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1. Jungle 2. Damage |
A marksman who is capable of immense amounts of damage and can quickly and safely move around the jungle. |
Despite a nerf to her damage and mobility, Lindis remains a very powerful jungler capable of bursting down enemies very quickly. Along with her damage comes a great deal of safety, her Piercing Gaze and Entrapment abilities allowing the marksman to protect herself in the jungle. This is particularly useful in the current meta that is focused around marksmen in the jungle. ~Tier 2 when not jungling |
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1. DS Lane 2. Support |
A bruiser tank with a game changing ultimate who dominates enemies who rely on regeneration effects. |
Not the most popular, but still a very solid pick. His global presence makes him very useful when in the right hands, always able to join fights no matter where they may be on the battlefield. Beyond this, the boy wonder is very durable and commands a respectable amount of damage, allowing him to trade blows with almost anyone. In a meta filled with jungling marksmen ADCs, Max’s ability to shut them out of a fight and sometimes eliminate them completely is invaluable. |
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1. Jungle 2. DS Lane |
An assassin who boasts a large amount of damage and disruption ability despite being able to withstand a significant amount of enemy fire. |
While a strong jungler before his buff, Zephys is even more capable after the most recent patch. The assassin is both durable and able to deal out quite a bit of control and damage, making him a very strong pick all around. Zephys can both be used to pick off squishy targets solo with his considerable damage or set up kills with his crowd control when facing tankier enemies. | ||
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1. Jungle 2. Damage |
A high-damage marksman who is able to roll out of danger and poke enemies with an empowered, long range, high-frequency attack. |
Tencent seems to be nostalgic for the days that Violet absolutely dominated the game and gave her a large suite a buffs in exchange for a bit of power taken away from her Tactical Fire. Despite the nerf, Tactical Fire remains a very strong ability capable of quickly bursting down enemies. The main difference to Violet now is that she feels like she has three abilities rather than just the one. Neither Fire in the Hole nor Concussive Rounds feel like they take away from Violet’s overall DPS anymore, allowing player more flexibility in how they use the pistol assassin. | ||
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1. DS Lane 2. Jungle |
A warrior who uses his long range and high damage to burst away opponents before flipping to safety. |
Ryoma gets a bit more sustain in this version of the game, now able to refresh his health on minions with Spectral Ire. This allows the samurai to stay in lane for much longer and thereby maintain a constant presence. Players will find themselves able to make much riskier moves in fights as they will be able to refresh their health if forced to retreat. | ||
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1. Jungle 2. DS Lane |
While difficult to play, Murad possesses the ability to dish out dramatic amounts of damage while remaining safely hidden from the battlefield. |
Unchanged and still as bursty as ever. A good Murad will be able to slip into fights and devastate opponents before vanishing back to safety. His high burst damage and invincibility frames are balanced by a very lackluster health pool. The assassin has very little chance at survival when caught by an enemy or locked down by crowd control. | ||
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1. DS Lane 2. Support |
A tank who summons lion spirits to damage any who get close and drain the life of her enemies. |
Very durable and capable of taking multiple enemies on alone provided she can stay close to them, Arum can be a very frustrating tank to deal with. The Conjurer requires rather specific counter-play to be taken down, and thereby can do very well when the enemy is playing recklessly. She has high durability and respectable damage. Her use falls off a bit should players know not to attack her when she uses Snare and knows to keep their distance when attacking, but the tank remains one of the most potent in the game. | ||
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1. DS Lane 2. Jungle |
A warrior that rips towers and enemies apart with his mighty, high-speed normal attacks while safely immune to control effects. |
With high damage and regeneration packed into his kit, Kil’groth can be a fearsome force in the Slayer lane. While he lacks a bit when it comes to mobility, enemies will either have to be incredibly farmed or crafty in order to take on Kil’groth in a one-on-one struggle. Not only is the sea beast great at dueling heroes, he can rip down towers exceptionally quickly as well. | ||
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1. Mid 2. Jungle |
A mage who can shift between a long range nuker and a close-range assassin, able to deal large amounts of damage as each. |
Despite a slower start than she had when first released, Liliana is still able to deal tremendous amounts of damage while quickly zipping around the battlefield. The large suite of abilities available to the mage can make her a very formidable opponent in the mid lane. In addition, her mobility can make her a very difficult target to enemies who rely on skill shots, offering her some safety as she attacks. |
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1. DS Lane 2. Support |
A powerful warrior who can either rush into enemy teams or drag low-health targets towards her with her whip before tearing them down with a number of strong attacks. |
Wonder Woman is a very strong pick for the Slayer lane, high amounts of damage and durability packed into her kit. She is a strong initiator who can leap into battle with her whip and stun groups of enemies with her Bracelets of Submission while providing a protective shield to her allies. Both strong alone and in team fights, Wonder Woman remains a solid hero in the current patch. | ||
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1. DS Lane 2. Support |
A strong tank who can both take in and deal out large amounts of damage with his mighty shield and whose presence is felt all across the battlefield. |
Durable and ever-present, Xeniel’s inclusion in a team’s line up forces the enemy team to completely change their play style. He can steadily push down the enemy lane without worrying about being absent from a team fight due to Angelic Splendor. Beyond this, Xeniel is a very capable tank. Gaining damage from stacking health, the angel is able to bust enemies up while remaining incredibly durable. This makes him both good at bruising and initiating enemies, sweeping in with Malleus to start fights off. |
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1. DS Lane 2. Support |
Possessing a high-damage cleave and an exceptional initiating ultimate, Maloch can tear apart enemy teams with his high durability and damage. |
A tremendous presence in fights, Maloch is able to dish out large amounts of damage while maintaining a tanky exterior. Shock is a mighty tool for initiating, offering large amounts of control and area denial. His true damage allows the demon to deal with tanks and warriors better than many other heroes could even hope to, taking out large chunks of his targets’ health with each swing. His utility on top of his blend of offensive and defensive potential make him very easily fit into S tier. | ||
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1. DS Lane 2. Jungle |
A strong warrior who can control enemies with his disruptive abilities and is able to flip flights with a large damage and survivability steroid. |
Lu Bu receives a sizable buff to his ultimate, making him even more solidly a part of the S tier. Now close to the maximum resistance of 60% when Conqueror is active at rank 3, he can shift off Gilded Greaves to a different pair of boots when laning and still break free of any crowd control that comes his way. On top of this, he still holds rather high amounts of damage and control while as durable as warriors come. | ||
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1. DS Lane 2. Jungle |
A very flexible hero, capable of manning the Dark Slayer lane early and being a potent force in team fights into the late game. |
Roxie got a rather large nerf to her HP and armor this patch, now much more vulnerable to enemy fire. Her utility is the same as before and her damage remains untouched, so players will still find the adventurer well suited to battle. At the very least, the nerf wasn’t enough to kick the girl down to one of the lower tiers yet. Roxie will just have to be more careful when approaching enemies and be mindful of who is around in her approach. | ||
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1. DS Lane 2. Support |
A mobile, durable, and aggressive sidelaner, Superman can sweep into the battlefield to tear enemy teams apart. |
The man of steel has finally been nerfed where it matters: his knock back. Now only moving 300 units with each ability rather than 400, he will have to be more careful with his engagements. Players will no longer have to focus completely on Superman and will thereby be able to properly spread their attention among the whole enemy team. That said, Superman is far from useless, still packing large amounts of damage and disruption potential. | ||
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1. DS Lane 2. Jungle |
Omen is a strong duelest who excels at one on one combat and has an unescapable ultimate that traps the target in its range. |
Omen has been scaled back in how well he can shut down enemies, but still has enough potential to be a considerable threat. His dueling potential and ability to rip apart towers is the same as before, all while resilient to enemy fire. The biggest changes is how vulnerable the warrior has to allow himself to become when engaging on the enemy, making it easier for enemy teams to counter engage or retreat. Despite these nerfs, we have noticed that the warrior has become as dominant in the lane as several of his other, S-tier peers, and so felt that bumping him up to S-tier would be fitting.
#Note: it may seem strange that we have a solo-laner as a hero who especially benefits from good team play, but Omen is a special case where his teammates need to be able to play around his split-pushing capabilities and capitalize late-game on opportunities he creates with Death’s Embrace |
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1. Mid 2. DS Lane |
A durable mage who excels at team fighting due to a number of area-of-effect abilities and a shielding ultimate. |
Jinnar was already in a very good place and then the developers went and buffed him again. The ability to move while casting Sutra of Pain is huge. Similar to how Violet now has three useful abilities rather than just one, Jinnar feels as if he was given a whole, additional ability. Players will soon find out that the mage is set to “bring balance” by leveling everything before him. This pushes him over the edge, bumping Jinnar up into the prestigious ranks of tier S. | ||
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1. DS Lane 2. Jungle |
An agile assassin who is able to quickly chase down opponents with a multitude of movement abilities and burst them away with empowered normal attacks. |
With marksmen once again finding prominence in the meta, Zuka finds himself in a rather comfortable place. His damage allows him to very quickly burst away squishier enemies while his mobility keeps him moving around the battlefield and safe from enemy fire. While a bit squishy, a good Zuka will be very hard to kill due to how well he can dodge attacks. This lethality and his role in countering the meta marksmen bring Zuka up into S tier. | ||
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1. Mid 2. Jungle |
A melee mage who is able to poke enemies with a power fireball before sweeping in and finishing them off with his powerful, magical punches. |
Despite not receiving any buffs recently, players have started to notice just how much power the boxer has in his kit as they grow more used to his play style. Raz’s mobility and damage make him very dangerous in fights, particularly to squishier heroes like marksmen. None of the item or meta changes of late hinder the boxer in any way, so Raz maintains his position in tier S. |
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1. DS Lane 2. Support |
A brawler who is both able to dish out significant amounts of burst damage and set up ganks for his team with a number of strong control abilities. |
A recent favorite among Slayer laners, Skud maintains his strength despite some reductions to his control. The warrior still has heavy offensive, defensive, and disruptive potential, making him an asset in numerous situations. He can be very difficult to fight, especially one on one, so players should see him a lot in the near future as more and more become aware of his power. |
![]() Moved 9/13 (from Tier 2) |
1. DS Lane 2. Mid |
A magical brawler, Marja rejuvenates her health as she attacks and is able to safely dive under towers to finish off fleeing enemies. |
Updated Blurb: We have to admit we were skeptical about the buff to Ghostwalk pushing Marja from trash tier to S-Tier, as seemed to be the case in Taiwanese and Thai professional leagues. We thought that Valhein’s rise may have had a lot to do with it, as teams needed a ranged DS Laner to deal with him. However, what we’ve come to realize over the past couple of weeks is that the large buff in damage to her signature ability fundamentally altered the way that Marja could be played. Previously, Ghostwalk did so little damage that it was mostly used as a panic button to escape a sticky situation. This made playing against Marja extremely easy: just bait out Ghostwalk and either finish her off or rest assured she’ll be out of the fight. Further, with only a couple of abilities that could do significant damage, players didn’t fear Marja at all. Now, with the buff adding roughly 900 hundred damage in the late game, Marja can play much more aggressively. Instead of simply waiting to use Ghostwalk as an escape, solo-lane Marjas can use it off cooldown to bully the opposing laner away, dealing significant damage while denying life-stealing types the auto-attacks they need to regenerate. Marja feels like a completely different character now, the damage buff to Ghostwalk adding another dimension to her play style the same way Jinnar and Violet seemed to receive new abilities this latest patch.
Previous Blurb: The recent buffs have jumped Marja up into a much better place, she now able to stand up against enemies. Her life steal will keep her up and going in lane and Ghostwalk will allow the mage to escape from any sticky situation that comes her way or engage opponents without leaving any opening for a counter engagement. The buff to Berith’s Agony, in addition, has helped her the most out of any hero in the game, considering her play style as a mage who delivers a steady stream of AoE damage to her opponents. Now to address the hardcore esports fans: yes, we know that Marja is currently being banned and picked in Taiwan’s GCS and Thailand’s RPL. We’re still a little skeptical that she’s at those heights, and don’t want to overreact just because a few pro players are fancying her, especially since her buff was minor. In the meantime, however, she is certainly worth a try on the ladder – just make sure you play her in the DS lane with Berith’s Agony. |
Tier 1
The best of the “balanced” heroes.
(Click on a hero for ability mechanics, attack and ability ranges, hero guides, item builds, and more)
Hero | Role | Description |
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1. Support | A nimble support who can boost along allies with speed-enhancing shields as well as trap foes in her powerful control abilities. |
An improvement to her ability power ratios anchor Alice in tier 1 after dancing between 1 and 2. The adorable mystic’s abilities will hit all the harder now while offering the same control that people have come to expect from Alice. In addition, the support will find a number of new toys to play with in the form of the game’s new support items, allowing her a lot when it comes to utility. | ||
![]() Added 2018/10/12 |
1. Support 2. Mid |
A support with reasonable damage, Annette has a wealth of situational healing and disruptive abilities that can be devastating if used well. |
We’ve gone back and forth over Annette, who can somehow seem clunky and amazing within the same game. Recent successes in GCS and RPL after some early struggles (Annette was released before Amily in Taiwan) have convinced us, however, that she is a very capable support. Though her abilities can be difficult to use properly, and she doesn’t function well in every team composition, Annette can be devastating in the right situation. For example, a well-executed Wind Cuffs or Hurricane Wall can turn the tide of battle, but can also do nothing or even disrupt your own team if used improperly. Meanwhile, putting her on a team with Raz and Lindis makes her Whisperwind passive extremely difficult to overcome, but the same passive can be hard to trigger if on a team with much higher cooldowns. | ||
![]() Moved 9/13 (From Tier S) |
1. Jungle 2. DS Lane |
Durable despite a large amount of burst damage at his disposal and an amazing mustache, Rourke is able to obliterate enemies one-on-one. |
Updated Blurb: Though it pains Green to see his favorite sea captain demoted, DTwo had to make an executive decision on this one. The book on Rourke is out: hordes of players seeking cheap wins through his now-fixed tower bug resulted in way too many players figuring out how to play against him. We’ll keep him in Tier 1, since not every hero has the luxury of being able to “just run away” when Rourke pops his ult. But between knowing his power source and the Violet-Lindis meta allowing players to kite him for days, we (I) couldn’t have Rourke in Tier S anymore.
Previous Blurb: Now without a bug to make him literally broken it terms of power, Rourke can prove himself in a way the developers intended. His burst damage is great, making him a fantastic assassin when it comes to one on one fights and even able to deal with tanks when building offensively. His unique attack quirks keep him in check, however, unable to attack enemies who juke around minions or teammates. |
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1. Mid 2. DS Lane |
Able to take on several enemies at the same time due to her powerful regeneration and spammable abilities, Lauriel plays like a durable mage warrior. |
Lauriel remains the same as she has been: a strong mage who is hindered by a late-arriving power spike. The new Berith’s Agony can make a great addition to the angel’s build, allowing her to more easily deal with enemies who stack health to try and counter her true damage. That said, her play style and effectiveness will be about the same as it had been before the most recent patch went live, keeping her steadily in place in tier 1. | ||
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1. Support | An exceptionally durable tank who is capable of peeling enemies away from allies and set up fights before finishing targets off with his devastating ultimate. |
While not the most devastating of tanks, Thane still is very chunky when it comes to defense and can set up kills with the best of them. While not holding much damage in his normal abilities, King’s Glory is a fantastic finisher that can be just what a team needs to squeak out a victory in close fights. Aside from this, the tank can control enemies very well while drawing enemy fire for his team. His primary weakness is when left alone, the poor Thane is not able to do much in duels. | ||
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1. DS Lane 2. Support |
A warrior tank who is able to deal out large amounts of damage when her health is low and regenerate any health she is missing with her powerful ultimate. |
Taara has proven herself to be a very capable hero in the Slayer lane despite her weaknesses. Her free abilities allow her to continually rough up her opponents without regard to any resource pool, and her high regeneration will keep her up and going no matter how often scuffles break out. While she is weak to items like Curse of Death and Tome of the Reaper, these items are weak enough that grabbing them will make the grabber easier to deal with for Taara’s teammates. Many players seem to ignore these items anyway, so go wild. | ||
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1. DS Lane 2. Support |
A warrior who can quickly traverse the map with a spammable speed boost and execute high priority targets in team fights. |
Untouched and still Arena of Valor’s jack of all trades. Arthur’s mobility, damage, and defense make him a solid warrior pick and an asset in team fights. Players tend to underestimate Arthur as well, given his status as a free hero in Tencent servers. Despite this and his relatively simple kit, Arthur can be a lethal force in the hands of a mindful player while able to withstand any enemy damage that would come his way. | ||
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1. DS Lane 2. Jungle |
An extremely agile top laner who can sneak up to enemies to attack and zip away to safety with a number of dashes. |
Agile and deadly, Airi is a solid choice in the Slayer lane. The kunoichi is able to quickly damage and temporarily stun foes with her shuriken and slip in or out of battle with her dashes. She lacks the sustained fighting power and pressure of some other top laners but is exceptionally lethal and a nightmare to catch up to or escape from in chases. | ||
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1. Jungle 2. Damage |
One of, if not the most durable marksman in the game, Moren is capable of tearing apart enemies with a stream of attacks. |
Moren is one of the most durable marksmen in the game, Tactical Fire providing stacking amounts of armor and magic resist. This does not take away from his damage potential either, the inventor capable of tearing enemies down incredibly quickly with a barrage of normal attacks. The main thing holding Moren back from a higher tier is how long it takes him to reach his power spike. He requires quite a bit of farming in order to hit a comfortable stride, and thereby can be shutdown if the enemy is proactive in seeking him out. | ||
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1. Jungle 2. DS Lane |
A burst assassin who transitions into a warrior as the game progresses and is able to wear down high-health targets with a percentage based ability. |
A set of damage buffs solidify Kriknak’s place in tier 1 despite a recent downward trend in his popularity. The assassin will have an easier time ripping enemies apart at all stages of the game, though will now have even more of a focus on attack damage when building his six items. This will make him a bit more squishy, though the lethality he packs should more than make up for that. |
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1. Support 2. DS Lane |
A tank who excels at babysitting allied squishy heroes and can transform into an offensive and defensive juggernaut with his ultimate. |
Cresht received a nice little buff to his rage generation which should make Metamorphosis more reliable. As this was his biggest weakness, it is a very welcome change. The sea beast can now be more liberal with his ultimate, using it whenever fights might arise without having to worry as much about his rage levels. | ||
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1. Jungle 2. Mid |
A jungling mage who is able to quicly close the distance to his targets with a powerful ultimate that renders him invincible while casting. |
Zill is now a bit stronger against neutral monsters and will therefore sport a faster clear speed. While this isn’t enough to catapult him up, it is a nice addition that keeps him a viable jungler despite the recent meta shift towards jungling marksmen. As an assassin, he can act as a counter to such marksmen as well, able to slip behind enemy lines to get right at the squishy damage dealers rather than deal with the durable front line. | ||
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1. Mid 2. DS Lane |
A long-range siege mage who can transition into a normal-attacking monster after activating his ultimate and absorbing his wyvern’s spirit. |
While not the most mobile – he has no escape abilities despite his great movement speed – Preyta is capable of high amounts of damage from great distances. Preyta players will have to pay special attention to positioning in order to stay effective in fights. However, if they manage to do so, they can devastate enemy teams both through how much health the Illest can rip away from targets and the displacement possible through Poison Gas Bomb. | ||
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1. Support | A pure support who heals and protects allies with her auras while also chain stunning enemies who have grouped together. |
Being able to move while casting Nature’s Rally is huge. Not only can the support keep enemies and allies inside of its area, but the ability can no longer be cancelled through crowd control. If this wasn’t enough, the introduction of new support items work to indirectly buff Peura as well, making her an even stronger choice. | ||
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1. Support 2. DS Lane 3. Mid |
A support tank who switches seamlessly between poking and harassing the back line while being able to cleanse himself and allies of control effects. |
Another support whose birthday came early and received a number of new toys to play with. The new support items offer Chaugnar some additional utility to the team when roaming or babysitting, allowing him better progression through matches and use in fights despite rarely dealing out killing blows. |
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Support | A tank who plays like a support, Grakk is capable of dragging enemies to his waiting team or suppress targets with an area of ultimate |
Chains we can believe in. Grakk is still a powerful support who can nearly guarantee kills whenever he successfully lands a hook (and your trusty allies are nearby. Where else would they be?). World Devourer can suppress multiple enemies for a nearly unparalleled 2.5 seconds, making the big boy very good at setting kills up for his team. This use along with his proved worth in recent tournaments have shown us that Grakk should be up in tier 1. |
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1. Mid 2. DS Lane |
A nimble mage who boasts large amounts of firepower when dealing with enemies up close due to her aura-based ultimate. |
The chain of buffs that Krixi received over several patches – minus the slap on the wrist in the last patch – has finally caught up with her, the pixie now a damaging machine. Able to maintain her distance with both Moonfall and Flutter, the fairy doesn’t have to worry as much about incoming attackers as some of her fellow mages. In addition, her damage is high enough that she can rip apart all but the most durable of foes, provided she gets a healthy base of items. | ||
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1. Jungle 2. Damage |
Capable of devastating ganks and of quickly tearing down enemy tanks, Slimz uses a large spear to stun from afar before jumping in to finish his target off. |
With the recent dominance of several HP stacking heroes, Slimz has found much more use in the recent meta. In addition, the hero is a very good choice when it comes to jungle marksman, making him a rather safe bet in the current meta. While we have gone back and forth on the marksman before, Slimz can be considered safely within tier 1 this meta. |
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1. Jungle 2. Damage |
Possessing dramatic amounts of burst damage early game, Fennik is a marksman both exceptionally capable at tearing down jungle monsters and enemy towers. |
Similar to Slimz, Fennik finds some additional use in the current metagame due to his ability as a jungling marksman. The fox has tremendous amounts of burst damage early game and can absolutely devastate foes that he picks on early game. If he could maintain this power into the later game, he would be up in tier S like Lindis. But, as it stands, Fennik is still short of those heights. | ||
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1. DS Lane 2. RNG 2nd stun |
A marksman who is focused more on attack speed than damage, Valhein can build as either a marksman or a mage as he stun locks opponents. |
Updated Blurb (9/13): We know. We see the 100% pick/ban rate in professional leagues. But we can’t in good faith put Valhein in Tier S of a solo-queue list, not when even Master rank players often don’t know how to draft around a solo lane Valhein. Plus, the Valhein in question needs to be a veteran solo laner who knows how to deal with the abilities of all his solo lane counterparts. To assuage all those who are clamoring for him to be in Tier S, we added some clarity to his tilde (~) note. Just know that we’re doing everyone a favor: the less we promote him, the less you’ll see AD Valheins in your promotion game. Previous Blurb: Okay, so, we really don’t want to do this. We know what’s going to happen, too. You’re going to see that Valhein has moved up to tier 1 and immediately jump on him to try and be the demon hunter you always dreamed of. That’s probably not going to happen. Valhein has recently come across some power due to the tweaking of Blitz Blade. The new item goes hand in hand with his attack speed focus, allowing him to deal tons of damage while focusing on items like Frost Cape and Hyoga’s Edge that will make him a kiting fiend. DO NOT PLAY HIM AS A STANDARD MARKSMAN, HE IS STILL BAD THAT WAY. He only achieves tier 1 when built one specific way and used as a kiter. You’ve been warned, now please…. have some mercy. ~Tier S in solo lane with a good player, Tier 2 with AP builds, Tier 3 with AD builds. |
Tier 2
Most Tier 2 heroes are viable picks in professional competition.
(Click on a hero for ability mechanics, attack and ability ranges, hero guides, item builds, and more)
Hero | Role | Description |
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1. Jungle 2. DS Lane |
One of very few heroes with stealth abilities at their disposal, Batman can absolutely destroy squishy enemies left out in the open. |
Batman goes mostly unchanged this patch, only finding a bit of an indirect nerf in the addition of Ring of the Fiend. The Caped Crusader will have some troubles approaching enemies should they pick the item up and thereby should take caution when approaching. That said, it isn’t enough of a change to warrant dropping the Dark Knight down to tier 3, as his damage remains high and a careful Batman will still be able to easily gank enemies. |
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1. DS Lane 2. Support |
A warrior with plenty of crowd control at his disposal along with a regular shield and the ability to regenerate lost health with his passive. |
Arduin’s now functional passive has pulled him up into tier 2. While not the same devastating combination of damage and defense that some other warriors are, Arduin can be a valuable bruiser in team fights. What he lacks in damage, he makes up for with control, Rend and Cull offering the axeman some nice stuns and helping him control the battlefield. | ||
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1. Mid 2. Support |
With a large amount of crowd control and some moderate damage at her disposal, Diao Chan can greatly disrupt enemies when able to land her abilities. |
Without much coming her way in terms of a buff, Diao Chan remains solidly in tier 2. She could possibly benefit from the new support items when used as a support (which is a role we feel she is well suited to) and thereby make it easier for the trash-voiced mage to roam the battlefield and set up ganks for her allies. | ||
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1. Mid 2. DS Lane |
A long range mage capable to tearing through minion waves very quickly and attacking enemies from impressively far away. |
Also lacking much change this patch, Kahlii remains a comfortable pick when looking for a midlaner. Her damage and range make her very formidable in team fights, only really falling short when enemies manage to get in close to her squishy body. She offers tremendous power when it comes to clearing waves as well, making her great at either pushing lanes or protecting towers from invaders. | ||
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1. Mid 2. Damage |
A burst mage who can dish out dramatic amounts of damage with her combo when able to land each shot. |
Natalya has the potential to be really great, though her player will need some exceptional aim to get there. Her abilities pack incredible amounts of damage and Arcane Spirits can be spammed fairly regularly if she is regularly hitting heroes. That said, Natalya remains immobile and vulnerable if approached. The game’s targeting system and its quirks aren’t a help either, making the targeting of enemies even more difficult in the heat of an intense battle. | ||
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1. Jungle 2. DS Lane |
A warrior that quickly traverses the map searching for single targets to annihilate. |
Amily is a bit like Zanis: capable of great burst if built up properly, with an ultimate that reduces a significant amount of damage coming her way. While she has him beat in sustain and mobility, the excruciatingly long cooldown on Enrage compared with similar abilities (20s longer than Lu Bu’s Conqueror, 25s longer than Kil’groth’s Gore Lord, 34s longer than Zanis’ Dragon’s Wrath) means she can’t take fights nearly as often. Also, despite her difficulty rating of “3,” we get the feeling that her difficulty goes well beyond just using her abilities properly. She has a whole range of ability combinations utilizing her active and passive abilities, some of which seemingly contradict each other in play style. It’s very possible Amily follows a Lindis-like arc in which she shoots up the rankings as players figure out how to maximize her potential. This is all to say that we’re a bit split on her – the community seems to be as well – so we’re going with a conservative approach and slotting her into tier 2. Let us know in the comments how you feel and if you have had success (or failure) with the Crusher. | ||
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Jungle | A capable assassin with large amounts of damage who relies on his exceptional mobility to make up for lacking defenses. |
Without any changes coming his way, Nakroth remains stuck in tier 2. He’s not bad, not by a long shot. With high amounts of damage and a tremendous amount of mobility, a good Nakroth can be a nightmare to deal with. However, the assassin falls off later in the game as things tend more towards team fights and will have to be exceptionally careful if he wants to slip into an enemy team without being burst into oblivion. +Tier Range: S (if you’re Vex) to 4 |
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1. Support 2. DS Lane |
A warrior who enjoys setting up kills rather than gathering large amounts of his own, Ormarr is a crowd control machine and one of the premiere roaming supports. |
Ormarr is in a rougher place than usual. He is still a very good support, especially in dive comps. That said, the current meta is tending more towards protect-the-carry compositions, where Ormarr can have a much harder time fitting in. While he can stun those that try to approach his team’s carry, his crowd control isn’t quite reliable enough to be the only thing separating his team’s fragile carry from a team of rapacious invaders. | ||
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1. DS Lane 2. Support |
An aggressive warrior who can survive large amounts of damage as she makes her assault, going completely immune to it when using her ultimate. |
Another patch without any buffs of nerfs coming Astrid’s way, leaving her as a capable, if not a bit lackluster slayer laner. While she has a lot in her kit, she has to either sacrifice either defense or offense in order to excel in the other regard. What’s more, there are so many other fantastic Slayer lane heroes at the moment that she feels weaker than she is by comparison. | ||
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Jungle | An assassin who jumps from opponent to opponent to finish them off in fights, regaining her abilities and health as she does so. |
As people have figured out Butterfly’s new kit, the assassin has proven herself much more capable than she had been previously. While not as tanky as before, Butterfly has a much easier time tearing squishy enemies down than she ever did before the change. The speed boost and slow immunity are huge boosts as well, making the assassin a decent pick for the jungle. |
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1. Support 2. DS Lane |
A tank who supports allies by drawing in enemies and forcing them into attacking as she whittles away their health with her whirling scythe. |
Mina is good, but requires coordination from her team in order to excel. Being able to hook and taunt enemies can guarantee kills, but she can’t do very much on her own. Given that her support does not directly affect allied heroes, it can be more difficult for them to notice just how much use Mina provides to the team and thereby force them to make an early retreat. As the tier list is more catered to a solo queue mindset, we keep her in tier 2, even if she is much more effective in organized play. |
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Support | An excellent baby-sitting tank who offers both passive protection to allies and a large amount of crowd control in fights. |
Lumburr is a decent support tank who can do a lot when it comes to controlling the enemy team. With slows and knock ups at his disposal, the golem can make fights very frustrating for his enemies. That said, he is a bit squishy for a tank and will need more items than others in order to properly intercept attacks for his allies. This frailty keeps him down in tier 2, despite a few spikes in popularity that he has seen. | ||
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1. Damage 2. Jungle |
A marksman able to rip apart clumps of enemies with both explosive ammunition and a long range artillery strike. |
Wisp doles out significant damage, aided by a rare AoE critical bonus on Loose Cannon and Shock and Awe. The issue with her remains the same: increasing damage via Loose Cannon removes her escape tool, while holding on to it means doing very little damage. The marksmen above her on this list are capable of dealing damage without sacrificing as much safety, not to mention are better junglers in this marksman jungler-heavy meta. |
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1. Damage 2. Mid |
Capable of immense amounts of damage that pierces through enemies in a line, Yorn is a powerhouse when able to position himself well. |
Unable to jungle as well as other marksmen, Yorn is in a bit of a frustrating place. The marksman is still capable of immense amounts of damage, undoubtedly. That said, he is close to being left behind by the meta due to his almost exclusive place as a lane marksman. This makes trying to gather gold a bit slow for the sun god as well as leave him more vulnerable to ganks. |
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1. Jungle 2. DS Lane |
Able to completely devastate solo heroes, Wukong relies on critical strikes to deliver heavy amounts of burst damage to enemies. |
Wukong’s biggest weakness is his reliance on RNG. The critical strike assassin is capable of very quickly dispatching enemy carries, but can be left open and helpless should the player be unlucky with a dice roll. Mobile and slippery, the monkey king is far from useless, though players may find playing as him much more frustrating than other assassins who don’t rely on the blessings of RNGsus. | ||
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1. Mid 2. DS Lane |
With poisons that both damage enemies and heal allies, Mganga excels in drawn out fights with his stacking damage of time effects. |
Having shown more potential lately, Mganga has managed to maintain his spot in tier 2. The changes to Berith’s Agony do nothing but benefit the poisonous mage, allowing him to whittle away even more of an enemy’s health and at a faster rate. What’s more, his low cooldown spells allow him to spread his poison around the whole enemy team in fights, making up for his lack of burst damage. |
Tier 3
The heroes in Tier 3 lack in mobility, damage, or utility compared to other heroes.
(Click on a hero for ability mechanics, attack and ability ranges, hero guides, item builds, and more)
Hero | Role | Description |
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1. Mid 2. Support |
Azzen’ka is able to lock down opponents with a number of control abilities, though they can be somewhat difficult to land. Azzen’ka also suffers from extreme lack of mobility and durability. |
While on the upper end of tier 3, Azzen’ka remains too lackluster to climb up to tier 2. His abilities aren’t strong enough to justify how hard they can be to land. What’s more, he doesn’t have much finishing power on his own, relying more on allies to finish enemies off. As mages are often one of their team’s primary damage dealers, this can be very detrimental to the team. | ||
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1. Mid 2. Support |
A mage capable of locking down the entire enemy team with her ultimate, Ilumia can unleash a steady stream of controlling orbs as she spams her abilities. |
Despite having received a few small buffs, Ilumia hasn’t been able to squeak out of tier 3 quite yet. Tencent has been showing the Goddess some love, so she might soon be able to climb her way up, though her mobility and damage are far too low for her to be picked over most other mages in the game. +Tier Range: 2 to 3 |
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1. Jungle 2. DS Lane |
A warrior who grows in power with each kill or assist that he scores, Zanis is able to rip apart even the tankiest of enemies due to his possession of true damage. |
Zanis is more awkward than bad, capable of large amounts of both damage and defense at the same time. He requires the player be rather proactive in seeking out kills and will have a very hard time if he starts to fall behind in the match. In addition, he lacks any sort of jump and thereby can be seen approaching. Zanis players will have to work much harder than most other heroes in order to hit a good power level. +Tier Range: 2 to 3 |
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1. Support 2. DS Lane |
A disruptive tank with the ability to both brawl and pick off targets who are out of position. |
Baldum is fine, but lacks the consistency that most other tanks have. Wild Prison is an incredibly awkward ability and could easily lead to enemies being saved by the ability rather than punished for falling into it. Wild Charge, arguably his strongest ability, doesn’t seem so great when compared with Grakk’s Devil’s Chain or Mina’s Death Scythe – abilities that both cast faster and don’t leave its user dead to rights if missed. | ||
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1. Damage 2. Mid |
A high range marksman who can tear enemies apart with her quick attacks, provided she can stay in a safe position to do so. |
Poor Tel’annas got left behind by the current meta, taking far too long to hit her power spike to keep up with other marksmen. She is incredibly vulnerable while farming as well, making it even more difficult for the archer to get the gold she needs to hit her power spike. She still has potential, but it will have to wait until the next meta shift before it can properly be seen again. | ||
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1. Support 2. Mid |
With a large number of control abilities, Aleister excels at zoning enemies out of fights and setting targets up for his team to pick off. |
Aleister offers a lot of control, but not enough damage to fill the mage slot for the team. Again, mages are regularly one of the bigger damage dealers for their team, so giving damage up in exchange for utility will generally lead to problems. That said, Aleister has the ability to really shine if drafted as a support rather than a mage, his abilities great for setting up kills. #Tier 2 in organized teams |
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1. Being Annoying When Frosty’s Revenge is Equipped 2. Mid |
Dealing sustained damage rather than bursting, Ignis enjoys running around fights and trapping opponents while barraging them with fireballs. |
Ignis is starting to get a few buffs thrown his way but still falls short of most other heroes. The biggest thing he got this patch was the change to Berith’s Agony, his rapid fire abilities great for applying the passive regularly to enemies. | ||
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1. Support 2. Damage |
A control-focused tank, Gildur can set up fights for his allies by trapping groups of enemies with his ultimate or stunning them with his Brilliance. |
Gildur is another hero who leans fully into his ability to control enemies and thereby falls short in most other regards. Despite being listed as a tank, he isn’t terribly durable, and his abilities need a lot of ability power in order to do meaningful amounts of damage. While Gildur players can excel when setting up for allies, he is outclassed by most other mages and tanks in that regard. | ||
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1. Mid 2. Damage |
Excelling in one on one combat, Veera is a simple mage that can deal large amounts of damage to single targets. |
Veera is great one on one, but falls short in any other situation. The random spread of her ultimate makes her ultimate too unreliable in anything but isolated duels and thereby makes her a difficult mage to really excel with. There are too many other picks that do everything Veera does – but better – for Veera to really be considered anything but tier 3. |
Tier 4
Here is our obligatory, “You can still win with Tier 4 heroes.” But why hurt yourself like that?
(Click on a hero for ability mechanics, attack and ability ranges, hero guides, item builds, and more)
Hero | Role | Description |
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1. DS Lane 2. Support |
As all of his abilities damage towers – and two can stun them – Omega can rip down enemy structures rather quickly. |
Omega remains awkward and terrible. His abilities are slow and can easily be dodged, only offering a stun and marginal damage if they manage to hit. Yes, he can do a lot of damage to towers, but Omen and Kil’groth can as well while also being able to contribute elsewhere in the game. | ||
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1. Support 2. DS Lane |
Toro has high durability and thereby can withstand large amounts of enemy fire without much worry. |
Despite receiving a buff, Toro remains the weakest hero in the game. His ranges are too short and his pressure too low for his (admittedly very high) durability to have any meaning. Tencent needs to give the bull a reason for enemies to attack him if they want him to mean anything to the game. They seem indifferent about Toro, however, as he is still not available on the NA, LatAM, or Asia servers. |
Past Hero Tier Lists
- Arena of Valor Hero Tier List Sixth Edition – 2018/07/17
- Arena of Valor Hero Tier List Fifth Edition – 2018/06/08 (contains old KDA, win rate, and play rate statistics)
- Arena of Valor Hero Tier List Fourth Edition – 2018/04/27
- Arena of Valor Hero Tier List Third Edition – 2018/03/08
- Arena of Valor Hero Tier List Second Edition – 2018/01/26
- Arena of Valor Hero Tier List First Edition – 2017/12/21
Let Us Know What You Think!
Don’t agree with our list? Let us know where you disagree in the comments below or at our Twitter or Facebook.
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Hey guys, does anyone know if there’s a new version of the tier list planned yet? The new patch changed things. I’m interessted if maybe Gildur moves from T3 to T2.
We’re currently working on writing it up and getting everything formatted.
boi I can’t wait to see the whole tier list in havoc after this new patch
praise dumbledore
Did you mean tactical maneuver for Moren?
Lauriel just got a buff she should be placed at tier S
Mina is nightmare in group fight, agree. So far, she is really effective if my team mates know her. Sadly, most players, tend to leave her behind and trying to save their own buttocks.
I really Love xeniel, playing him is really fun.But i have to admit that in rhe current meta with such strong split pushers i struggle oftrn to keep my tower against other warriors in the ds lane.one ultimate and my tower could be gone, even though hid utility in teamfights kinda makes up for it.Any expierenced support xeniel players? Any thoughts?
A Tel’Annas vai ser buffada na próxima atualização? Gostaria de saber pois é um herói q eu amo e jogo muito…
Gildur is a good tank but not how he is as a support and with a good player he can keep multiple enemies from doing anything but i do have a question out of all the marksmen which is the best and what heroes counter them
Please add Y’bneth to the tierlist. I am already exicited which Tier he will be in.
Thanks for the update 🙂
I agree to all heros above but Peura/Peyna. She should be in Tier S (or even SS). Her heal (with added attack speed) and ultimate work winder in this meta with 2 marksmen. With her uninterruptible ultimate, she can make her teammates become a semi-Tank in team fights.
This list is for Solo Que, remember that. In organized play, I definitely agree with you.
Thanks a lot
Airi and Chaugnar in the same tier as Moren and Preyta hmm